On Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Rahul Sharma <rahul0...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The vote has been cancelled to address issues raised for the LICENSE and
> bin files.
> regards
> Rahul
> On Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 12:10 PM, Rahul Sharma <rahul0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Apologies for not clearing my point.
>> The EPL license is for  some of the images eg.
>> delete/download/upload/local_resource  under 'org.apache.hdt.ui/icons'. The
>> license is not for the  images related to Mapper/Reducer/Driver etc i.e
>> Hadoop related stuff. These images under the icons folder  are being used
>> as 'Icons' for different features in the plugin. I think we can fix this
>> and replace the EPL images with things under Apache license, this will fix
>> the issue of EPL being part of src.  As for RAT plugin it is added in the
>> pom and runs with the build.
>> I will cancel the Vote and fix the images and bin folder.
>> Thanks for the feedback
>> regards
>> Rahul
>> On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 3:33 PM, Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> > This is a eclipse plugin so the source contains images for Eclipse
>>> icons.
>>> I had a quick look though the images and couldn't find any eclipse
>>> icons, Can you point out what files are licensed under this license?
>>> > These files are under EPL. The images are binary artifacts but part of
>>> our
>>> > source.
>>> If they are only images then that should be fine in a source release.
>>> However the EPL licence in full or a pointer to a text version should be in
>>> LICENSE, I'm not 100% sure if anything needs to go in NOTICE or not not
>>> with EPL.
>>> > Do we need to release again for that ? or can I correct the src
>>> > package(delete the folder) ?
>>> I think the LICENCE/NOTICE issues are serious enough that the RC needs
>>> to be redone, so you might as well remove the binaries as well for that RC.
>>> Do you run Apache Rat on the RC before calling a vote? While it's not
>>> perfect it will pick up issues like this.
>>> Other IPMC members may have different views, if there's a few +1 (ie
>>> other IPMC members think it's ok) I'll change my vote.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Justin
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