Hi Chip,

Like most initial incubator projects, I think you just need dev and
private lists for start and maybe add user list later?

- Henry

On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 7:28 AM, Chip Childers <chipchild...@apache.org> wrote:
> The Brooklyn project [1] community is interested in moving to the ASF.  They
> have worked within their community to create a proposal [2] for the
> Incubator, and have managed to get agreement from 2 IPMC members to
> mentor them if accepted (Matt Hogstrom and Alex Karasulu).
> This is the discussion thread for this proposal.  We would also like to
> solicit contributions from additional IPMC members willing to mentor the
> potential podling.  Anyone interested?
> -chip
> [1] http://brooklyncentral.github.io/
> [2] https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/BrooklynProposal
> Proposal follows:
> = Apache Brooklyn =
> == Abstract ==
> Brooklyn is a framework for modeling, monitoring, and managing
> applications through autonomic blueprints.
> == Proposal ==
> Brooklyn is about deploying and managing applications: composing a full
> stack for an application; deploying to cloud and non-cloud targets;
> using monitoring tools to collect key health/performance metrics;
> responding to situations such as a failing node; and adding or removing
> capacity to match demand.
> A Brooklyn blueprint defines an application, using a declarative YAML
> syntax supporting JVM plugins. A basic blueprint might comprise a single
> process, such as a web-application server running a WAR file or a SQL
> database and its associated DDL scripts. More complex blueprints
> encompass combinations of processes across multiple machines and
> services, such as a load-balancing HTTP server or SDN controller
> fronting a cluster of J2EE application servers, in turn connected to a
> resilient cluster of SQL database servers. Even larger clustered
> application running in multiple regions can be described, with features
> such as message buses with resilient brokers, cacheing tiers of NoSQL
> key-value store servers, a high-availability database cluster and
> multiple application components connected across these layers.
> One main benefit of these blueprints is that they are composable:
> best-practice blueprints for one process or pattern (e.g. a Cassandra
> cluster) can be incorporated in other blueprints (e.g. an application
> with a Cassandra cluster as one component). Another major benefit is
> that the blueprints can be treated as source code as part of an
> applications codebase: tested, tracked, versioned, and hardened as an
> integral part of the devops process. In some ways, Brooklyn is to
> run-time what Maven is to build-time.
> Brooklyn knows about Chef, Salt, and similar tools, and APT and Yum and
> plain old shell scripts, for deploying application components.
> Blueprints are built from a mixture of both off-the-shelf packages such
> as Tomcat, MySQL, Cassandra, and many more from our library; and
> components that are bespoke to individual applications; together with
> policies that allow the application to be self-managing.
> Brooklyn is built for the cloud, and will take a blueprint and deploy it
> to one of many supported clouds or even to multiple different clouds, or
> to private infrastructure (bring-your-own-node), or to other platforms.
> It will dynamically configure and connect all the different components
> of an application, e.g. so load balancers know where the web servers are
> and the web applications know where the database is.
> Brooklyn collects key metrics to monitor the health of applications; for
> example, by sending a request and measuring latency, or installing
> monitoring tools and using those to read a server’s management interface
> to determine the request queue length. These metrics can be fed into
> policies, which automatically take actions such as restarting a failed
> node, or scaling out the web tier if user demand exceeds capacity. This
> allows an application to be self-managing: to recover itself from simple
> failures, to scale out when demand increases and meet capacity; then
> scale in as demand drops and stop paying for spare capacity.
> In short, Brooklyn blueprints allow the best practices for deploying and
> managing complex software to be codified as part of the software
> development process.
> === Background ===
> Brooklyn is a product built from the ground up for application agility.
> This includes portability across non-cloud, cloud, and PaaS targets;
> devops-style infrastructure-as-code applied to applications; and
> real-time autonomic management based on promise theory. Some
> introductions to these concepts, associated tools, and open
> specifications may be useful.
> Cloud computing at its core is about provisioning resources on-demand.
> The most widely known aspect is IaaS (infrastructure-as-a-service) such
> as Amazon EC2, Softlayer, Google Cloud Platform, Apache CloudStack, or
> OpenStack. By leveraging the Apache jclouds project (and contributing
> heavily to it), the Brooklyn project is able to work with a large number
> of such providers. Higher up the stack, however, there is an
> increasingly diverse set of platform targets, from PaaS
> (platform-as-a-service) such as Cloud Foundry and Apache Stratos,
> through to myriad containers and runtime fabrics such as LXC/Docker,
> Apache Mesos, Apache Karaf, Apache Hadoop, and Apache Usergrid and other
> backend-as-a-service environments. Brooklyn is based on the premise that
> applications may need to run in any or all of these, and the model must
> be flexible and open enough to support this.
> The buzzword-compliant trends of agile and devops have reinforced many
> important lessons:
>  * The truth is in the code (not any ancillary documents)
>  * If it isn't tested then assume it isn't working
>  * Toolchain integration and API's are key to a project's success
>  * Even more critical is empowering all stakeholders to a project
>  * Brooklyn's focus on blueprinting and modeling as code and API's
>    serves these principles.
> Another major influence on the design of Brooklyn are the ideas of
> autonomic computing and promise theory. It is not necessary to have a
> thorough understanding of these to use Brooklyn, but contributors tend
> to become versed in these ideas quickly. Essentially, autonomics is
> based on the concept of components looking after themselves where
> possible (self-healing, self-optimizing, etc), and exposing a sensor
> (data outputs) and effector (operations) API where they may need to
> controlled by another element. Promise theory extends this approach by
> introducing the idea that communicating intent (through promises) is a
> more reliable basis for complex cooperating systems than
> obligation-based effectors. Tools such as CF Engine, Chef, Puppet,
> Ansible, and Salt apply promise theory to files and processes on
> machines; Brooklyn can leverage all of these tools, complementing it
> with an application-oriented model.
> Finally we note some emerging standards in this area. OASIS CAMP (Cloud
> Application Management for Platforms) and TOSCA (Topology and
> Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications) both define YAML
> application models similar to Brooklyn's. CAMP focuses on the REST API
> for interacting with such a management layer, and TOSCA focuses on
> declarative support for more sophisticated orchestration. Currently
> Brooklyn uses a YAML which complies with CAMP's syntax and exposes many
> of the CAMP REST API endpoints. We would like to support the
> hot-off-the-press TOSCA YAML and expand the CAMP REST API coverage.
> === Rationale ===
> Building and deploying applications in the cloud computing era has
> changed many things. Provision a bare server just-in-time, and use
> automated tools to install an application. Use APIs to add the server to
> a load balancer. When load goes up, provision another server; when load
> drops, kill a server to save money.
> Many new tools have appeared that take advantage of this new era.
> However each of them only solve part of the problem and don’t consider
> the big picture. For example, configuration management tools such as
> Chef can, in a single command, provision a new cloud server then install
> and configure an application -- but they require extra programming to
> reconfigure an load balancer whenever the pool of web servers changes.
> Amazon Auto Scaling can provision new servers and update load balancers,
> but it is dependent on CloudWatch -- this means either using proxy
> metrics such as average response time, or writing more code to expose an
> application’s real metrics. A dedicated monitoring tool may be able to
> easily monitor the key metrics with little effort, but its alerts will
> need to be integrated it into the server provisioning process.
> So all the tools are there to to create and manage a cloud-scale
> application that can adapt to demand to meet user expectations without
> wasting money on superfluous services - but you will need several such
> tools and it is up to you to integrate them into your deployment plan.
> Some of these tools -- such as the Amazon Web Services web of EC2,
> CloudWatch, AutoScaling and CloudFormation -- mean that you may suffer
> from lock-in. Related projects in OpenStack (Heat, Ceilometer, Murano,
> Solum, etc) provide similar functionality but again for a restricted
> target. The most common policies (such as minimising request latency)
> may be easy, but less common policies such as follow-the-sun and
> follow-the-moon [1] may be up to you to implement. Your scaling policies
> may understand that "high demand = add another server", but may not
> understand requirements such as some clustered services requiring an odd
> number of instances to prevent voting deadlocks.
> In this context the advantage of Brooklyn becomes apparent: a single
> tool is able to manage provisioning and application deployment, monitor
> an application’s health and metrics, understand the dependencies between
> components (such as knowing that adding a new web server means that the
> load balancer needs reconfiguration) and apply complex policies to
> manage the application. The tool provides a REST API and a GUI, and
> allows the autonomic blueprints to be treated as an integral part of the
> application. With Brooklyn, these policies become modular components
> which can be reused and easily added to blueprints.
> [1] Follow-the-sun refers to provisioning servers in network locations
> close to users. User activity levels typically correlates to the time of
> day, with most activity during daylight hours and less during the night.
> Looking at a map showing daylight hours and server activity, demand
> patterns will tend to “follow the sun”. Follow-the-moon refers to the
> converse, that many compute facilities will be under-utilised during the
> night, and cheaper pricing may be available on spot markets at these
> times. Therefore, the location of the cheapest compute resources will
> tend to “follow the moon”.
> === Initial Goals ===
> Brooklyn is a project in active development with some production
> deployments, although it is currently at version 0.7.0-M1.
> Our initial goals are to ensure that Brooklyn adopts the Apache Way, to
> grow the community, and to continue development towards a 1.0 release
> which makes a much-increased community very very happy.
> == Current Status ==
> === Meritocracy ===
> We firmly believe in meritocracy. Since it was open sourced in April
> 2012, Brooklyn has followed a published governance model based on
> several Apache projects where Brooklyn members have been active.
> Contributions can be made by anyone and are accepted after tests pass
> and at least one committer has reviewed it (and checked the CLAs).
> Contributors with a strong track record are invited to become committers
> and join the management committee. We welcome the opportunity for
> talented developers to become committers and join the PMC.
> === Community ===
> Brooklyn currently has a very active but small and homogenous community.
> The core team is aligned to a single corporation, with just a few code
> contributions externally. A larger and more diverse group of individuals
> and companies are using Brooklyn, building blueprint projects with
> Brooklyn dependenies, and discussing issues on the mailing list and in
> pull requests. These numbers are growing slowly.
> It is important that we foster and expand this community and attract
> more diversity to our core team.
> There are two routes to growing the community which are particularly
> noteworthy, and both are rendered more attractive by moving Brooklyn to
> Apache. ISV's and other projects can engage with the community as they
> require blueprinting capabilities, including several Apache projects for
> which Brooklyn blueprints already exist (see below). Secondly, some
> enterprises and large organizations are already using Brooklyn and are
> keen to see its future safeguarded by the Apache Foundation.
> === Core Developers ===
> The following core developers are proposed, being the current set of
> committers to Brooklyn:
> Alex Heneveld, the creator of Brooklyn, is active with several open
> source projects (Apache jclouds, Apache Whirr, OpenStack) and standards
> groups (OASIS CAMP & TOSCA) in the area of application management. He
> co-founded Cloudsoft Corporation in 2009, where he currently serves as
> CTO.
> Aled Sage brings over a decade’s experience developing distributed
> applications, mostly in the enterprise sector but with an extensive list
> of open source project contributions. Particular areas of interest
> include concurrency, fault tolerance and transactional semantics.
> Andrew Kennedy is skilled in programming Java applications and services
> using modern open-source technologies. He has experience analysing,
> designing and implementing applications, middleware, messaging systems
> and databases, and is also an accomplished penetration tester, ethical
> hacker, network security engineer and security analyst. He is an ASF
> committer with the Apache Qpid project.
> Richard Downer has spent the last few years specialising in Cloud
> Computing. He has worked extensively with the OpenStack and CloudStack
> APIs, as well as Amazon EC2. Aside from Brooklyn, he has made numerous
> contributions to the Apache jclouds Java cloud abstraction project
> (http://jclouds.org).
> New core developers (initial committers) for the Brooklyn project will
> be welcomed based on the current criteria of code contributions and
> broad involvement in the community through code reviews, mailing lists,
> and/or IRC.
> === Alignment ===
> We wish Brooklyn to follow the best practices of open source, and Apache
> is a model of these practices. From the outset, Brooklyn has based
> itself on the Apache model for governance including making commits and
> voting on releases or substantive changes.
> Brooklyn is a heavy user of many Apache projects, and Brooklyn
> participants have been active in discussions and code contributions with
> several of these communities. In particular, Apache jclouds is our most
> important dependency. Apache CloudStack is a reliable and often-used
> deployment target for Brooklyn. Apache Maven is used to build Brooklyn
> and in some cases to resolve dependencies at runtime. In addition,
> Brooklyn support has been built for deploying and managing many Apache
> projects (Tomcat, Cassandra, Whirr, ActiveMQ, Kafka, and many others
> below). These relationships are discussed further below.
> == Known Risks ==
> === Orphaned projects ===
> The team behind Brooklyn firmly believe in their project and are
> committed to its success. They will be pushing the project until, and
> beyond, its community makes the project self-sustaining.
> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> Brooklyn has been open source since April 2012. All development has
> happened in public on GitHub[1], backed up by mailing lists on Google
> Groups[2][3] and IRC[4]. The team of committers are committed to the
> principles of open source, and count amongst their number existing
> Apache committers.
> For some of the extended group of contributors more used to commercial
> development, the commitment to openness is a habit that still needs to
> be learnt. For example, there is a feeling that some things need to be
> discussed "internally" first. However this instinct is being un-learned
> as our experience with the project in open source form continues. Under
> the guidance of the PPMC, we do not expect this to be a risk.
> [1] https://github.com/brooklyncentral/brooklyn
> [2] http://groups.google.com/group/brooklyn-users
> [3] http://groups.google.com/group/brooklyn-dev
> [4] #brooklyncentral on Freenode
> === Homogenous Developers ===
> The initial committers are all affiliated with Cloudsoft Corporation Ltd
> and the vast majority of the commits to the project to date have been by
> Cloudsoft employees. Some of the active participants are from
> organizations other than Cloudsoft and have expressed their support for
> the move to Apache and interest in continuing to contribute.
> We do have a geographically distributed list of contributors. Many are
> in the United Kingdom, but there are a significant number of commits
> from people from other European countries and from the United States.
> As noted previously, our community is beginning to grow and we look
> forward to bringing more diversity into the list of committers and PPMC
> members. However we recognize the current lack of diversity as a known
> risk.
> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> The initial committers are all affiliated with Cloudsoft Corporation
> Ltd. The vast majority of the commits to the project to date have been
> by Cloudsoft employees in the line of their work.
> Our community is beginning to grow, and we hope to grow the community
> significantly and bring more diversity into the list of committers and
> PPMC members. However we recognise the reliance on salaried developers
> as a known risk.
> === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> Brooklyn has relationships to several other Apache projects:
> Brooklyn has entities for many Apache projects; for example, it can
> deploy instances of Cassandra, Tomcat, HTTP Server, ActiveMQ, Qpid,
> Solr, Storm, Karaf, Kafka, Zookeeper and CouchDB
> Brooklyn uses Whirr to deploy instances of Hadoop and HBase
> jclouds is our single most important dependency, which we use for
> virtually all our interaction with cloud provider APIs.
> CloudStack is a first-class target for Brooklyn application deployments,
> and we have used it on many occasions.
> We use Maven, HttpComponents and various Commons projects.
> There is some overlap with the Whirr project; at face value, both Whirr
> and Brooklyn allow complex applications to be deployed into cloud
> providers. However our emphasis is different -- Brooklyn provides
> policy-based management to monitor applications. We consider Brooklyn to
> be complementary rather than competitive - Brooklyn supports the use of
> Whirr to deploy Hadoop clusters.
> === A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> We consider that Apache is a natural home for Brooklyn; we license our
> code under the Apache License, and we make extensive use of jclouds
> which recently graduated from the Apache incubator; we aspire to follow
> open source best practices. Our proposal to the Apache Incubator is
> based in pragmatism, not idolatry.
> == Documentation ==
> Brooklyn's primary website is available at http://brooklyn.io/
> == Initial Source ==
> There is an established existing code base for Brooklyn located at
> GitHub: https://github.com/brooklyncentral/brooklyn
> == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
> The code is licensed under Apache License V2, and all contributions are
> subject to an Apache-style ICLA with Cloudsoft Corporation Ltd. In
> addition to the code, Cloudsoft has registered a trademark on the name
> "Brooklyn", and the logo currently used for the project. The PPMC will
> work with Cloudsoft Corporation and its stakeholders in order to
> identify these properties and donate them to the Apache Foundation.
> There are also a number of other assets related to the project, such as
> its domain name, Twitter account, and IRC channel. During incubation the
> PPMC will identify all these assets, and arrange the transfer,
> replacement, or deprecation of these assets as appropriate.
> == External Dependencies ==
> The vast majority of Brooklyn's direct and indirect dependencies are
> licensed (or dual-licensed) under The Apache License, Category A or B
> licenses, or are dedicated to the public domain.
> A small number dependencies give cause for concern; there are two cases
> of LGPL dependencies, and a number of dependencies where the license is
> either unknown, or compatibility with Apache is unknown.
> The PPMC must therefore:
>  * determine the license for all code where it is not currently known;
>  * determine ASL compatibility where this is not currently known;
>  * replace all dependencies that do not have an ASL compatible license.
> == Cryptography ==
> Brooklyn does not directly implement cryptography code. It may rely on
> other projects to perform certain cryptographic tasks (e.g. calculating
> signatures for requests to cloud providers.)
> == Required Resources ==
> === Mailing lists ===
> We seek "dev" and "user" lists to replace the lists currently in use. In
> alignment with Apache's standard practices, we would also have a
> "private" list for the PMC members, and a "commits" list.
> === Source Control ===
> We would require a Git repository named "brooklyn" to hold the Brooklyn
> source code, and "brooklyn-site" to hold the web site source code. We
> would like these to be mirrored to GitHub repositories, where we intend
> to follow the same model currently used by Apache jclouds.
> === Issue Tracking ===
> Jira, with a project name of "BROOKLYN".
> === Other Resources ===
> No other resources are required at this time.
> == Initial Committers ==
>  * Alex Heneveld
>  * Aled Sage
>  * Andrew Kennedy grk...@apache.org
>  * Richard Downer
> == Affiliations ==
> The majority of the commits to the project so far have been made by
> people who were employees of Cloudsoft Corporation Ltd at the time of
> the contribution, and the vast majority of those commits were in the
> line of their employment. All named initial committers are employees of
> Cloudsoft.
> As stated in the Known Risks section, we appreciate that this cannot
> continue long term, and a key goal of the podling will be to encourage
> people not affiliated with Cloudsoft to join the project as committers
> and PMC members.
> == Sponsors ==
> Champion
>  * Chip Childers chipchild...@apache.org
> Nominated Mentors
>  * Matt Hogstrom hogst...@apache.org
>  * Alex Karasulu akaras...@apache.org
> We appreciate that 3-5 Mentors greatly assists the incubation process,
> so welcome more Mentors.
> Sponsoring Entity
> We are asking that the Incubator sponsors the Brooklyn podling.
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