Hi all,

I'd like to ask a quick question to know how 3rd party extensions are
handled in other Apache projects. (Historically,) In JSPWiki, all the
custom plugins, filters, templates, etc, made by non committers has been
uploaded to a wiki page at www.jspwiki.org. Each author uploaded his/her
extension to his/her page, taking care of the content of that page, linking
it to relevant pages, etc.

Due to some legal reasons [#1], www.jspwiki.org is/has been in read-only
mode for a while and the need of hosting somewhere new extensions is
beginning to arise. We're considering opneing jira tickets under a
"extensions" component, to be able to track all these extensions, but most
probably it makes much more sense to give people commit access, per
request, to a specific svn repo folder (something similar to the commit
policy followed by Jenkins).

We were wondering if this approach could be feasible under Apache's svn or
if it makes more sense to host these extensions outside Apache infra (a
google code or github account).

What have other projects done on this situation?

thanks & br,
juan pablo

[#1]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JSPWIKI-739

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