Hello friends,

The Myriad team and I would like to propose the Myriad project for
inclusion in the Apache Incubator.
Full text of the proposal is below. I can add it to the incubator wiki as
well, if desired.
Please review and discuss. If there are no major concerns, I will call for
a Vote after a week.


Apache Myriad Proposal

* Abstract
Myriad enables co-existence of Apache Hadoop YARN and Apache Mesos together
on the same cluster and allows dynamic resource allocations across both
Hadoop and other applications running on the same physical data center

* Proposal
The vision of Myriad is to provide a comprehensive framework to ensure
Apache Hadoop YARN and Apache Mesos can interoperate with minimal changes
on either side and prevent the static fragmentation of data center

* Background
Project Myriad is the first resource management framework that allows big
data developers to run YARN-based Hadoop jobs alongside other applications
and services in production. ebay Inc., MapR, and Mesosphere jointly built
Myriad (available on Github at https://github.com/mesos/myriad) with the
vision of freeing big data jobs from siloed clusters and consolidating
infrastructure into a single pool of resources for greater utilization and
operational efficiency. Several companies including Twitter have expressed
interest in Myriad and have begun testing it.

* Rationale
Many Hadoop users are building larger clusters (data lake/data hub
architectures) that support multiple workloads - made possible by the
advent of Apache Hadoop YARN. As the clusters grow in size and importance,
they become an important application within the broader datacenter. At the
same time, Apache Mesos enables efficient resource isolation and sharing
across distributed applications for the broader data center, for instance
MPI, Spark, long running web services, build/test infrastructure,
traditional linux applications/scripts, and others (including arbitrary
docker images).

Myriad aims to enable co-existence of Apache Hadoop YARN and Apache Mesos
on the same physical data center resources, reducing fragmentation of data
center resources.

* Project Goals
** Initial Goals
- Run Myriad alongside Apache Hadoop YARN and Apache Mesos to allow policy
based allocation of data center resources across Apache Hadoop and other
distributed applications
- Ensure YARN based execution frameworks work without any changes when
running alongside Myriad. YARN Applications will continue to interact and
run on top of YARN and can choose to be unaware of Myriad.
- Ensure Mesos based execution frameworks work without any changes when
running alongside Myriad. Mesos applications will continue to interact and
run on Mesos and can choose to be unaware of Myriad.
- Provide isolation for multi-tenancy.
  - Use linux cgroups (and optionally Docker-like technologies to ease
packaging, deployment and broader isolation) so that multiple YARN clusters
can run in their own space and are isolated from each other. YARN’s RM and
NMs are dockerized.
- Myriad should be able to manage full YARN lifecycle:
  - Bring up YARN (RM, NM)
  - Scale Up/Down YARN
  - Release resources and shut down YARN

** Longer Term Goals
- Allow fine-grained dynamic allocation of resources to Hadoop including
the ability to scale up and scale down the cluster.
  - Provide different policies to allow downsizing running applications on
Hadoop when resources are taken away from it.
  - Provide a framework so the downsizing policy is pluggable and users can
write their own implementations.
- Allow multiple versions of Apache Hadoop to run on the same physical
- Allow workload portability - ability to migrate YARN workloads across
various cloud infrastructures seamlessly (e.g. GCE, AWS, etc)
- Security:
  - Authentication Requirements:
    - Support basic CRAM-MD5 password authentication between Myriad and
Mesos. Additional authentication mechanisms may be supported in the future.
    - Traditional user authentication with Hadoop’s HTTP web-consoles
should work as usual.
  - Authorization:
    - Only authorized users are allowed to launch YARN clusters.  Mesos
allows to specify which framework principal is allowed to register as a
particular role.
  - Encryption on wire:
    - All control traffic to/from Myriad/Mesos
- Logs
  - Audits (where to store them)
    - Log all major activities/events with audit trail - who, what, when,
    - Launching YARN/RM
    - Launching NM’s
    - Downsizing NM’s
    - Terminating YARN/RM
  - What to do with old logs?
  - Debuggability/Visibility
    - Hooks to identify different YARN cluster lifecycles (yarn-id?)
- GUI: Capability to scale-up and scale-down by selecting nodes and
providing a scale-up/scale-down factor.

* Architectural Overview
The following diagram illustrates the high level architecture. YARN (with
Myriad) is registered as a framework with Mesos master along with possibly
other Mesos frameworks. This enables YARN to share cluster resources with
other Mesos frameworks providing elasticity of resources between Hadoop
workloads and Mesos frameworks.


* Current Status
Myriad is under active development. Key components of Myriad are:
** Myriad Resource Manager (RM) Plugin
- Plugs into Resource Manager Java process via yarn-site.xml configuration.
- Registers Myriad as a framework with Mesos. Receives resource offers from
- Monitors YARN’s application pipeline and scheduling events to drive
scale-up or scale-down decisions for Hadoop.
- Exposes REST APIs to help admins control Hadoop/YARN’s resource
consumption. Currently the following APIs are supported:
  - Scale Up (e.g. “launch 4 Node Manager instances with 10G/6CPU capacity”)
  - Scale Down (e.g. “kill 2 Node Manager instances with 10G/6CPU

** Myriad Mesos Executor
- Launched on a Mesos slave node by Myriad RM plugin via Mesos.
- Responsible for launching Node Manager process with appropriate
capacities configured in yarn-site.xml.
- Mounts YARN’s cgroup hierarchy under Mesos’ cgroup hierarchy in case
YARN’s cgroups are enabled.

Currently, a working prototype/demo had been built for the goals listed
under the “Initial Goals” section. Open issues and enhancements are tracked
at https://github.com/mesos/myriad/issues. Myriad is not yet tested for
production use.

** Meritocracy
We plan to invest in supporting a meritocracy. We will discuss the
requirements in a public forum. Several companies have already expressed
interest in this project, and we intend to invite developers to contribute
and gain karma. We will encourage and monitor community participation so
that privileges can be extended to those that contribute.

** Community
We are happy to report that there are existing Apache committers and
corporate users who are closely involved in the project already. We hope to
extend the user and developer base further in the future and build a solid
open source community around Myriad, growing the community and adding
committers following the Apache Way.

** Core Developers
The initial technology was built independently by ebay and MapR. ebay built
the technology in consultation with Ben Hindman. MapR built a working
prototype in tight consultation and mentorship with Mesosphere.

** Alignment
The initial committers strongly believe that Apache Hadoop YARN and Apache
Mesos will gain broad adoption and therefore a framework to allow for a
co-existence of these frameworks that is transparent to applications
written for YARN and Mesos will serve the needs of the broader community.

* Known Risks

** Inexperience with Open Source
Initial Myriad committers have varying levels of experience using and
contributing to Open Source projects, however by working with our mentors
and the Apache community we believe we will be able to conduct ourselves in
accordance with Apache Incubator guidelines. The close relationship between
the Myriad team and Apache Mesos and Apache Hadoop means there is an
awareness of the incubation process and a willingness to embrace The Apache

** Homogenous Developers
There is already diversity in the core developer community as they are
employed by three different and independent companies viz. ebay inc., MapR,
and Mesosphere. However, there will continue to be an emphasis on
increasing the diversity of the developer community.

** Reliance on Salaried Developers
Currently, the core developers are paid to work on Myriad. However, once
the project has a community built around it, we expect to get committers,
contributors and community from outside the current participating

** Relationships with Other Apache Products
Myriad implements interfaces from both Apache YARN and Apache Mesos, and
requires both to be present so that Myriad can coordinate dynamic resource
sharing between the two.

** An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand
While we respect the reputation of the Apache brand and have no doubts that
it will attract contributors and users, our interest is primarily to give
Myriad a solid home as an open source project following an established
development model. We have also given reasons in the Rationale and
Alignment sections.

* Documentation
Documentation is included in a docs directory of the repository (See
https://github.com/mesos/myriad/tree/phase1/docs), and currently details
how Myriad works, developing the project, auto-scaling a YARN cluster, the
Myriad REST API, and more. We will improve docs at every revision drop.

* Initial Source
The Myriad codebase has been posted on GitHub for review and licensed under
an Apache v2 license.

* Source and IP Submission Plan
During incubation, the codebase will be available at
https://github.com/apache/incubator-myriad/ and contributors will commit
appropriate contribute license agreements.

* External Dependencies
All Myriad dependencies have Apache compatible licenses.

* Cryptography
Myriad doesn’t use cryptography itself. Hadoop and Mesos projects, however,
use standard API’s and tools for SSH And SSL communication where necessary.

* Required Resources
** Mailing Lists
- myriad-private for private PMC conversations
- myriad-dev
- myriad-commits
- myriad-user

** Version Control
We prefer to use Git as our source control system: git://

** Issue Tracking

* Initial Committers
- Santosh Marella (smarella at mapr dot com)
- Mohit Soni (mohitsoni1989 at gmail dot com)
- Adam Bordelon (me at apache dot org) *
- Meghdoot Bhattacharya  ( mbhattacharya at paypal dot com)
- Anoop Dawar (anoopdawar at gmail dot com)
- Jim Scott (jim at 13ways dot com)
- Ken Sipe (kensipe at gmail dot com)

* Affiliations
- Santosh Marella, MapR
- Mohit Soni, ebay Inc.
- Adam Bordelon, Mesosphere
- Meghdoot Bhattacharya, ebay Inc.
- Anoop Dawar, MapR
- Jim Scott, MapR
- Ken Sipe, Mesosphere

* Sponsors
** Champion (Proposal)
- Ben Hindman (benh at apache dot org)

** Nominated Mentors
- Ben Hindman (benh at apache dot org) - Mesosphere
- Danese Cooper (danese at apache dot org) - ebay, Inc.
- Ted Dunning (tdunning at apache dot org) - MapR

** Sponsoring Entity
Apache Incubator

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