> On Dec 19, 2014, at 9:10 AM, Rich Bowen <rbo...@rcbowen.com> wrote:
> I noted in my comments on the recent Incubator board report that I am 
> concerned, month after month, at the number of podlings that have no mentor 
> sign-off at all, as well as the ones where a minority of the mentors sign-off.
> I certainly don't expect that every mentor has their full attention on a 
> podling every month, but I do expect that a podling that cares about its 
> incubation will seek out that mentor sign-off, and that the mentors who have 
> committed to help a podling into the family will have a few moments every few 
> months to look in and approve a report.
> The result, unfortunately, is that we have projects graduating with no notion 
> of the importance of reporting, and so we have TLPs that look at reporting as 
> a checkbox, submit exactly the same cut-and-paste report each month, some of 
> them without even changing stats and dates, or skip their reporting entirely.
> I don't mean to point fingers here - this is a problem that has existed 
> literally since the beginning of the Incubator, and I'm not innocent of it 
> myself. Indeed, I don't show up often enough even on this list.
> But I wonder if we might, as the Board does, reject reports that have no 
> sign-off, and force projects to report again the following month, in an 
> attempt to require them to engage with their mentor(s) a little more? This 
> seems like a small, easily reversible, step, that has a good chance of 
> achieving something.
> Thoughts?

A while back I proposed to make the podlings and mentors accountable.

Podlings would be required to have a minimum of two active mentors.  A mentor 
is free to become inactive but must explicitly state this else the mentor risks 
being removed for not performing their duties.  Podlings that do not have the 
minimum of two active mentors are put on hold until they find enough mentors to 
fill the quota.  Being put on hold means that no committers can be added, no 
PPMC members can be added, and no releases can be performed.  It does not stop 

Mentors who do not review and vote on a podlings releases are marked inactive.

Mentors who do not review and sign board reports are marked inactive.


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