
commons might be an option. But we still would need to go through the incubator. Otoh Commons proved not to be very JSR friendly to be honest. We had this discussion for BVal etc, and recent JCS discussions where also not in favour for it. I'd be happy to host it over there though.

there is no rush luckily. But you are right that Commons is not always the best option. And if we have a big community and maybe later other json stuff at hand, it makes sense to aim at tld.

Christian, txs for bringing up noggit. Didn't even know it. How far is it away from the SOLR version? And to which degree does it cover JSON? Anyone who knows the SOLR code think we could split this out form SOLR if this version is better?

here is the latest stable: https://github.com/yonik/noggit

Looking at Solrs code here:
it seems like it is using the latest stable (or one of them) - I concluded that by looking at the namespace.

Noggits License is AL2.0, so it should be no problem to use some of the code.
However i once digged through it, while i wrote my own small lib:
It turned out that it has a great approach, but wasn't that easy to hack. That's why I stopped merging the two code bases and mine stayed pretty dump.

Romains code is pretty good already. But it uses antlr for parsing. Not sure how much this is a blocker when it comes to performance tuning and cutting down the size of the JAR yet.

Actually I don't like antlr that much and would love to see it go. I totally enjoy json libs with zero dependencies.



On Sunday, 1 June 2014, 10:47, Christian Grobmeier <grobme...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 1 Jun 2014, at 0:31, Justin Mclean wrote:


About the name any proposition is welcomed. I though to "brace" BTW.

Apache Argonaut sounds good but I assume that name is in common use so
perhaps Argus (the ship builder), or perhaps Fleece?

I actually once wrote an article called "Json and the golden fleece"
(just in german),
so I would like this reference too.

I was a little bit involved in that JSR (not very active to be honest)
and developed
a JSON component myself before the JSR was in the making, so I have an
interest in it.
Unfortunately I have very limited time to help actively. Anyway if there
is trouble
to finding an additional mentor, I will step up.

On the proposal i see two sections called "initial committers" and one
"core developer". I would like to suggest to remove the section "core
developer" and on of the "initial committers" blocks.

I would like to also suggest to look into Noggit:
which is more or less used in a later form in Solr.

As sponsoring entity it might even make sense to look at Apache Commons,
as the component will be small.
It would also relax the naming problem, as it would most likely be named
Apache Commons Json then.


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