+1 this is really great news. Would happily help where I could as a mentor
as well.

On Tuesday, September 23, 2014, Mattmann, Chris A (3980) <
chris.a.mattm...@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:

> WOW that is so awesome guys! Taverna at Apache FTW!!
> Let me know if you need a mentor, I'm in! :)
> Cheers,
> Chris
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
> Chief Architect
> Instrument Software and Science Data Systems Section (398)
> NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
> Office: 168-519, Mailstop: 168-527
> Email: chris.a.mattm...@nasa.gov <javascript:;>
> WWW:  http://sunset.usc.edu/~mattmann/
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Adjunct Associate Professor, Computer Science Department
> University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stian Soiland-Reyes <soiland-re...@cs.manchester.ac.uk
> <javascript:;>>
> Reply-To: "general@incubator.apache.org <javascript:;>" <
> general@incubator.apache.org <javascript:;>>
> Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 5:43 AM
> To: "general@incubator.apache.org <javascript:;>" <
> general@incubator.apache.org <javascript:;>>
> Cc: List for general discussion and hacking of the Taverna project
> <taverna-hack...@lists.sourceforge.net <javascript:;>>
> Subject: [Proposal] Taverna workflow
> >I hereby present the Apache Incubator proposal for the project Taverna.
> >
> >
> >Also available in rich text in the Taverna wiki (with more hyperlinks!):
> >
> >
> http://dev.mygrid.org.uk/wiki/display/developer/Taverna+incubator+proposal
> >
> >(Could someone grant me access to edit the Incubator wiki pages? My
> >wiki username is soilandreyes)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ># Abstract
> >
> >Taverna is an open source and domain-independent suite of tools used
> >to design and execute data-driven workflows.
> >
> >
> ># Proposal
> >
> >The Taverna suite includes:
> >
> >* Taverna Workbench, a Java-based desktop application for graphically
> >composing, editing and executing workflows of distributed web services
> >and local tools
> >* Taverna Commandline Tool which allows repeated execution of
> >parameterized workflow definitions
> >* Taverna Server provides a REST and SOAP API for executing workflows
> >* Taverna Player is a Ruby-based web interface towards the Server,
> >providing a high-level view of workflow executions and their results,
> >and allows further integrations with Ruby on Rails applications.
> >
> >Taverna can browse and combine different service types, allowing
> >workflows to integrate steps of arbitrary REST and SOAP web services
> >with command line tools (local and SSH), scripts (Beanshell, R,
> >Jython) and finally visualize the results.
> >
> >The goal of the Taverna suite is to help researchers to access
> >distributed datasets and processing capabilities by the construction
> >of pipelines, and also to simplify the execution of  these pipelines
> >in various environments.
> >
> >The Taverna suite of products is already successful and in wide-use
> >across different domains. The software is currently licensed as LGPL
> >2.1, with copyright owned by University of Manchester. External
> >contributors have all signed Apache-like CLAs.
> >
> >
> ># Background
> >
> >Taverna workflows coordinate inputs and outputs between computational
> >processes and Web Services. The workflow is designed in a graphical
> >interface which shows the workflow as a series of boxes and arrows;
> >representing processes and their data connections. The different
> >processes in a workflow can be command line tools, REST and WSDL Web
> >Services; which are used for combining steps such as data acquisition,
> >filtering, cleaning, integrating, analysis and visualization. Taverna
> >calls these processes "services", as they generally are provided by
> >remote (third-party) servers.
> >
> >These kind of computational workflows, also known as pipelines and
> >dataflows, focus on the movement of data rather than the execution
> >order of the underlying processes. Features such as implicit
> >iterations (where an input list of values causes multiple process
> >executions) and parallel invocations (independent processes are
> >executed as soon as their data is available) are intrinsic to a
> >dataflow system, not requiring any particular constructs by the
> >workflow designer.
> >
> >As a visual programming environment, workflows aids collaboration and
> >reuse of workflows. At the highest level, a workflow represents the
> >conceptual level of an analysis, allowing understanding, discussion
> >and communication of the overall analysis protocol. More detail can be
> >revealed and modified for individual steps. At the individual process
> >level, the workflow defines execution specifics such as operations,
> >parameters and command line tools.
> >
> >Sharing of the workflow definitions allows re-use and re-purposing of
> >the computational analysis. During workflow execution, provenance can
> >be collected from every step, allowing deep inspection of intermediate
> >values for the purpose of debugging and validation.
> >
> >
> ># Rationale
> >
> >There is a strong need to lower the barrier of entry to datasets and
> >computational resources widely available on the Internet, to increase
> >their use by researchers who understand the computational steps needed
> >to produce their results, but who are not necessarily expert
> >programmers. Taverna has already shown its success and popularity in a
> >wide range of scientific disciplines.
> >
> >
> ># Initial Goals
> >
> >* Transition mailing lists to Apache (keep existing subscribers, but
> >invite more)
> >* Taverna developer workshop (2014-10-30)
> >* Prepare git repositories for move:
> >  * Update headers/metadata to indicate Apache License 2.0
> >  * Restructure git repositories
> >  * Rename Maven groupIds to org.apache.taverna.*
> >  * Rename packages to org.apache.taverna.*
> >
> >* Move Github repositories to Apache git
> >* Automated builds in Apache's Jenkins
> >* Update to latest releases of Apache dependencies
> >* Propose updated release & testing procedure under Apache
> >* Moved Website and documentation
> >
> >We intend to only release the current development version Taverna 3.x
> >http://www.taverna.org.uk/developers/work-in-progress/taverna-3/ under
> >the Apache umbrella (). 3.0 is not yet officially released - however
> >the Taverna 3.0 Command Line can be released almost "as-is" after
> >migration. The Taverna 3.0 Server is at beta quality, while the
> >Taverna 3.0 Workbench is at alpha stage and would need to be
> >stabilized to an initial beta release.
> >
> >* Before first release: Maven Central releases of Taverna support
> >libraries (e.g. taverna-scufl2 and taverna-databundle)
> >* First release: Apache Taverna Command Line 3.0 (OSGi-based)
> >* Release: Apache Taverna Server 3.0
> >* Release: Apache Taverna Workbench 3.0 beta
> >* Provenance exchange with relevant Apache products (e.g. Apache
> >CXF->Taverna->CouchDB)
> >* Release: Apache Taverna Workbench 3.0
> >
> >It is not yet decided if the current Workbench Editions
> >http://www.taverna.org.uk/download/workbench/2-5/ will be carried over
> >to Taverna 3, or if this can be solved by having a "Install extra
> >plugin" step on first start-up of Apache Taverna. In any case, we
> >imagine that some of these specializing editions will be maintained
> >outside (but in collaboration with) the Apache project. This is
> >particularly the case for the Astronomy edition as it depends on
> >several LGPL/GPL libraries and is maintained by the AstroTaverna team.
> >
> >
> ># Current Status
> >
> >## Meritocracy
> >
> >Taverna was initially created by the myGrid consortium in 2003. Since
> >2006, the majority of contributions to Taverna's core code-base, its
> >architecture and direction have been led by staff at The University of
> >Manchester and The European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI).
> >
> >The project have benefited of a high-degree of extensions and
> >integrations by other developers - but mainly in the form of plugins
> >(http://www.taverna.org.uk/documentation/taverna-2-x/taverna-2-x-plugins/
> )
> >and integrations
> >(http://www.taverna.org.uk/developers/work-in-progress/taverna-online/
> >http://www.taverna.org.uk/download/associated-tools/).
> >
> >Taverna's developer community have unfortunately not had a culture of
> >submitting patches that would warrant later commit access - perhaps
> >due to its background in the science community. However contributors
> >have been added as committers when the plugin becomes a part of the
> >core distribution (e.g. External Tool plugin by Möller and Krabbenhöft
> >and AstroTaverna by Garrido), or when their development has required
> >patches to the existing code base.
> >
> >
> >## Community
> >
> >Taverna has an active community of plug-in developers and users. The
> >developer mailing list (taverna-hack...@lists.sourceforge.net
> <javascript:;>) has 248
> >members, the user mailing list (taverna-us...@lists.sourceforge.net
> <javascript:;>)
> >has 370 members.
> >
> >1500 users have registered as of 19 August 2014. Total downloads of
> >all products since version 2.1 (released December 2009) is 35000.
> >
> >A Taverna Developer workshop is being arranged for 30 October 2014 to
> >bring together developers and integrators of Taverna. We want to
> >encourage plug-in developers to participate further also in the core
> >development of Taverna, by introducing them to the code base and how
> >to contribute.
> >
> http://dev.mygrid.org.uk/wiki/display/developer/Taverna+Open+Development+W
> >orkshop
> >
> >Active steps to grow the communities of users and developers by
> >targeting specific research domains such as the work by Kevin Benson
> >on Taverna's use in the Heliophysics and Astrophysics community.
> >Susheel Varma is increasing usage of Taverna within the Biomedical
> >domain. Julián Garrido and his work on AstroTaverna is promoting
> >Taverna within the IVOA Virtual Astronomy community. Sonja Holl and
> >Björn Hagemeier's are targeting high performance computing.
> >
> >
> >## Core Developers
> >
> >What we currently consider to be the core Taverna Team is (in
> >alphabetical order):
> >
> >Christian Brenninkmeijer (University of Manchester)
> >Donal Fellows (University of Manchester)
> >Robert Haines (University of Manchester)
> >Aleksandra Nenadic (University of Manchester)
> >Dmitry Repchevsky (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)
> >Stian Soiland-Reyes (University of Manchester)
> >Shoaib Sufi  (University of Manchester)
> >Vadim Surpin (Institute for Information Transmission Problems in Moscow)
> >Alan Williams (University of Manchester)
> >
> >The team consists of experienced developers who have worked on a
> >multitude projects, particular within writing software for supporting
> >scientists. The committers list (See below) includes additionally
> >plugin developers whose contributions have become part of Taverna.
> >Part of our desire to join the Apache Foundation is to recognise their
> >effort and promote them into also being "core developers".
> >
> >
> >## Alignment
> >
> >Taverna dependencies include Apache Commons, Axis, Abdera, Batik, CXF,
> >Derby, Felix, HttpComponents, Jena, log4j, Maven, POI, Velocity,
> >Xerces, XMLBeans, Xalan, We use Tomcat for testing and deployment of
> >the Taverna Server.
> >As part of moving to Apache-compatible dependencies, Taverna will
> >probably adopt OpenJPA to replace (LGPL) Hibernate.
> >
> >
> >
> ># Known Risks
> >
> >## Orphaned products
> >
> >Most of the core developers are from the myGrid team at University of
> >Manchester, but are funded through a series of projects - see
> >http://www.mygrid.org.uk/projects/. Many of these projects incorporate
> >Taverna, so the effort from Manchester is partially based on direct
> >project requirements, but also partially a volunteer effort for
> >project maintenance and general development. The myGrid team has
> >guaranteed funding until 2017.
> >
> >The developers that are outside Manchester are generally funded for
> >other activities, and so their effort to Taverna is to a greater
> >extent a volunteer effort - although again project-specific
> >requirements steer their effort (e.g. for a new Taverna plugin).
> >
> >One of the reasons for our desire to move to the Apache Foundation is
> >to formalise this volunteering/contribution effort so that it becomes
> >obvious that it is not just University of Manchester that is
> >contributing to the core code base - and therefore reducing the
> >impression that Taverna is vulnerable to Manchester¹s future funding
> >and projects.
> >
> >
> >## Inexperience with Open Source
> >
> >Taverna has been an open-source project since its first release in
> >2003. Most of the contributors also have experience with working with
> >and contributing to other open source projects (e.g. TCL, CXF, Jena),
> >particularly as Taverna strongly relies on other open source tools.
> >Most of the research projects which the myGrid members have
> >participated in produces open-source software.
> >
> >
> >## Homogeneous Developers
> >
> >The committers list includes many people from myGrid, University of
> >Manchester in United Kingdom - but these developers have been working
> >on a range of distributed and European projects in the field of
> >scientific software - see http://www.mygrid.org.uk/projects/
> >
> >The other developers on the committers list come from many different
> >projects and institutions across the world, from Russia, Canada,
> >Germany and Spain.
> >
> >
> >## Reliance on Salaried Developers
> >
> >Development for Taverna is mainly performed as part of the developers'
> >salaried work, but funded through many different projects at several
> >institutions (see above). These projects don't generally have
> >"contribute to Taverna" as their main goals - so therefore in many
> >ways the effort is still volunteer-based - contributing to Taverna as
> >a way to support one's own work.
> >
> >From our experience of running Taverna over the last 10 years, new
> >contributors will continue to join as Taverna becomes an ingredient in
> >new projects, while existing contributors more slowly fade out of
> >their involvement. Often existing contributors and users gives the
> >personal link to the new contributors.
> >
> >
> >## Relationships with Other Apache Products
> >
> >Apache already contains projects that seem relevant to Taverna.
> >
> >Apache Pig https://pig.apache.org/ is a high-level language for
> >creating Map-Reduce programs for Apache Hadoop. There already exists
> >third-party efforts to convert Taverna Workflows to Hadoop and Pig -
> >https://github.com/umaqsud/taverna-to-pig
> >https://github.com/schenck/taverna-to-hadoop (thus making a graphical
> >interface for building Apache Pig workflows) - and part of the Apache
> >Taverna effort would be to invite these to join the project.
> >
> >Apache Airavata http://airavata.apache.org/ is a software framework
> >for executing and managing computational jobs and workflows on
> >distributed computing resources. Taverna's concern is not as much job
> >coordination, but more of a data flow between services. Airavata's
> >XBaya Workflow Suite can export workflows in Taverna 1 format SCUFL,
> >but could be updated to work with Taverna 3's SCUFL2 format.
> >
> >Apache ODE https://ode.apache.org/ is a WS-BPEL workflow engine. BPEL
> >as a workflow language is quite verbose compared to dataflow languages
> >like Taverna, and is additionally bound to a particular protocol
> >(SOAP). Nevertheless,  a sub-section of Taverna workflows could in
> >theory run on the Apache ODE engine - and the Taverna 3 Platform API
> >has facilities for plugging in alternative workflow engines. We have
> >previously considered Apache Hadoop as one such alternate engine for
> >executing a different subset of workflows with local command line
> >tools.
> >
> >Apache Storm http://storm.incubator.apache.org/ is a distributed
> >realtime computation framework. Experiments are under development to
> >use Taverna as a front-end for creating Apache Storm workflows -
> >http://markmail.org/message/zg5ylo2aucpwfc5j
> >
> >Apache has several popular frameworks for building REST/SOAP web
> >services (Apache CXF, Apache Clerezza),  data services (Apache Jena,
> >Apache Hive, Apache CouchDB) and specific workflow engines (Apache
> >Oozie for Hadoop, Apache ODE for WS-BPEL). Taverna as a general REST
> >and SOAP service client can be used for combining, testing and
> >demonstrating such services.
> >
> >
> >## A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand
> >
> >Taverna is a long-running project (since 2003) with an existing user-
> >and developer base across the academic world. Our main motivation for
> >moving to Apache is to further encourage an open development process
> >and engage existing and new developers to contribute to the core code
> >base.  We also want to ensure long-term continuity of the Taverna
> >products, and for its future directions to be decided by the whole
> >Taverna community rather than one of the parties involved.
> >
> >
> >
> ># Documentation
> >
> >Taverna's documentation is available from
> >http://www.taverna.org.uk/documentation/taverna-2-x/, including an
> >extensive user manual at
> >http://www.mygrid.org.uk/dev/wiki/display/taverna/User+Manual and
> >tutorials http://www.taverna.org.uk/documentation/taverna-2-x/tutorials/
> >and videos http://www.taverna.org.uk/documentation/taverna-2-x/videos/.
> >
> >The developer documentation
> >http://dev.mygrid.org.uk/wiki/display/developer/Developers+Guide
> >includes tutorials
> >http://dev.mygrid.org.uk/wiki/display/developer/Tutorials for working
> >with Taverna's source code and creating plugins.
> >
> >
> ># Initial Source
> >
> >Taverna's source code is available from the 'taverna' github team
> >account: https://github.com/taverna/. These 85 git repositories
> >reflect the current modules of Taverna's plugin system after recently
> >transitioning from Google Code SVN at
> >http://taverna.googlecode.com/svn/taverna/. The history of Taverna's
> >code base goes back to being hosted in CVS at SourceForge
> >http://taverna.cvs.sourceforge.net/, transitioned as of
> >http://taverna.googlecode.com/svn/archived/cvs2svn-2008-09-25/. Note
> >that reasonable steps have been made to preserve commit history when
> >moving between version control system, this has not always been
> >achieved when moving between modules and refactoring larger Java
> >packages. Some source files might therefore in git have initial
> >commits like "Moved from /taverna/utils/trunk" referring to SVN paths.
> >
> >One of the reason for many repositories is that we rely on Apache
> >Maven and a plugin system (since Taverna 3 OSGi-based) where different
> >modules have different version numbers and release cycles (e.g.
> >tags/branches). This is essential for the plug-in support of Taverna
> >as the plug-ins depend on the semantic versioning of the APIs and
> >required implementations.
> >
> >It is however in our current plans to merge repositories that have
> >similar release cycles and greatly reduce the number of repositories.
> >
> >Taverna source code uses the package names (and children packages):
> >
> >net.sf.taverna - since Taverna 2
> >uk.org.taverna  - new from Taverna 3
> >org.taverna (sic) - Taverna Server
> >
> >Some contributed code uses package names depending on their
> >originating projects:
> >
> >org.purl.wf4ever.provtaverna
> >org.biomart.martservice
> >
> >We intend to release only the upcoming Taverna 3.0 version under the
> >Apache umbrella (not 2.x) - therefore, according to semantic
> >versioning rules http://semver.org/, the transition period of the
> >Apache Incubator would be the best (and possibly only) chance to
> >rename Java packages and Maven groupIDs to org.apache.taverna.* Under
> >OSGi the packaging and JAR goes hand-in-hand (several JARs don't
> >normally provide the same package), and therefore any package rename
> >would be done together with the repository restructuring.
> >
> >
> ># Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan
> >
> >Taverna source code from http://github.com/taverna/
> >
> >(c) University of Manchester.
> >Signed Apache-like CLAs for all external contributors.
> >Current license is LGPL 2.1 (and GPL3 for one domain-specific
> >download), as copyright holder Manchester can change this to Apache
> >License 2.0
> >
> >taverna.org.uk domain - registrant University of Manchester
> >http://www.taverna.org.uk/  content (c) University of Manchester
> >http://dev.mygrid.org.uk/wiki/display/tav250/ Confluence wiki content
> >(c) University of Manchester
> >http://dev.mygrid.org.uk/wiki/display/developer Confluence wiki
> >content (c) University of Manchester
> >
> >The details of intellectual property submission will be worked out
> >together with myGrid project manager Shoaib Sufi and the University of
> >Manchester's Contracts Office.
> >
> >
> ># External Dependencies
> >
> >Taverna, as an integrating workflow system, has a fairly large number
> >of dependencies - the latest 2.5.0 Core Workbench distribution has 517
> >JARs (although many of those are duplicates in different versions)
> >
> >We are intending for our first Apache-based release to be Taverna 3,
> >which has already reduced this dependency list.
> >
> >We have performed an analysis of our dependencies of Taverna 3 at
> >http://dev.mygrid.org.uk/wiki/display/developer/Taverna+Dependencies -
> >but this is not yet a complete list.
> >
> >A second analysis looks at the license of those dependencies at
> >http://dev.mygrid.org.uk/wiki/display/developer/Third-party+licenses -
> >where we have some incompatible (LGPL) dependencies. Most of these are
> >resolvable as they are part of optional plugins to Taverna (e.g. R
> >support, BioMart). The dependency on Hibernate requires some developer
> >effort to be replaced with either Apache Open JPA or a "No-SQL"
> >solution.
> >
> >
> ># Cryptography
> >
> >Taverna uses these cryptography dependencies:
> >
> >BouncyCastle
> >OpenJDK builds with the default JCE full encryption policy (bundled in
> >installer)
> >
> >Taverna utilise these to form of an encrypted keystore (storing
> >username/password and client certificates for third-party services
> >accessed by the designed workflow) with corresponding user interface,
> >and additionally binds to Java's SSL support to provide UI and command
> >line options for security interactions, e.g. accepting new server
> >certificates, or asking for username/passwords for HTTP Basic
> >authentication (which can then be stored in the keystore).
> >
> >
> ># Required Resources
> >
> >Taverna currently relies on a mixture of infrastructure hosted for
> >free by third-parties (e.g. Github, SourceForge, GoogleCode,
> >Launchpad, Bitbucket) and infrastructure hosted by myGrid at
> >University of Manchester (Jenkins, Jira, Confluence, Wordpress).
> >
> >## Mailing lists
> >
> >Existing mailing lists for Taverna are hosted at Sourceforge with
> >archives at markmail. See http://www.taverna.org.uk/about/
> >
> >comm...@taverna.incubator.apache.org <javascript:;>  (replacing
> >taverna-...@lists.sourceforge.net <javascript:;>)
> >priv...@taverna.incubator.apache.org <javascript:;> (replacing
> supp...@mygrid.org.uk <javascript:;>
> >- to a lesser degree as we would want to encourage openness)
> >d...@taverna.incubator.apache.org <javascript:;> (replacing
> >taverna-hack...@lists.sourceforge.net <javascript:;>, 240 members)
> >us...@taverna.incubator.apache.org <javascript:;> (replacing
> >taverna-us...@lists.sourceforge.net <javascript:;>, 370 members)
> >
> >
> >## Git repositories
> >
> >The Taverna community would prefer to keep using git and Github, and
> >we would request for experimental writable git repositories
> >http://www.apache.org/dev/writable-git with mirroring to Github.
> >
> >The repositories would be named taverna-*, as the current repositories
> >on the github team: https://github.com/taverna/. This repository
> >organization is styled equivalent to the git repositories of cordova-*
> >and couchdb-*.
> >
> >Exactly how repositories are split/merged is open for discussion - it
> >is part of our current plan to reduce the number of repositories by
> >merging common modules with a similar release cycle - this could be
> >done at an early phase of the incubation period.
> >
> >
> >## Issue Tracking
> >
> >JIRA Taverna (TAV)
> >
> >Existing issues in Taverna 3's current JIRA -
> >http://dev.mygrid.org.uk/issues/browse/T3 - should be imported - but
> >its current list of Modules should be further agreed.
> >
> >
> >## Other Resources
> >
> >Wiki spaces in Confluence https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence -
> >importing the most recent Taverna-related spaces and documentation
> >from
> >http://dev.mygrid.org.uk/wiki/spacedirectory/view.action?startIndex=24
> >Jenkins - replacing myGrid Jenkins at http://build.mygrid.org.uk/ci/
> >Maven repository at https://repository.apache.org/ - replacing myGrid
> >artifactory http://repository.mygrid.org.uk/
> >File-based web space for Plugin Update Site - replacing
> >http://updates.taverna.org.uk/ and
> >http://www.mygrid.org.uk/taverna/updates/
> >Home pages - to be transitioned from from http://www.taverna.org.uk/
> >(Wordpress)
> >Binary distribution download hosting, about ~8 GB pr release,
> >replacing http://www.taverna.org.uk/download/ (currently downloads are
> >hosted by http://launchpad.net/ and https://bitbucket.org/)
> >
> >
> ># Initial Committers
> >
> >The initial list of committers reflect the current list of active
> >developers at the Github team: https://github.com/orgs/taverna/people
> >(Note that not all of these have made their membership public on
> >Github)
> >
> >
> >Alan R williamsalan.r.willi...@manchester.ac.uk <javascript:;>
> >Aleksandra nenadica.nena...@manchester.ac.uk <javascript:;>
> >Christian Y. brenninkmeijerbrenn...@cs.man.ac.uk <javascript:;>
> >David withersdavid.with...@gmail.com <javascript:;>
> >Dmitriy Repchevsky dmitry.repchev...@bsc.es <javascript:;>
> >Donal K. fellowsdonal.k.fell...@manchester.ac.uk <javascript:;>
> >Finn bacallfinn.bac...@manchester.ac.uk <javascript:;>
> >Hajo Nils Krabbenhöfth...@krabbenhoeft.de <javascript:;>
> >Ian dunlopian.dun...@manchester.ac.uk <javascript:;>
> >Ingo wassinki.h.c.wass...@ewi.utwente.nl <javascript:;>
> >Julián garridojgarr...@iaa.es <javascript:;>
> >Mark wilkinsonma...@illuminae.com <javascript:;>
> >Luke mccarthyelmccar...@gmail.com <javascript:;>
> >Robert hainesrhai...@manchester.ac.uk <javascript:;>
> >Shoaib sufishoaib.s...@manchester.ac.uk <javascript:;>
> >Steffen Möllermoel...@inb.uni-luebeck.de <javascript:;>
> >Stian soiland-reyesst...@soiland-reyes.com <javascript:;>   (Apache CLA
> Signed)
> >Stuart owenso...@cs.manchester.ac.uk <javascript:;>
> >
> >In addition to the Core Team (mentioned earlier), this list also
> >reflects Taverna's existing meritocrazy as it includes plugin
> >developers whose contributions have been merged into the main code
> >base. We acknowledge that not all of these are likely to continue as
> >"Core" developers, but would like to encourage that during the
> >Incubating process.
> >
> >
> ># Affiliations
> >
> >The majority of the initial committers are employed by University of
> >Manchester as part of the myGrid team, including responsibilities for
> >contributing to and supporting Taverna.
> >http://www.mygrid.org.uk/about-us/people/core-mygrid-team/.
> >
> >Dmitriy Repchevsky is employed by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center,
> >including responsibilities for contributing to Taverna. Steffen Möller
> >is employed by University of Lübeck. Julián Garrido is employed by
> >Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía.
> >
> >
> ># Sponsor Champion
> >
> >Andy Seaborne
> >
> >
> ># Nominated Mentors
> >
> >* Andy Seaborne
> >
> >
> ># Sponsoring Entity
> >
> >The Incubator.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Your feedback is very much welcome!
> >
> >
> >--
> >Stian Soiland-Reyes, myGrid team
> >School of Computer Science
> >The University of Manchester
> >http://soiland-reyes.com/stian/work/ http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9842-9718
> >
> >---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> <javascript:;>
> >For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
> <javascript:;>
> >
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