.oO (
40 * * * * ls -d $(pwd)/lists/incubator.apache.org/*private/ > 
.qmail-incubator-ppmcs.t && mv .qmail-incubator-ppmcs.t .qmail-incubator-ppmcs

David Crossley wrote on Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 09:27:20 +1100:
> Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> > Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> > > ...We have p...@apache.org for project PMCs, is there an equivalent for 
> > > podlings?...
> > 
> > Thanks everybody for your suggestions, for now I have added a
> > "ppmc-aliases" ant target to
> > https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/public/trunk/build.xml in
> > revision 1235329.
> > 
> > This generates a list of addresses for the current active podlings
> > based on the site-author/podlings.xml file, which is supposed to be
> > kept up to date.
> As explained on various occasions, this will not be thorough.
> Some have non-standard names, some use a short alternative name,
> some would still be in process of establishing their lists.
> Clutch does this by gathering various hints about their
> list names, then ensuring that archives are available, then
> creating the reporting group lists (in SVN).
> Of course that is for the "dev" lists, but that would provide
> the correct name and availablity. Not that we want Clutch to be
> a central part, although it already is for the marvin reminders.
> -David
> > As suggested, any messages sent to that list of addresses and that can
> > be public should have Reply-to set to general@incubator.apache.org,
> > that I suggest CCing as well.
> > 
> > -Bertrand
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