Hi Marvin,

My apologies for being a day late with my Shepherd reports. Nifi was included 
below, but I saved REEF’s shepherd report a few minutes after you sent this.


On Feb 9, 2015, at 12:30 PM, Marvin Humphrey <mar...@rectangular.com> wrote:

> Incubator PMC report for February 2015
> The Apache Incubator is the entry path into the ASF for projects and
> codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation's efforts.
> < narrative >
> * Community
>  New IPMC members:
>  People who left the IPMC:
>  Mentors who didn't sign off on the reports:
> * New Podlings
> * Graduations
>  The board has motions for the following:
> * Releases
>  The following releases were made since the last Incubator report:
>    johnzon-0.5-incubating
>    apache-reef-0.10.0-incubating
>    htrace-3.1.0-incubating
>    apache-usergrid-1.0.1-incubating
>    nifi-nar-maven-plugin 1.0.0
>    nifi 0.0.1 (incubating)
>    streams-project-0.1-incubating
>  The Incubator continues to use discretion when enforcing release policy.
>  * Numerous releases have been approved despite having an out of date
>    copyright year in the NOTICE file.  Fixing for the next release has been
>    considered a sufficient remedy.
>  * The REEF release was approved with an incomplete incubation
>    disclaimer in README (there was also a disclaimer on the podling
>    website).
> * IP Clearance
>  CouchDB Mango -- IBM Corporation have built a MongoDB API Layer for
>  CouchDB and are donating it to the CouchDB project. This consists of of a
>  module that exposes a set of actions that are similar to what MongoDB
>  exposes.
> * Legal / Trademarks
> * Infrastructure
> * Miscellaneous
> -------------------- Summary of podling reports --------------------
> * Still getting started at the Incubator
>    TinkerPop
>    Zeppelin (delayed software grant)
> * Not yet ready to graduate
>  No release:
>    Corinthia
>    Kylin
>    Lens
>    SAMOA
>    Tamaya
>    Taverna
>  Community growth:
>    Droids
>    HTrace
>    NiFi
>    REEF
>    Slider
>    Twill
> * Ready to graduate
>    Blur
> * Did not report, expected next month
>    BatchEE
>    Ripple (2 months)
> * Retired Podlings
>    NPanday
> * Report incomplete
>    Sirona
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>                       Table of Contents
> BatchEE
> Blur
> Corinthia
> Droids
> HTrace
> Kylin
> Lens
> NiFi
> Ripple
> Sirona
> Slider
> Tamaya
> Taverna
> TinkerPop
> Twill
> Zeppelin
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------
> BatchEE
> BatchEE projects aims to provide a JBatch implementation (aka JSR352) and a
> set of useful extensions for this specification.
> BatchEE has been incubating since 2013-10-03.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>  1.
>  2.
>  3.
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
> How has the community developed since the last report?
> How has the project developed since the last report?
> Date of last release:
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
> Signed-off-by:
>  [ ](batchee) Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>  [ ](batchee) Olivier Lamy
>  [ ](batchee) Mark Struberg
> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
> --------------------
> Blur
> Blur is a search platform capable of searching massive amounts of data
> in a cloud computing environment.
> Blur has been incubating since 2012-07-24.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>  1. We anticipate pursuing graduation after our upcoming release.
>  2.
>  3.
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
> None.
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>  We continue to be small but active.
>  - Subscriptions: user@ - 60[0]; dev@ - 66[0]
> How has the project developed since the last report?
>  The majority of effort has been around stabilization for the upcoming
>  release.
>  We're pleased to have seen some new folks show up and contribute bug
>  reports and patches.
> Date of last release:
>  2014-07-29
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
>  2014-07-28
> Signed-off-by:
>  [ ](blur) Doug Cutting
>  [X](blur) Patrick Hunt
>  [X](blur) Tim Williams
> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
> --------------------
> Corinthia
> Corinthia is a toolkit/application for converting between and editing common
> office file formats, with an initial focus on word processing. It is
> designed to cater for multiple classes of platforms - desktop, web, and
> mobile - and relies heavily on web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and
> JavaScript for representing and manipulating documents. The toolkit is
> small, portable, and flexible, with minimal dependencies. The target
> audience is developers wishing to include office viewing, conversion, and
> editing functionality into their applications.
> Corinthia has been incubating since 2014-12-08.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>  1. Discuss and decide on a medium-term roadmap
>  2. Grow the community
>  3. Finalize source structure change (easy access for new developers)
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>  none
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>  January has been a rather quiet month, Dave Fisher joined as PPMC/Committer
>  (was Mentor)
> How has the project developed since the last report?
>  Work is progressing on restructuring the filter development and 64bit
>  testing is ongoing
>  research of similar program has been structured in jira issues.
> Date of last release:
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
>  2015-01-17 Dave Fisher added as PPMC/Committer
> Signed-off-by:
>  [x](corinthia) Dave Fisher
>  [x](corinthia) Daniel Gruno
>  [x](corinthia) Jan Iversen
> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
>  John D. Ament (johndament):
>    Still a new podling, growing pretty well though.  Small number of
>    participants that may need further growth to be viable long term.
> --------------------
> Droids
> Droids aims to be an intelligent standalone robot framework that allows to
> create and extend existing droids (robots).
> Droids has been incubating since 2008-10-09.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>  1. Activity
>  2. Name Search
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>  None.
>  We need to continue the name search. Branding has replied to the issue and
>  provided additional searches that need to performed. It is hoped that
>  these can be finished in the new couple weeks.
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>  No change.
> How has the project developed since the last report?
>  No change.
> Date of last release:
>  2012-10-15
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
>  2012-05-07
> Signed-off-by:
>  [ ](droids) Thorsten Scherler
>  [x](droids) Richard Frovarp
> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
> --------------------
> HTrace
> HTrace is a tracing framework intended for use with distributed systems
> written in java.
> HTrace has been incubating since 2014-11.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>  1. Continue to grow the HTrace community
>  2. Continue to develop and release stable HTrace incubating artifacts
>  3. Continue to explore the integration of the HTrace framework into other
>     Apache products
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>  Around January 20th HTrace successfully made the first release whilst in
>  the Apache Incubator.  This was the outcomes of no-less than 10 release
>  candidates and as many VOTE's.  In all every release candidate was very
>  well managed with HTrace community providing excellent feedback to the
>  release manager. Rather than then entire 10 release candidate exercise
>  being a pain point for the community, it appears to have strengthened all
>  involved. Well done HTrace.
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>  It is early incubating days for HTrace. The community has attracted in
>  particular a new member who is doing a sterling job on a new UI for
>  HTrace. Additionally it should be noted that the entire
>  htrace-3.1.0-incubating release effort has certainly brought the existing
>  community on leaps and bounds.
> How has the project developed since the last report?
>  The project has progressed significantly. In fact, it was highlighted on
>  at least one occasion that documentation supporting a release candidate
>  should be further clarified/improved due to the dynamic progressive nature
>  of the HTrace codebase. As an early incubating project this is accepted as
>  a positive move.
> Date of last release:
>  2015-20-01
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
>  ???
> Signed-off-by:
>  [X](htrace) Jake Farrell
>  [ ](htrace) Todd Lipcon
>  [X](htrace) Lewis John Mcgibbney
>  [ ](htrace) Andrew Purtell
>  [X](htrace) Billie Rinaldi
>  [X](htrace) Michael Stack
> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
> --------------------
> Kylin
> Kylin is a distributed and scalable OLAP engine built on Hadoop to support
> extremely large datasets.
> Kylin has been incubating since 2014-11-25.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>  1. Make the first release from apache
>  2. Discuss and decide on a medium-term roadmap
>  3. Grow user and contributor base.
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>  * Nothing
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>  1. Kylin topic has been confirmed to present at Strata+Hadoop World 2015
>     London, also proposed to HBaseCon, Hadoop Summit and Big Data
>     Technology Conference 2015 Beijing
>  2. Offical twitter account created: @ApacheKylin
>     * Followers 173
>  3. Issue backlog status since last report:
>     * Created:   587 (including imported from github.com)
>     * Resolved:  283 (including imported from github.com)
>  4. Mailing list activity since last report:
>     * @dev      227 messages
>  5. Github activity:
>     * Star 405
>     * Fork 172
>     * Contributors 17
> How has the project developed since the last report?
>  1. Kylin website is available on http://kylin.incubator.apache.org
>  2. Making changes in build and packaging with respect to apache release
>     process
>  3. Development are happening on v0.7.1 version which we are preparing for
>     first release.
> Date of last release:
>  None yet.
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
> Signed-off-by:
>  [ ](kylin) Owen O'Malley
>  [X](kylin) Ted Dunning
>  [X](kylin) Henry Saputra
> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
>  Konstantin Boudnik (cos):
>    Mailing list is active; most mentors are participating in the community.
> --------------------
> Lens
> Lens is a platform that enables multi-dimensional queries in a unified way
> over datasets stored in multiple warehouses. Lens integrates Apache Hive
> with
> other data warehouses by tiering them together to form logical data cubes.
> Lens has been incubating since 2014-10-10.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>  1. Make the first release from apache: the 2.0-incubating release is in
>      progress
>  2. Reach out to people through presentations and blogs
>  3. Establish whether "Apache Lens" is a suitable name
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>  Establish whether "Apache Lens" is a suitable name via
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>  * Lens website is available on http://lens.incubator.apache.org
>  * Abstract submissions made for ApacheCon, Hadoop Summit and OSCON 2015.
> How has the project developed since the last report?
>  * Main activities include
>    * Stabilizing the api and code for first stable release
>    * Doing changes in build and packaging with respect to apache release
>      process
>    * Setting up regression suite for the project
>  * Mailing list activity :
>    * Dev
>      * Janauary - 1011 messsages
>    * Commits
>      * January - 43 messages
>    * User mailing list activity - None
>  * Issues 70 created and 46 resolved via 30 day summary from LENS Jira.
> Date of last release:
>  NONE.  2.0.0-incubating release process is in progress.
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
>  2014-12-24
> Signed-off-by:
>  [X](lens) Christopher Douglas
>  [ ](lens) Jakob Glen Homan
>  [X](lens) Jean-Baptiste Onofre
> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
> --------------------
> NiFi
> NiFi is a dataflow system based on the concepts of flow-based programming.
> NiFi has been incubating since 2014-11-24.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>  1. Grow our community.
>  2. Establish rhythm for releases, review processes, and document how to
>     most effectively bring on new committers.
>  3. Update our release process with items learned from initial release.
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>  Nothing we wish to raise at this time.
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>  We have a new PPMC member - Jenn Barnabee.
>  We continue to receive patches, code ideas, and bug reports from the
>  community.  Notable contributions during this reporting period outside the
>  PPMC and committer base include a new website design, code which will
>  automate much of the documentation production, and refactoring to improve
>  code reuse.
>  The dev mailing list has grown from 62 to 80 in the last report (commits
>  has grown to 29).
> How has the project developed since the last report?
>  We have successfully produced our first release within the Apache
>  Incubator!
> Date of last release:
>  2015-01-29
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
>  2015-01-17
> Signed-off-by:
>  [X](nifi) Billie Rinaldi
>  [X](nifi) Arvind Prabhakar
>  [X](nifi) Sergio Fernandez
>  [ ](nifi) Benson Margulies
>  [x](nifi) Brock Noland
>  [X](nifi) Drew Farris
>  [X](nifi) Andrew Purtell
> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
>  Drew Farris (drew):
>    Great report. Congratulations on the first release of NiFi at
>    Apache. Excellent job honing the release process and keeping
>    up the momentum with the Release Candidates.
>  P. Taylor Goetz (ptgoetz):
>    The podling looks healthy, with active participation from 6
>    out of 7 mentors. Mentors were particularly helpful in
>    guiding the community through a first release.
> --------------------
> REEF (Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework) is a scale-out computing
> fabric that eases the development of Big Data applications on top of
> resource managers such as Apache YARN and Mesos.
> REEF has been incubating since 2014-08-12.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>  1. Increase contributors and add them as committers
>  2. Make regular Apache releases
>  3. Increase efforts to reach out to potential users and contributors
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>  * We have seen significant activity from the community
>    - 87 JIRA issues created
>    - 46 JIRA issues resolved
>    - 900+ emails on dev (including auto-generated messages)
>  * We have received significant contributions from non-Committers
>    - Joo Seong Jeong and Josh Seol of Seoul National University have
>      contributed significantly to the website
>  * We have proposed a talk at Hadoop Summit
> How has the project developed since the last report?
>  * The first release was made as 0.10.0-incubating
>    - Release date: Jan 15, 2015
>    - Vote: 3 +1 binding votes and 0 -1 votes
>    - 41 issues were closed/resolved for this release
>  * Website added on Apache [REEF-4, http://reef.incubator.apache.org/]
>  * Integrated with the Apache build servers [REEF-11]
>  * Mesos runtime code has been added to the Apache repository [REEF-30]
>  * .NET code has been added to the Apache repository [REEF-51]
>  * Group communication code has been cleared by Microsoft to be added
>    to the Apache REEF code base [REEF-118]
> Date of last release:
>  Jan 15, 2015 (0.10.0-incubating)
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
>  None yet
> Signed-off-by:
>  [X](reef) Chris Douglas
>  [ ](reef) Chris Mattmann
>  [ ](reef) Ross Gardler
>  [ ](reef) Owen O'Malley
> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
> --------------------
> Ripple
> Ripple is a browser based mobile phone emulator designed to aid in the
> development of HTML5 based mobile applications.  Ripple is a cross platform
> and cross runtime testing/debugging tool. It currently supports such
> runtimes as Cordova, WebWorks aand the Mobile Web.
> Ripple has been incubating since 2012-10-16.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>  1.
>  2.
>  3.
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
> How has the community developed since the last report?
> How has the project developed since the last report?
> Date of last release:
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
> Signed-off-by:
>  [ ](ripple) Jukka Zitting
>  [ ](ripple) Christian Grobmeier
>  [ ](ripple) Andrew Savory
> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
> --------------------
> SAMOA provides a collection of distributed streaming algorithms for the most
> common data mining and machine learning tasks such as classification,
> clustering, and regression, as well as programming abstractions to develop
> new algorithms that run on top of distributed stream processing engines
> (DSPEs).  It features a pluggable architecture that allows it to run on
> several DSPEs such as Apache Storm, Apache S4, and Apache Samza.
> SAMOA has been incubating since 2014-12-15.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>  1. Create bylaws for the project
>  2. Migrate documentation from the old website
>  3. Start committing patches
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>  None
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>  We have started using the official Apache channels to discuss about SAMOA.
>  A couple of new people have showed up on the mailing lists.  We have one
>  new contributor submitting patches.
>  Mailing list activity (since January 2015):
>  * @dev      101 messages
>  Jira issues backlog (since January 2015):
>  * Created:  13
>  * Resolved: 2
> How has the project developed since the last report?
>  The project setup is going on nicely.  We got the SGA from Yahoo and
>  migrated the code to the Apache git repository, enabled GitHub integration
>  (https://github.com/apache/incubator-samoa), migrated the website to the
>  Apache infrastructure and added the Incubator branding
>  (http://samoa.incubator.apache.org), enabled testing via Travis CI.
> Date of last release:
>  None
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
>  None
> Signed-off-by:
>  [ ](samoa) Alan Gates
>  [ ](samoa) Ashutosh Chauhan
>  [ ](samoa) Enis Soztutar
>  [X](samoa) Ted Dunning
> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
>  Justin Mclean (jmclean):
>    Just starting, mentors active.
> --------------------
> Sirona
> Monitoring Solution.
> Sirona has been incubating since 2013-10-15.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>  1.
>  2.
>  3.
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>  None
> How has the community developed since the last report?
> How has the project developed since the last report?
>  Some refactoring of the UI.  A contributor made some development to have
>  some features still working with java 1.5
> Date of last release:
>  2014-06-26
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
> Signed-off-by:
>  [x](sirona) Olivier Lamy
>  [ ](sirona) Henri Gomez
>  [ ](sirona) Jean-Baptiste Onofre
>  [ ](sirona) Tammo van Lessen
>  [ ](sirona) Mark Struberg
> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
>  Matthew B. Franklin (mfranklin):
>    Lot's of code is being committed to the project, but mostly by a couple of
>    developers.  There also does not appear to be much discussion on the list
>    in last period, likely  due to the low number of developers.
>    I recommend the podling focus on increasing the size and participation of
>    the community as one of the issues to address prior to graduation.
> --------------------
> Slider
> Slider is a collection of tools and technologies to package, deploy, and
> manage long running applications on Apache Hadoop YARN clusters.
> Slider has been incubating since 2014-04-29.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>  1. Building a diverse developer and user community
>  2. Achieving broader adoption of the existing code and slider-deployable
>     applications (examples: HBase, Accumulo)
>  3. Making slider better at deploying other applications, so improving
>     takeup.
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>  None
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>  We're getting more people on the mailing list asking for improvements;
>  anyone with a patch is being helped to get it in. That builds up the
>  developer base and is intended to move it from a single team to one
>  distributed community development.  As we grow, we're proposing moving
>  from a single slider developer list to:a separate user mailing list, and a
>  third list for the JIRA/svn/git events. This will focus the developer list
>  around discussion, with a user list to help build that user community. We
>  do of course expect developers to also subscribe to the user list.
> How has the project developed since the last report?
>  We've done a source-only release in November, 0.60.0-incubating, in sync
>  with features in Hadoop 2.6, with a binary packing version,
>  0.61.0-incubating has just been voted for release (3-feb 2015); the
>  incubator vote is now pending. It was nice to see tests and a vote on the
>  release from an external user & patch submitter -community engagement
>  includes things like this.
>  A new release, 0.70 is being created with the release planned
>  mid-February. This will include improved features and fixes —especially
>  those reported by users of the 0.60 release. For example, one group wanted
>  short-lived applications on secure clusters, instances where Slider does
>  not need to worry about keytab expiry. Another need of people writing
>  slider-deployed applications was for a placement policy of "only ever ask
>  for component placement where instances were before"; this is needed for
>  Kafka.
>  Some of the feature requests are quite "ambitious", especially those
>  related to deployed components providing information back to the Web/REST
>  GUIs, and extending the configuration model to include: more
>  on-target-machine configuration, per-instance configuration and better
>  strategies for placing components within the YARN cluster. These requests
>  do represent real needs; even if they are long term features we need to
>  think about how to get there.
>  We're discussing supplementing the dev@ mailing list with issues@ and
>  user@ lists; the issues list for all JIRA updates -creation and completion
>  would still go to the developer list. This is to separate the noise of
>  JIRA-centric development from a developer list focused on broader
>  application features and building a community. We don't want to scare
>  people off from too much JIRA, or worse: lose what they have to say in the
>  emails. Similarly, the user@ list is where we want to encourage users. The
>  original rationale for a single list was "one single community
>  discussion", but it's not clear its worked out that way.
> Date of last release:
>  2014-11: Slider 0.60 (source, against Hadoop 2.6)
>  2015-02: (vote in progress) Slider 0.61.0 (binary, against Hadoop 2.6)
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
>  September 2014, new committer, Gour Saha (works at hortonworks)
> Signed-off-by:
>  [ ](slider) Arun C Murthy
>  [ ](slider) Devaraj Das
>  [ ](slider) Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>  [ ](slider) Mahadev Konar
> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
> --------------------
> Tamaya
> Tamaya is a highly flexible configuration solution based on an modular,
> extensible and injectable key/value based design, which should provide a
> minimal but extendible modern and functional API leveraging SE, ME and EE
> environments.
> Tamaya has been incubating since 2014-11-14.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>  1. Publish a first release soon.
>  2. Keep focus for a reasonable functionality and way forward.
>  3. Keep up/increase community engagement.
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>  No.
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>  Reinhard Sandtner was successfully elected to join as a new committer,
>  PPMC member.  During Zurich Hackergarten we implemented the backport of
>  the current Java 8 core implementation.
> How has the project developed since the last report?
>  We identified a minimalistic but extendible API. Basic implementation work
>  for Java 8 and Java 7 is ongoing, but makes overall good progress.
> Date of last release:
>  not yet defined, probably in Q2/2015
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
> 25th January 2015 (Reinhard Sandtner)
> Signed-off-by:
>  [X](tamaya) John D. Ament
>  [X](tamaya) Mark Struberg
>  [ ](tamaya) Gerhard Petracek
>  [ ](tamaya) David Blevins
> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
>  jda: Initial growing pains seem to be resolved, initial members
>  are working together better.  Mailing list activity is steady and
>  everyone is getting adjusted to The Apache Way.
>  mbf: Community activity looks strong and the community is discussing
>  and deciding on the list.
> --------------------
> Taverna
> Taverna is a domain-independent suite of tools used to design and execute
> data-driven workflows.
> Taverna has been incubating since 2014-10-20.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>  1. IP clearance
>  2. Release - understand/document release process
>  3. Grow community -- need to move forward from bootstrapping/IP issues
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>  None
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>  One new (potential) contributor
>  One former plugin developer showing renewed interest
>  There were 160 mail messages to d...@taverna.incubator.apache.org
> How has the project developed since the last report?
>  The Taverna name search has been approved.
>  IP clearance from University of Manchester was signed 2015-02-04.
>  Helped release Apache extras Beanshell 2.0b5 to allow use in Taverna
>  The dev community is dealing with licensing and discussing preparation
>  for the first release.  A partial website is in place and a full website
>  is in-progress.
>  Remaining infrastructure move includes - after IP clearance:
>  * Github -> git.apache.org
>  * Jira -> Jira (still discussing if this should be in bulk or manual)
>  * Confluence -> Confluence
>  * Web content (ongoing)
> Date of last release:
>  None
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
>  None
> Signed-off-by:
>  [x](taverna) Andy Seaborne
>  [ ](taverna) Chris Mattmann
>  [ ](taverna) Suresh Srinivas
>  [ ](taverna) Suresh Marru
>  [x](taverna) Marlon Pierce
> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
>  Andy Seaborne (andy):
>    Taverna remained on the monthly reporting cycle because the Software
>    Grant had not been received.  If it arrives as per schedule, Taverna can
>    go onto its normal reporting cycle.
>  Drew Farris (drew):
>    Podling is active, 2 mentors participating on the mailing lists.
> --------------------
> TinkerPop
> TinkerPop is a graph computing framework written in Java
> TinkerPop has been incubating since 2015-01-16.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>  1. Software grant needs to be approved.
>  2. Migration to Apache infrastructure.
>  3. Getting our team comfortable with the new environment.
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>  We have been hanging on the software grant approval for a week now. Be
>  good to get that knocked out so we can move forward.
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>  N/A
> How has the project developed since the last report?
>  N/A
> Date of last release:
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
> Signed-off-by:
>  [ ](tinkerpop) Rich Bowen
>  [ ](tinkerpop) Daniel Gruno
>  [X](tinkerpop) Hadrian Zbarcea
>  [X](tinkerpop) Matt Franklin
>  [X](tinkerpop) David Nalley
> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
>  John D. Ament (johndament):
>    Links to mailing lists are still pointing to google, appears to be on
>    purpose.  By doing so keeps the mailing lists active from original state.
> --------------------
> Twill
> Twill is an abstraction over Apache Hadoop YARN that reduces the complexity
> of developing distributed applications, allowing developers to focus more on
> their business logic
> Twill has been incubating since 2013-11-14.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>  1. More committers from different organizations.
>  2. Regular releases.
>  3. Increase adoption.
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>  - None at this time.
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>  - 8 new JIRA issues filed since last report (2014-11-01)
>  - 12 JIRA issues resolved since last report (2014-11-01)
>  - 3 new contributors submitted patches
> How has the project developed since the last report?
>  - Version 0.4.1-incubating RC3 being voted upon
> Date of last release:
>  - 2014-11-17: 0.4.0-incubating
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
>  - No new committers since incubation.
> Signed-off-by:
>  [ ](twill) Arun C Murthy
>  [ ](twill) Tom White
>  [X](twill) Patrick Hunt
>  [ ](twill) Andrei Savu
> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
>  Konstantin Boudnik (cos):
>    Very modest activity on the mailing list: pretty much just JIRAs and very
>    light of it.
> --------------------
> Zeppelin
> A collaborative data analytics and visualization tool for distributed,
> general-purpose data processing systems such as Apache Spark, Apache Flink,
> etc.
> Zeppelin has been incubating since 2014-12-23.
>  1. SGA: IP clearance to be signed by NFLabs
>  2. Finish migration to ASF infra: code and issues
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>  None.
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>  We've received several patches from contributors outside of the initial
>  committers list.  They are also participating in some discussions @dev
> How has the project developed since the last report?
>  All code base is ready to be migrated.
>  The project is waiting for the Software Grant from NFLabs legal
>  department.
>  Major features implemented are: custom Zeppelin interpreters-to-note
>  binding and dynamic .jar dependency loading
> Date of last release:
>  None.
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
>  None since incubation
> Signed-off-by:
>  [X](zeppelin) Konstantin Boudnik
>  [X](zeppelin) Henry Saputra
>  [ ](zeppelin) Roman Shaposhnik
>  [X](zeppelin) Ted Dunning
>  [ ](zeppelin) Hyunsik Choi
> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
> For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org

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