On 16/11/2011, at 12:36 PM, Sam Ruby wrote:

> My personal perspective is
> that incubation shouldn't generally take more than a year.  That
> doesn't mean that there won't be exceptions, and in a few rare cases,
> some that go well beyond that arbitrary time limit, but the point is
> that those should be the exception rather than the rule.

I agree with that period of time, but would avoid throwing that number around 
too much as they tend to become unwritten rules. A much better criteria is the 
other you've mentioned...

> But
> my feeling is that there needs to be an expectation that a podling
> produces AT THE VERY MINIMUM a credible plan that they are executing
> on which will lead to graduation at some point.  If they fail to
> produce such a plan, or fail to execute on that plan (within reason),
> they should be asked to explain themselves.  If they fail to do so,
> the incubation at the ASF should cease.

For those interested, this was the topic of my talk at ApacheCon this year: 

We ask for these in each podling report, but the "top 3 things" tend to not 
have enough detail (actions to take), or list the wrong types of things without 

I think we should be asking podlings to have a more complete graduation plan by 
their 3rd month - even if it has gaps they know they need to fill, or places it 
may change in future.


Brett Porter

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