Thanks a lot for your comments Marvin. They were very encouraging.

Scott Deboy just pinged me that he joins the ranks of log4cxx mentors.
He is also is involved in Apache Logging.

I am going to call a vote!

On 4 Dec 2013, at 20:12, Marvin Humphrey wrote:

On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 12:30 AM, Christian Grobmeier
<> wrote:
Since there are no other interested mentors: would you folks object if we
start anyway?

Sounds like a throwback to the early days of the Incubator when I hear there
was only one Mentor per podling. :)  +1, go ahead!

The podling will probably have a comparatively easy incubation, since several aspects are already taken care of. Not having to deal with IP clearance makes things much simpler. Depending on how quickly the new community masters the
Apache Way, incubation could be over within a few months.

I don't see any problem with what you've proposed as far as reusing existing resources. We might not make such exceptions every time, but they seem fine in this unusual case. It's nice that there is minimal impact on Infra.

I feel a bit alone with my proposal. Given the size of the IPMC thats a bit

This seems like an excellent opportunity for people who are less experienced or perhaps not members of the IPMC yet to try their hand at mentoring. Given your expertise and dedication, someone with less experience could offer advice to the podling and feel confident that you would be there to back them up or
provide subtle correction as necessary.

Be sure to let private@incubator know if anybody shows up to help and deserves
to be nominated for the IPMC. :)

Marvin Humphrey

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