On 31/01/2012 11:08, Mark Struberg wrote:
> Hi Simo!
> Sounds like a really nice project.

Hi Mark,
first of all, thanks.

> But I wonder if there is some overlap with the Apache Shiro project [1]?
> [1] http://shiro.apache.org/

" Apache Shiro is a powerful and easy-to-use Java security framework
that performs authentication, authorization, cryptography, and session
management." - this means that Shiro is an Access Manager.

Identity Manager's duties are about managing virtual user lifecycle,
possible spread across multiple heterogeneous systems. This would
involve: creating / updating / deleting /moving user credentials and
attributes via LDAP / Active Directory / RDMS and so on.

An Identity Manager - like Syncope - is usually working together with an
Access Manager in order to provide a complete IAM (=Identity and Access
Management) solution.

Syncope does not provide yet a connector for interoperating with Shiro,
but this looks like a nice feature to put somewhere in the roadmap.


> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Simone Tripodi <simonetrip...@apache.org>
>> To: general@incubator.apache.org
>> Cc: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 10:14 AM
>> Subject: [DISCUSS] Syncope to Join the Apache Incubator
>> Hi all guys,
>> I would like to propose Syncope, an Open Source system for managing
>> identities in enterprise environments, implemented in JEE technology,
>> originally developed by Tirasa, an Italian IT company, to be an Apache
>> Incubator project.
>> The goal for Syncope is to become the reference implementation for
>> Open Source Identity Management, a middleware area in which there are
>> very few and not yet mature Open Source solutions available.
>> Here's a link to the proposal in the Incubator wiki[1] where we
>> started collecting all needed info.
>> As you will note, the list of mentors is in need of some volunteers,
>> so if you find this interesting, feel free to sign up or let us know
>> you are interested :).
>> Hope to read from you soon, thanks in advance and have a nice day!
>> All the best,
>> Simo
>> [1] http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/SyncopeProposal
>> http://people.apache.org/~simonetripodi/
>> http://simonetripodi.livejournal.com/
>> http://twitter.com/simonetripodi
>> http://www.99soft.org/
Francesco Chicchiriccò

Apache Cocoon Committer and PMC Member

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