On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:42 AM, Upayavira <u...@odoko.co.uk> wrote:

> Just a thought.
> Chris' solution says 'make mentors the initial PMC'. They vote in other
> project team members as appropriate to be peers. This creates a positive
> egalitarian setup which mirrors that of a PMC, which is a good thing.
There was a poddling a while ago that had this approach of having the
initial PPMC be just the mentors. It ended in an argument when the
PPMC/mentors voted in a new committer that the other committers weren't so
keen on, and it ended with the PPMC rebooted to add in all the initial
committers. That approach also goes against the change we made so that
poddlings could vote in their own committers without needing binding votes
from Incubator PMC members.


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