Dear ASF members,

We would like to propose MetaModel for the incubator.

Matt Franklin will be the Champion for this project and the proposal draft
is available at:

Looking forward to all of your suggestions and feedback.


Henry Saputra


= MetaModel – uniform data access across datastores =

Proposal for Apache Incubator

== Abstract ==

MetaModel is a data access framework, providing a common interface for
exploration and querying of different types of datastores.

== Proposal ==

MetaModel provides a uniform meta-model for exploring and querying the
structure of datastores, covering but not limited to relational databases,
various data file formats, NoSQL databases,, SugarCRM and
more. The scope of the project is to stay domain-agnostic, so the
meta-model will be concerned with schemas, tables, columns, rows,
relationships etc.

On top of this meta-model a rich querying API is provided which resembles
SQL, but built using compiler-checked Java language constructs. For
datastores that do not have a native SQL-compatible query engine, the
MetaModel project also includes an abstract Java-based query engine
implementation which individual datastore-modules can adapt to fit the
concrete datastore.

=== Background ===

The MetaModel project was initially developed by to service the
DataCleaner application ( The main requirement was
to perform data querying and modification operations on a wide range of
quite different datastores. Furthermore a programmatic query model was
needed in order to allow different components to influence the query plan.

In 2009, Human Inference acquired the eobjects projects including
MetaModel. Since then MetaModel has been put to extensive use in the Human
Inference products. The open source nature of the project was reinforced,
leading to a significant growth in the community.

MetaModel has successfully been used in a number of other open source
projects as well as mission critical commercial software from Human
Inference. Currently MetaModel is hosted at

=== Rationale ===

Different types of datastores have different characteristics, which always
lead to the interfaces for these being different from one another.
Standards like JDBC and the SQL language attempt to standardize data
access, but for some datastore types like flat files, spreadsheets, NoSQL
databases and more, such standards are not even implementable.

Specialization in interfaces obviously has merit for optimized usage, but
for integration tools, batch applications and or generic data modification
tools, this myriad of specialized interfaces is a big pain. Furthermore,
being able to query every datastore with a basic set of SQL-like features
can be a great productivity boost for a wide range of applications.

=== Initial goals ===

MetaModel is already a stable project, so initial goals are more oriented
towards an adaption to the Apache ecosystem than about functional changes.

We are constantly adding more datastore types to the portfolio, but the
core modules have not had drastic changes for some time.

Our focus will be on making ties with other Apache projects (such as POI,
Gora, HBase and CouchDB) and potentially renaming the ‘MetaModel’ project
to something more rememberable.
This includes comply with Apache Software Foundation license for third
party dependencies.

== Current status ==

=== Meritocracy ===

We intend to do everything we can to encourage a meritocracy in the
development of MetaModel. Currently most important development and design
decisions have been made at Human Inference, but with an open window for
anyone to participate on mailing lists and discussion forums. We believe
that the approach going forward should be more encouraging by sharing all
the design ideas and discussions in the open, not only just the topics that
have been “dragged” into the open by third parties.  We believe that
meritocracy will be further stimulated by granting the control of the
project to an independent committee.

=== Community ===

The community around MetaModel already exists, but we believe it will grow
substantially by becoming an Apache project. With MetaModel used in a wide
range of both open and closed source application, both at Human Inference
(HIquality MDM), it’s open source projects DataCleaner, SassyReader and
AnalyzerBeans and by other parties (such as the Quipo data warehouse
automation project), we believe that the critical mass to sustain a
community is there.

=== Core developers ===

MetaModel was founded by Kasper Sørensen in 2009. Later it was incorporated
as a core library by Human Inference, meaning that more than 20 developers
have been involved in its making in this commercial setting. Furthermore a
smaller number of contributors have submitted patches for the library.
Others have started building other interesting data-oriented libraries on
top of MetaModel, for instance the ‘vasc’ open source project by Willem
Cazander, which is an implementation of the Java Persistence API (JPA) for
all the datastores supported by MetaModel.

=== Alignment ===

MetaModel already makes good usage of existing Apache projects such as POI,
CouchDB and OpenOffice. Furthermore developers from the Apache Gora project
have indicated a need for a project like MetaModel to solve specific
uniform datastore access needs.

== Known risks ==

=== Orphaned products ===

The contributors and the contributing organization (Human Inference) have a
very strong dependence on MetaModel already and will continue to have that
for a long time. The continued need for this vendor to support new types of
datastores and maintain existing functionality will ensure that MetaModel
is not in the risk of being orphaned.

=== Inexperience with Open Source ===

MetaModel is already open source, and has been so for many years. Main
contributors of the project have also contributed to other open source
projects such as DataCleaner and Apache Mahout. The openness of Apache is
arguably more extensive, but we are only encouraged and delighted to be
handling the project in a more open manner.

=== Homogenous Developers ===

Frequent committers are currently located in Denmark, The Netherlands and
India. They are used to working in a distributed environment.

=== Reliance on Salaried Developers ===

Initial committers for MetaModel will depends on salaried based developers
to contribute to this project, but given the dependence on MetaModel from
both commercial and open source projects, the project would continue
without issue if no salaried developers contributed to the project.

The goal is build diverse community to contribute back to MetaModel project.

=== Relationship with Other Apache Products ===

MetaModel depends on several Apache products including: commons-lang,
commons-io, commons-codec, http-components, POI, CouchDB, OpenOffice and

Furthermore MetaModel is built by Apache Maven.

=== An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===

The ASF has a strong brand, and that brand is in itself very attractive.

We are interested in joining the ASF in order to increase our contacts and
visibility in the open source world.
Furthermore, we have been enthusiastic users of Apache Software Foundation
projects, and would feel honored by getting the opportunity to join and
contribute back to the community.

== Documentation ==

Information on MetaModel can be found at:

=== Initial source ===

MetaModel has been developed since 2009 and have undergone a couple of
major changes (indicated by the 2.x and 3.x versions).

The code is used in mission critical systems and is considered very stable
and high performing.

The source includes a fork of the xBaseJ project’s code, which will be
removed upon incubation. This code was originally GPL licensed, but granted
with a special license to MetaModel to be forked and relicensed using the
current LPGL license of MetaModel.

Removal of the xBaseJ code will effectively mean that the Apache variant of
MetaModel will not have support for dBase database files. We imagine that
the dBase module could live on as a separate pluggable module under the
LGPL license, outside of Apache.

=== External dependencies ===

The dependencies all have Apache compatible licenses. These include BSD and
MIT licensed dependencies.

== Required resources ==

=== Mailing lists ===

 * metamodel-private (with moderated subscription)
 * metamodel-dev
 * metamodel-commits

=== Subversion directory ===
A subversion (
or git (
repository is needed.

Currently MetaModel’s code is hosted at will be moved to an Apache

=== Issue tracking ===


=== Other resources ===

We would like to have wiki page located at:

In later development phase a set of database servers (specifically MongoDB,
CouchDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server (Express), Firebird) should be
made available for integration testing.
Currently this is done internally at Human Inference.

=== Initial committers ===

Kasper Sørensen ( [at], Project Founder,
works at Human Inference

Ankit Kumar (ak.ankitkumar [at], works at Human Inference

Sameer Arora (sameer11sep [at]

Henry Saputra (hsaputra [at]

Juan José van der Linden (delostilos [at], works for Quipu

Arvind Prabhakar (arvind at apache dot org)

Matt Franklin (mfranklin at apache dot org)

== Sponsors ==

=== Champion ===

Matt Franklin (mfranklin at apache dot org)

=== Nominated mentors ===

Henry Saputra  (hsaputra at apache dot org)

Arvind Prabhakar (arvind at apache dot org)

Matt Franklin (mfranklin at apache dot org)

=== Sponsoring entity ===

The Apache Incubator.

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