Ups! Due to tons of $realtime work recently I missed to push the Ripple report.
I am going after that asap. Are you accepting it if it comes soonish?

Btw, in almost all podling esp the smaller communities I have to remind the reports, even when there was Marvin. It feels as people would ignore marvin, because they know how to do it when I remind them. Thats just a non-representative observation.

On 7 Oct 2013, at 6:19, Marvin Humphrey wrote:

On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 11:29 AM, Dave Fisher <> wrote:

Dave Fisher       DeviceMap
Dave Fisher       Spark

Although there are no reports yet.

On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 11:45 AM, Matt Franklin <> wrote:

Missing the ODF Toolkit report for this month.

Lots of late or missing reports this month!

As of the due date last Wednesday, 8 podlings out of 16 had not reported:

*   Chukwa
*   DeviceMap
*   Helix
*   ODF Toolkit
*   Ripple
*   Samza
*   Spark
*   Stratos

Since then, Chukwa and Helix filed their reports late Saturday; Spark filed a report today -- *after* Dave Fisher had filed his shepherding commentary, which concludes with the sentence "I'm not sure why they have not reported

It's inconvenient to receive podling reports late. Mentors have less time to sign off and possibly comment; shepherds don't get to take the podling's own
self-examination into account when conducting their reviews.

Perhaps it would be better if we ask late podlings to file next month instead. That's what the Board asks TLPs to do when their reports show up too late.

In the past, the Incubator PMC has not done a good job of following up when reports are missed entirely, arguably contributing to our losing track of low-activity podlings and delaying intervention. I've started doing it a bit, though I've missed at least one (NPanday did not file in August but there was no followup AFAIK). It might be nice to build a remedy into the reporting run
book -- something like this:

 After filing the report, perform the following steps for each podling
 which did not report:

* Edit podlings.xml to set the "monthly" reporting attribute for the
 *   Send a message to the podling's dev list requesting that they
     file an out-of-cycle report next month as a makeup.

One possible contributing factor is that podlings are still not getting a full week's notice to file their reports. Sure, reporting isn't a huge task,
but when you're new to creating reports it takes much longer.

The argument that podlings ought to just know these dates and file on time rather than relying on reminders[1] simply isn't getting the job done. I think we'd get better results if we expect punctuality from podlings, set a good example by demonstrating punctuality ourselves, and express lenience by
requesting that a podling report next month rather than by accepting a
report too
late to give it the attention it deserves.

The problem is that at present the reminders have to be sent out manually[2], and despite the best of intentions, humans are not ideal replacements for cron jobs. It's time to ask again: what would it take to get those reminders firing with unerring reliability three weeks before the Board meeting? Is it
realistic to attempt a patch eliminating the need for an svn password?

Marvin Humphrey


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