
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 5:07 PM, Kevin Minder
<kevin.min...@hortonworks.com> wrote:
> ...Currently all of the mentors are affiliated with Hortonworks as well.  We
> can reach out to a number of other people and organizations that are
> interested in the project to diversify if this is an important consideration
> at this stage....

I think that would be good - just ask for more mentors on this list.
Without such diversity this is basically an all-hortonworks podling,
which is not good IMO.

> ....I
> don't seem to have privs to create http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/knox.
> Would that be the correct place to evolve the proposal?  If so, how do I go
> about creating in?...

Yes, http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/is the right place - just ask
for write access on this list, a [wiki] marker in the subject line
will probably help. I don't think I have the rights to grant that
access myself.


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