On Jan 29, 2012, at 11:24 AM, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:

> On 1/29/2012 12:11 AM, Alan D. Cabrera wrote:
>> I intend to nominate Noel J. Bergman but would like to see the community 
>> come to a consensus about the rotation of the chair.  (Dibs on Noel)  :)
> If this goes to a nominations and a ballot, isn't that implicit that
> we've agreed to rotate the chair?

I would rather have a community discussion, consensus and explicit vote about 
the PMC chair rotation and its working parameters on this list before we move 
on to some implicit agreement that began from a, imnsho, premature call for 
nominations on a private list.

> I general, because of the moving parts in incubator, I'd prefer we
> didn't try to rotate annually, but perhaps ever 2 or 3 years, if the
> elected chairs are willing to put up and commit for that long.

That's a good point that I hadn't considered.  Maybe 2-3 years is a good idea.


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