The question here is not CEO's involvement. But rather the way everything
reacted. Nobody likes to be accused for doing good things right? I am truly
interested about the project but I do fear what will happen according to
the mails sent by initial committers.. Also I didn't add my name to the
wiki - I asked the *previous champion* of the project to add me to the
initial committer list.

You guys blame many people from one company coming in and then says that
they shouldn't backdown. It's contradiction on it's own. So let's see
things as it is -

# First I was interested in the User-grid project coming under the apache
# I wanted to contribute and help the project and mold it into a better one
# I asked the *previous champion* to add us to the initial committer list
# I get accused as *pilling* (this partly accuse WSO2 as well)
# Sanjiva ask us not get involved in the project since the *current
community* isn't welcoming
# I withdraw my committer requests since the *current community* is
accusing us for pilling

*Minions aren't obliging*. I personally feel disrespected in the way people
accuse each other for having underlying agendas. I was asking to contribute
not *kill* the project. If we have a misunderstanding we should clear it
out without disrespecting each other.

PS: Also any sane person who looked at all the threads will never feel like
contributing if they are been accused of. I personally get the feeling that
apigee has coveted mission in bringing User-grid to Apache and not having
other's involved in it. But hey all this can be a misunderstanding.


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