
On 16 November 2011 20:47, Noel J. Bergman <n...@devtech.com> wrote:

> From the ASF Board:
>  For now on, all reports to the board for review/inclusion at the
>  board meetings will now be due 1 WEEK before the meeting. Reports
>  submitted late will be declined and you'll need to resubmit the
>  next month.
> This means that Incubator reports really need to be finished by the end of
> the FIRST week of the month.

We need to update http://apache.org/foundation/board/reporting and
http://community.apache.org/boardreport.html to reflect this change and to
be consistent with each other. The pages currently disagree on when
reporting should happen:

"projects due to report need to have their reports ready no later than the
second Wednesday of that month"
"well before the relevant board meeting (at least 48 hours before the
meeting begins)"

Sam suggests reports should actually be due on 1st of each month, but in
further discussion this got a bit fuzzy.

>From Ross, I also hear: "Podling reports at the start of the month
(remember mentors need to
have time to sign off on them); TLP reports the friday before the
meeting; Podling
reports are earlier because the IPMC needs time to review them." -- but I
haven't tracked down the thread with that decision yet.

So which should it be?

asav...@apache.org / cont...@andrewsavory.com

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