Dear Incubator,

(if this isn’t the right list to ask this, please direct be to the correct 

The CouchDB community was approached by the lead developer of to have the project become apart of Apache 
CouchDB. The community has voiced some interest in pursuing this. There has not 
been a vote on this yet, though, this is just to clear any preliminary concerns.

Is there a precedent for importing GitHub projects to the ASF?

In particular, how do we handle the GitHub-usual main-dev-team + lots of 
drive-by-contrbutors without a clear copyright assignment step in place?

While the lead developer and copyright holder as per the projects has 
made the most significant contributions (412 commits / 41,036++ / 39,540--), 
some of the other contributors have not-insignificant (double negative alert!) 
contributions (17 commits / 613++ / 53--, e.g., see for details).

As per ASF requirements, is the lead developer in a position to donate the 
project as a whole to the ASF?

Which, if any, of the other contributors will have to co-sign the donation? Or 
put their contributions under an ICLA of their own? Or what other things need 
to be done?

FWIW, the second most prolific contributor expressed interest in moving to the 
ASF with the project, all legalities covered. The rest are pretty much inactive 
at this point, or have only made insignificant contributions, that were clearly 
meant to be included in the main project.

* * *

My understanding is that getting the main contributors / active maintainers to 
do a software grant and/or ICLA will do the trick, as minor contributions that 
were meant to be included in the project (as per regular ASF contributions 
guidelines), don’t need the legal red tape.

That said, where do we make the cut off for significant contributions? In the 
given project, my gut feeling says contributors #1 and #2 
( will cover what we need, 
but I’d like to get confirmation on this before proceeding.

Assume all the other bits (license, dependencies, community vote) would be 

Does the above sound reasonable or am I way off on any point?

Thank you for your advice!

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