+1 (binding)


On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 12:57 AM, Dave <snoopd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I would like to call for a new vote on Usergrid, a multi-tenant
> Backend-as-a-Service stack for web & mobile applications based on RESTful
> APIs, as an Apache Incubator podling.
> The original proposal has been revised to name Dave Johnson as the Champion
> and to bring Jim Jagielski back in as a Mentor and to add John Lewis
> Mcgibbney as a Mentor. I also add some text to the Initial Committers
> section and a new Interested Contributors section to list those who have
> expressed interest in contributing.
> Here is a link to the revised proposal:
>    https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/UsergridProposal
> It is also pasted below:
> = Usergrid Proposal =
> == Abstract ==
> Usergrid is a multi-tenant Backend-as-a-Service stack for web & mobile
> applications, based on RESTful APIs.
> == Proposal ==
> Usergrid is an open-source Backend-as-a-Service (“BaaS” or “mBaaS”)
> composed of an integrated distributed NoSQL database, application layer and
> client tier with SDKs for developers looking to rapidly build web and/or
> mobile applications. It provides elementary services (user registration &
> management, data storage, file storage, queues) and retrieval features
> (full text search, geolocation search, joins) to power common app features.
> It is a multi-tenant system designed for deployment to public cloud
> environments (such as Amazon Web Services, Rackspace, etc.) or to run on
> traditional server infrastructures so that anyone can run their own private
> BaaS deployment.
> For architects and back-end teams, it aims to provide a distributed, easily
> extendable, operationally predictable and highly scalable solution.
> For front-end developers, it aims to simplify the development process by
> enabling them to rapidly build and operate mobile and web applications
> without requiring backend expertise.
> == Background ==
> Developing web or mobile applications obviously necessitates writing and
> maintaining more than just front-end code. Even simple applications can
> implicitly rely on server code being run to store users, perform database
> queries, serve images and video files, etc. Developing and maintaining such
> backend services requires skills not always available or expected of app
> development teams. Beyond that, the proliferation of apps inside of
> companies leads to the creation of many different, ad-hoc, unequally
> maintained backend solutions created by employees and contractors alike and
> hosted on a wide variety of environments. This is causing poor resource
> usage, operational issues, as well as security, privacy & compliance
> concerns.
> In response to this problem, companies have long tried to standardize their
> server-side stack or unify them behind an ESB or API strategy.
> Backends-as-a-Service follow a similar approach but their unique
> characteristic is strongly tying  1) a persistence tier (typically a
> database), 2) a server-side application tier delivering a set of common
> services and 3) a set of client-side application interface mechanisms. For
> example, a BaaS could package 1) MongoDB with 2) a node.js application that
> offers access through 3) WebSockets. In the case of Usergrid, the trifecta
> is 1) Cassandra, 2) Java + Jersey and 3) a RESTful API.
> The Backend-as-a-Service approach has steadily gained popularity in the
> last few years with cloud providers such Parse.com, Stackmob.com and
> Kinvey.com, each operating tens of thousands of apps for tens of thousands
> of developers. The trend has already reached large organizations as well,
> with global companies such as Korea Telecom internally building a
> privately-run BaaS platform. But so far, there have been limited options
> for developers that want a non-proprietary, open option for hosting and
> providing these services themselves, or for enterprise and government users
> who want to provide these capabilities from their own data centers,
> especially on a very large scale.
> == Rationale ==
> The issue this proposal deals with is implicit in the name.
> Backend-as-a-Service platforms are usually offered solely as proprietary
> cloud services. They are typically closed sourced, hosted on public clouds,
> and require subscription payment. Usergrid opens the playing field, by
> making a fully-featured BaaS platform freely available to all. This
> includes developers that previously could not afford them, such as mobile
> enthusiasts, small boutiques, and cost-sensitive startups. This also
> includes large companies that benefit from a reference implementation they
> can deploy in trust, or extend to their needs without losing time writing
> less-vetted, less-performant boilerplate functionality.
> Usergrid has been open source since 2011 and has grown as an independent
> project, garnering 11 primary committers, 35 total contributors, 260+
> participants on its mailing list, with 3,700+ commits, 200+ external
> contributions, 350+ stars and 100+ forks on Github, not to mention several
> large scale production deployments at major global companies in the media,
> retail, telecommunication and government spaces.
> The Apache Software Foundation's "Way", by putting community before the
> code, will help Usergrid establish a vibrant, more diverse community to
> provide these features freely to downstream users. The incubation process
> will help build this community and clear out the cobwebs, while vetting the
> IP to provide a pristine ASLv2 licensed product to users. Under such
> conditions, our hope is that Usergrid will have a brighter future, and
> provide better assurances as an independent organic open source project,
> instead of continuing forward as a project sponsored by a handful of
> companies.
> == Initial Goals ==
> We have no serious codebase concerns at the present moment. Besides vetting
> the IP by making sure the dependencies are Apache License 2.0 compatible,
> our main initial concern is to grow community and keep adding features to
> make Usergrid as robust as possible. However some logistics based goals
> include:
>   * Move the existing code base to Apache
>   * Integrate with the Apache development process
>   * Ensure all dependencies are compliant with Apache License 2.0
>   * Set up open-source docs and website
>   * Incremental development and releases per Apache Guidelines
> == Current Status ==
> === Meritocracy ===
> The project team's goals have always been to grow the community by
> encouraging contributors to participate. The project has grown steadily and
> smoothly from the efforts of the original creator and project founder (Ed
> Anuff) to a small circle of committers (at Apigee), to a distributed,
> multi-vendor community (Apigee and Korea Telecom) that also includes
> outside committers (Globo and others), as well as non-salaried committers.
> Together we discuss the project’s goals and roadmap openly, making drastic
> yet positive changes to the project's direction based on everyone's input.
> Our goal is to drive further community diversification in a way that only a
> foundation-sponsored project can achieve, rather than what a vendor-led
> project can accomplish.
> === Community ===
> We have a public Google Group for support here:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!forum/usergrid with over 250
> active
> participants, 367 threads and new messages every day. Usergrid also has an
> active community on Github issues (with over 200 discussions):
> https://github.com/apigee/usergrid-stack/issues?state=all. Some of these
> users have contributed their open applications back to the community or
> have built their own new SDKs for Usergrid found here on Github:
> https://github.com/search?q=usergrid&source=cc.
> Expanding and nurturing the Usergrid community is our primary concern and
> one of the main reasons for the decision to apply for incubation.  Usergrid
> has been developed openly on Github for many years and has enjoyed active
> developer participation by a committers from all over the globe.  However,
> due to the disparate nature and wide variety of the Github repos that
> comprise the Usergrid project (the Usergrid-stack, 8 separate SDKs, the
> Admin Portal, and various samples), it has been challenging to grow a
> unified community.  Bringing the entire project under the umbrella of
> Apache will promote a unification of the Usergrid community and enable all
> developers to collaborate on the project.
> === Core Developers ===
> The core developers include Apache Committers, PMC Members, and Members of
> the ASF. The developers, some of whom have have been involved with the
> Apache Incubator and Apache Lucene as PMC members, are active mentors and
> have participated in and contributed to several projects: i.e. Apache,
> Lucene, Cassandra, Hibernate, Directory, Wicket, Commons, Roller, MINA,
> Karaf, Felix, Cloud Stack, HCatalog, and Commons projects. Many of them are
> also active in Open-source beyond code, and have positions on the
> committees or organization such as OSCON.
> === Alignment ===
> The initial code base leverages several Apache Software Foundation
> products. Usergrid leverages Apache Cassandra for its scalable data store,
> and uses Maven for its build system. Almost half of Usergrid's dependencies
> are Apache dependencies:
>   * Apache Cassandra
>   * Apache Tomcat
>   * Apache Commons
>   * Apache ZooKeeper
>   * Apache Shiro
>   * Apache Amber
>   * Apache Thrift
>   * Apache ActiveMQ
>   * Apache HttpClient
>   * Apache Lucene
>   * Apache JClouds
> Besides these direct alignments, Usergrid also complements Apache Cordova
> and could provide several advantages to the mobile application developer
> community they serve.
> == Known Risks ==
> === Orphaned products ===
> There are now at least two vendors running Usergrid in product. Apigee is
> an established startup with a large, diversified customer roster and Korea
> Telecom is a major, national telecommunications company. The continuity of
> Usergrid, as an open-source, vendor-independent product are in the interest
> of all parties. Beyond the vendors, Globo.com and many others large
> companies have been relying on Usergrid for critical applications and as
> such they are committed to contributing to the effort.
> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> The Usergrid project has been open source and under the ALv2 for 2 years on
> Github and many of its contributors came with previous open-source
> experience, (as referenced above), including active members of these
> communities:
>   * Apache
>   * Cassandra (& Hector)
>   * Lucene
>   * Hibernate
>   * CouchDB
>   * PhoneGap
>   * jQuery
> Development in this open forum has resulted in a growing community of
> contributors, and the Usergrid project is now ready and eager to embrace
> and learn from Apache's wealth of experience. Usergrid would like to
> embrace an even greater culture of open participation as witnessed on so
> many Apache projects.
> === Homogenous Developers ===
> The core development team for Usergrid is a geographically and
> technologically diverse group. Apigee’s team is itself distributed, with
> contributors based in each timezone in the continental US. Additional
> regular contributors have joined us from India, Asia, Oceania, South
> America, the Middle East and Europe. While roughly half of our core
> developers come from a Java background, the other half is comprised of iOS,
> Ruby, and JavaScript developers.
> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> Most of the principal developers are paid by their employers to contribute,
> but not all. Throughout the life of the project, we’ve seen passionate,
> personal commitment from all parties, as evidenced by our commit
> distribution on weekends (
> https://github.com/apigee/usergrid-stack/graphs/punch-card). We also
> believe, given the growing interest in mobile API services and the range of
> individuals and corporations that are eager to participate, that
> non-salaried contributions will grow. We know the "The Apache Way" will
> help us further accelerate this process.
> === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> There's much potential for collaboration with Apache Cordova and, of
> course, the Cassandra community because of the underlying foundations of
> Usergrid's scalability. In the future there may be more interactions with
> any of the communities that Usergrid has direct dependencies to.
> === A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> Although we are aware of the strength of the Apache brand, we are primarily
> interested in the transforming power of the Apache Way to help guide
> Usergrid towards a more diversified and meritocratic community. To that
> end, the brand's primary benefit for us is to help to attract more
> participants and diversify the community. Having several committers, PMC
> participants, and members of Apache as developers on Usergrid, there's
> little infatuation with the brand, and the Usergrid community is actively
> conscious of this not being a driver for joining the Apache community.
> == Documentation ==
> Information on Usergrid can be found at:
> https://developers.apigee.com/app-services.
> == Initial Source ==
> All initial sources can be found here: https://github.com/usergrid
> == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
> The IP transfer for Usergrid is trivial due to it's single source and
> existing ASLv2 licensing.
> == External Dependencies ==
> Most dependencies are Apache compatible licenses (Category A). A small set
> of Category B licenses, like the CDDL exists. For more details please see
> Dependency Licenses.
> == Cryptography ==
> Not relevant to Usergrid since all code dealing with cryptography already
> comes from the JDK or from dependencies on  Apache Software.
> == Required Resources ==
> === Mailing lists ===
>   * priv...@usergrid.incubator.apache.org (moderated)
>   * d...@usergrid.incubator.apache.org
>   * comm...@usergrid.incubator.apache.org
> === Subversion Directory ===
> We prefer to use Git as our source control system: git://
> git.apache.org/usergrid/. If possible, we would like to keep leveraging
> the
> extremely useful github facilities for workflow using a process much like
> that employed by the Apache Cordova project (documented here
> http://wiki.apache.org/cordova/ContributorWorkflow).
> === Issue Tracking ===
> JIRA Usergrid (USERGRID)
> === Other Resources ===
> None.
> == Initial Committers ==
> Below are the initial committers for the project. This list will be used by
> the mentors to setup initial accounts. The podling will learn how to
> recruit additional committers during the incubation period and all
> interested contributors are encouraged to show up and start contributing
> once the podling has infrastructure in place.
>   * Alberto Leal <albert...@gmail.com> (Globo.com)
>   * Dave Johnson <snoopd...@apache.org> (Apigee)
>   * Ed Anuff <e...@anuff.com> (Apigee)
>   * Nate McCall <zznat...@gmail.com> (The Last Pickle)
>   * Rod Simpson <r...@rodsimpson.com> (Apigee)
>   * Scott Ganyo <scottga...@apache.org> (Apigee)
>   * Shaozhuang Liu <st...@hibernate.org> (Easemob, Inc.)
>   * Sungju Jin <sun...@softwaregeeks.org> (Korea Telecom)
>   * Tim Anglade <timangl...@gmail.com> (Apigee)
>   * Todd Nine <todd.n...@gmail.com> (Apigee)
> == Interested Contributors ==
> Below are the people who have expressed interested in contributing to
> Usergrid via the Apache Software Foundation:
>   * C.S.Nirmal J. Fernando <nirmal070...@gmail.com> (WSO2)
>   * Dulitha Rasanga Wijewantha <dulit...@gmail.com> (WSO2)
>   * Imesh Gunaratne <im...@apache.org> (WSO2)
>   * Niranjan Karunanandham <niranjan.k...@gmail.com> (WSO2)
> == Affiliations ==
>   * Apigee
>   * Easemob, Inc.
>   * Korea Telecom
>   * Globo.com
>   * The Last Pickle
> == Sponsors ==
> === Champion ===
>   * Dave Johnson <snoopd...@apache.org>
> === Nominated Mentors ===
>   * Jake Farrell <jfarr...@apache.org>
>   * Jim Jagielski <j...@apache.org>
>   * Dave Johnson <snoopd...@apache.org>
>   * Lewis John Mcgibbney <lewis.mcgibb...@gmail.com>
>   * Luciano Resende <lrese...@apache.org>
> === Sponsoring Entity ===
> Incubator PMC

*Afkham Azeez*
Director of Architecture; WSO2, Inc.; http://wso2.com,
*Member; Apache Software Foundation;
*email: **az...@wso2.com* <az...@wso2.com>* cell: +94 77 3320919
blog: **http://blog.afkham.org* <http://blog.afkham.org>*
twitter: **http://twitter.com/afkham_azeez*<http://twitter.com/afkham_azeez>
linked-in: **http://lk.linkedin.com/in/afkhamazeez*
*Lean . Enterprise . Middleware*

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