Am 16.03.2015 09:25, schrieb Upayavira:
When Stephen Connolly says ”We @ Maven will have a full dump of the
Codehaus JIRA and we have a VM set
up to test migration…” isn’t he implying that the Groovy issues are
*included* in that? I.e. there’s not so much for you to worry about

Even if Stephen gets a full dump, this does not mean we will get the Groovy part out of it. Ben was so far telling us he cannot give it out like that, because of private and internal data in there. Instead he suggested a json export (which most likely will not contain everything)

So unless Stephy has this clear with his employee I stand on the part, that we don't have that.

bye Jochen

Jochen "blackdrag" Theodorou - Groovy Project Tech Lead
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