On Dec 18, 2011, at 6:54 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:
> On Dec 17, 2011, at 6:16 PM, Niclas Hedhman wrote:
>> I think the Board might have an issue with the 'purpose' of the
>> project (I would if I was in the Board). The formulation
>> " a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and
>> maintenance of open-source software related to persistence, storage,
>> and retrieval middleware for relational and NoSQL databases"

From reading the homepage of the project, I got the initial impression that 
(like stated below) Gora is an ORM framework for column stores (such as 
Cassandra). When reading on, this initial definition is extended, just like the 
formulation above, in a couple of ways:

a) it implies also relational databases are targetted;
b) it extends the scope to all NoSQL databases.

The background of the project does state that it has "limited support for SQL 
databases" and that it "ignores complex SQL mappings" so just out of interest, 
when would you use Gora over for example JDO (or JPA or Hibernate) when using a 
SQL database?

The discussion you might get into with b) is that NoSQL is a very broad term 
and the actual NoSQL implementations vary wildly. You do state you support 
column stores, key-value stores and flat files, so probably summarizing that as 
NoSQL is reasonable.

A further question I have is that Gora has a "specific focus on Hadoop", the 
"main use case for Gora is to access/analyze big data using Hadoop" which seems 
to indicate at least some kind of relation to Hadoop and I would think that 
would be worth mentioning in the formulation above.

>> Also the STATUS page says that Gora is an ORM for column-stores. So,
>> one would ask why has that expanded here.
> ORM for column-stores is largely equivalent to persistence, storage, and 
> retrieval middleware since ORM just expands to "object relational mapping", 
> which is responsible for persistence, storage and retrieval. ORM to me is
> more nebulous, so I formulated and expanded description. 

From my brief analysis above, I'd say the definition on the status page might 
be a bit too narrow (assuming the statements on the homepage do a better job of 
explaining Gora, I have not actually used it). My question about its relation 
to Hadoop remains.

Greetings, Marcel

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