On 15 April 2013 22:56, Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez <
juanpablo.san...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We've held a vote on jspwiki-dev to release 2.9.1-incubating [1].
> The vote on release candidate has been open for more than 72 hours on the
> developer mailing list. After the voting timeframe, we have the following
> voting results:
> - 1 binding vote (from Siegfried Goeschl -mentor-)
> - 4 non-binding votes (from jspwiki developers)
> I'd therefore like to ask now the general incubator to check our release
> candidate. The release notes (fixed issues) are available at the Jira Issue
> Tracker [2].
> [1] http://s.apache.org/iy
> [2]
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12310732&version=12321249
> Please find attached below the concrete details on the release and on the
> vote.
> thanks in advance,
> juan pablo
> ===================================================
> Note that we are voting upon the source (subversion tag and signed
> artifacts). Binaries are provided for convenience only.
However binaries should still have the correct N&L files, and the
DISCLAIMER (for Incubator podlings)

> The tag to be voted upon:
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/jspwiki/tags/jspwiki_2_9_1_incubating_rc1
There's no DISCLAIMER file

The NOTICE file has lots of extra content which is not relevant; the NOTICE
file must be a short as possible, but no smaller.
Like a good poem, it's finished when no more can be taken out.

Note in particular that the NOTICE file must only contain required notices
for bits that are actually included in the enclosing archive.

The year in the NOTICE file looks wrong.

IMO those must be fixed before a release can be signed off.

The LICENSE file is very clear; it's great to have the full jar names with

Probably not a good idea to include the Eclipse .classpath and .project
files in SVN as these files are host-specific. [Not a blocker]
If you want to provide sample versions as a starting point, this can be
done by providing copies with a different name and perhaps path.
For example, Tomcat puts their versions here:


Likewise, the .externalToolBuilders and .settings trees don't belong in SVN
as they are IDE and host-specific.

> Source and binary files, with RAT report:
> http://people.apache.org/~juanpablo/releases/2.9.1-incubating-0-rc1/
There are no signatures (.asc files).

There's not much point in including SHA512 hashes as well as SHA1.
Hashes are really only useful for checking whether the download  succeeded;
as such MD5 and SHA1 are sufficient

> Checksums:
> JSPWiki-2.9.1-incubating-bin.zip
> MD5:    76bf79828fd709fc3dbf2c230dd546ff
> SHA1:   bec05e47b21cdacaa171323d2fe7e28fa2a99574
> SHA512:
> 13b8f33137287a32a04737b7d2dbe3d32651d527983d88f3c89ebe3db1e6428ece93a1d541d9a2224dbd2a12f8a0bf866952d0b65bd0fb90ccd25f668653a954
> JSPWiki-2.9.1-incubating-src.zip
> MD5:    daa25020abeed3762aa901fa6fd35f34
> SHA1:   44075855d753335688e1ea89c8dbf6054d4d506d
> SHA512:
> ecf8e90a9088ca27d0e302fe81b80b996bcf89d24ec816f475055250b7cc6b0e0e8b1ed5a6499a90285b7f8c8485c3cacd1b7985df9fef44b22e01f0035e95b8
Thanks - it's useful to have at least one hash in the vote email as that
helps tie the vote to the archives.

> JSPWiki's KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release:
> http://www.apache.org/dist/incubator/jspwiki/KEYS
Except that there are no signature files...

> [ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Marmotta 3.0.0-incubating
> [ ]  0 I don't feel strongly about it, but I'm okay with the release
> [ ] -1 Do not release this package because...

IMO, there are several blockers that need to be fixed before release.

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