Is there a "standard" within the incubator about how we go about
getting the appropriate forms filled out when we want to incubate a
project from GitHub?  GitHub fosters a sort of fly-by contribution
model (and that's a good thing), but it makes donating the code a bit
troublesome, because we need to make sure that all (to a certain
degree?) of the contributors do, in fact want to donate the code they
contributed to the foundation.

Note that this problem isn't necessarily unique to GitHub, but Git
itself somewhat highlights the issue because contributions from
outside parties (pull requests) do maintain metadata about their
original authors.  With SVN, typically someone with "karma" has to do
the commit and it gets tagged with their identity, so the audit trail
goes cold (comments can contain attributions, but that's hard to
report on).

Anyway, just looking for some guidance here.  We are trying to move
TinkerPop forward and how exactly we go about getting the forms filled
out properly is somewhat of a blocker.


James Carman, Assistant Secretary
Apache Software Foundation

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