On Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 6:53 AM, Benson Margulies <bimargul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You might push
> back on the board, formally, and challenge them to either officially
> be discontented or leave the iPMC alone.

I've been defending the Incubator before the Board for some time.  I actually
called in to the December Board meeting and was granted a request to speak
during the Incubator segment; that's only the second time I've had something
I thought was important enough to take the floor during a Board meeting.

The critiques I've heard from the Board of late fall into roughly two

1.  The Incubator is not providing certain podlings with enough Mentoring.
2.  The Incubator is graduating podlings who do not understand The Apache Way.

I agree with Roman that the first problem arises due to fundamental flaws in
the incentive structure of the Incubator.  We have made some progress
mitigating the consequences of this problem, but we have not addressed the
underlying cause.  To make further progress, I support a variety of approaches
including controlled experiments (e.g. NiFi as pTLP) and incremental,
reversible changes (such as requiring Mentor checkoff).

The second critique is the one I take issue with.  When TLPs transgress
against some aspect of The Apache Way -- classically release policy, though
most recently the issue has been PMC stratification -- some fraction of the
Board seems to find fault with the Incubator for providing insufficient

In my view, if the Board wants TLPs to follow Apache's rules better, it makes
more sense to focus on making the rules coherent than giving the Incubator
flak for failing to teach incoherent rules.

I'd like to help -- I've got release policy clarifications in the can[1].  But
in order to drive them through to final consensus I figure I have to set aside
2-4 weeks where reacting to developments on legal-discuss@apache must be my
top priority at all times -- and since I got busy last fall I haven't been
able to make such a commitment.  Pruning complexity from Apache's policy
documentation is hard.

Marvin Humphrey

[1] https://github.com/rectang/asfrelease

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