On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 12:41 PM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:

> Considering that both detailed answers as well and more "philosophical"
> answers don't satisfy, I am at a loss to what approach to try next.

The Board should endorse a document establishing what Apache expects of
its projects.

This document must be as short as possible -- ideally no more than a
single screenful.  It should link to definitive resources rather than
introduce competing language, and it should only codify existing
requirements, not add new ones.  Modification should require prior
approval by a curating entity.

The resources that this document will need to reference (release, legal
voting, infra, security, etc) have varying levels of maturity.  Separate
efforts to codify satellite resources are important, since those often
have amorphous boundaries themselves -- but that does not block the
establishment of a root document.

Shane Curcuru has submitted a first draft.  It needs significant
refinement, but I believe that it is conceptually sound.


Development discussions for this document should take place in a public
forum -- probably dev@community.

Eventual Board endorsement of this document as an authoritative resource
is essential.  That's what allows those who consult it to have confidence
that they can know everything Apache requires without having to search
through every last web page and email archive.

Marvin Humphrey

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