+1 (binding)


On Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 1:00 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (3980) <
chris.a.mattm...@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:

> OK all, discussion has died down, we have 3 mentors, I think it’s
> time to proceed to a VOTE.
> I am calling a VOTE now to accept the Climate Model Diagnostic
> Analyzer (CMDA) into the Apache Incubator. The VOTE is open for
> at least the next 72 hours:
> [ ] +1 Accept Apache Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer into the Apache
> Incubator.
> [ ] +0 Abstain.
> [ ] -1 Don’t accept Apache Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer into the
> Apache Incubator
> because…
> I’ll try and close the VOTE out on Friday.
> Of course I am +1!
> P.S. the text of the latest wiki proposal is pasted below:
> Cheers,
> Chris
> = Apache ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer Proposal =
> == Abstract ==
> The Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer (CMDA) provides web services for
> multi-aspect physics-based and phenomenon-oriented climate model
> performance evaluation and diagnosis through the comprehensive and
> synergistic use of multiple observational data, reanalysis data, and model
> outputs.
> == Proposal ==
> The proposed web-based tools let users display, analyze, and download
> earth science data interactively. These tools help scientists quickly
> examine data to identify specific features, e.g., trends, geographical
> distributions, etc., and determine whether a further study is needed. All
> of the tools are designed and implemented to be general so that data from
> models, observation, and reanalysis are processed and displayed in a
> unified way to facilitate fair comparisons. The services prepare and
> display data as a colored map or an X-Y plot and allow users to download
> the analyzed data. Basic visual capabilities include 1) displaying
> two-dimensional variable as a map, zonal mean, and time series 2)
> displaying three-dimensional variable’s zonal mean, a two-dimensional
> slice at a specific altitude, and a vertical profile. General analysis can
> be done using the difference, scatter plot, and conditional sampling
> services. All the tools support display options for using linear or
> logarithmic scales and allow users to specify a temporal range and months
> in a year. The source/input datasets for these tools are CMIP5 model
> outputs, Obs4MIP observational datasets, and ECMWF reanalysis datasets.
> They are stored on the server and are selectable by a user through the web
> services.
> === Service descriptions ===
> 1. '''Two dimensional variable services'''
> * Map of two-dimensional variable:  This services displays a two
> dimensional variable as a colored longitude and latitude map with values
> represented by a color scheme. Longitude and latitude ranges can be
> specified to magnify a specific region.
> * Two dimensional variable zonal mean:  This service plots the zonal mean
> value of a two-dimensional variable as a function of the latitude in terms
> of an X-Y plot.
> * Two dimensional variable time series:  This service displays the average
> of a two-dimensional variable over the specific region as function of time
> as an X-Y plot.
> 2. '''Three dimensional variable services'''
> * Map of a two dimensional slice of a three-dimensional variable:  This
> service displays a two-dimensional slice of a three-dimensional variable
> at a specific altitude as a colored longitude and latitude map with values
> represented by a color scheme.
> * Three dimensional zonal mean:  Zonal mean of the specified
> three-dimensional variable is computed and displayed as a colored
> altitude-latitude map.
> * Vertical profile of a three-dimensional variable:  Compute the area
> weighted average of a three-dimensional variable over the specified region
> and display the average as function of pressure level (altitude) as an X-Y
> plot.
> 3. '''General services'''
> * Difference of two variables:  This service displays the differences
> between the two variables, which can be either a two dimensional variable
> or a slice of a three-dimensional variable at a specified altitude as
> colored longitude and latitude maps
> * Scatter and histogram plots of two variables:  This service displays the
> scatter plot (X-Y plot) between two specified variables and the histograms
> of the two variables. The number of samples can be specified and the
> correlation is computed. The two variables can be either a two-dimensional
> variable or a slice of a three-dimensional variable at a specific altitude.
> * Conditional sampling:  This service lets user to sort a physical
> quantity of two or dimensions according to the values of another variable
> (environmental condition, e.g. SST) which may be a two-dimensional
> variable or a slice of a three-dimensional variable at a specific
> altitude. For a two dimensional quantity, the plot is displayed an X-Y
> plot, and for a two-dimensional quantity, plot is displayed as a
> colored-map.
> == Background and Rationale ==
> The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth
> Assessment Report stressed the need for the comprehensive and innovative
> evaluation of climate models with newly available global observations. The
> traditional approach to climate model evaluation, which is the comparison
> of a single parameter at a time, identifies symptomatic model biases and
> errors but fails to diagnose the model problems. The model diagnosis
> process requires physics-based multi-variable comparisons, which typically
> involve large-volume and heterogeneous datasets, and computationally
> demanding and data-intensive operations. We propose to develop a
> computationally efficient information system to enable the physics-based
> multi-variable model performance evaluations and diagnoses through the
> comprehensive and synergistic use of multiple observational data,
> reanalysis data, and model outputs.
> Satellite observations have been widely used in model-data
> inter-comparisons and model evaluation studies. These studies normally
> involve the comparison of a single parameter at a time using a time and
> space average. For example, modeling cloud-related processes in global
> climate models requires cloud parameterizations that provide quantitative
> rules for expressing the location, frequency of occurrence, and intensity
> of the clouds in terms of multiple large-scale model-resolved parameters
> such as temperature, pressure, humidity, and wind. One can evaluate the
> performance of the cloud parameterization by comparing the cloud water
> content with satellite data and can identify symptomatic model biases or
> errors. However, in order to understand the cause of the biases and
> errors, one has to simultaneously investigate several parameters that are
> integrated in the cloud parameterization.
> Such studies, aimed at a multi-parameter model diagnosis, require
> locating, understanding, and manipulating multi-source observation
> datasets, model outputs, and (re)analysis outputs that are physically
> distributed, massive in volume, heterogeneous in format, and provide
> little information on data quality and production legacy. Additionally,
> these studies involve various data preparation and processing steps that
> can easily become computationally demanding since many datasets have to be
> combined and processed simultaneously. It is notorious that scientists
> spend more than 60% of their research time on just preparing the dataset
> before it can be analyzed for their research.
> To address these challenges, we propose to build Climate Model Diagnostic
> Analyzer (CMDA) that will enable a streamlined and structured preparation
> of multiple large-volume and heterogeneous datasets, and provide a
> computationally efficient approach to processing the datasets for model
> diagnosis. We will leverage the existing information technologies and
> scientific tools that we developed in our current NASA ROSES COUND, MAP,
> and AIST projects. We will utilize the open-source Web-service technology.
> We will make CMDA complementary to other climate model analysis tools
> currently available to the research community (e.g., PCMDI’s CDAT and
> NCAR’s CCMVal) by focusing on the missing capabilities such as conditional
> sampling, and probability distribution function and cluster analysis of
> multiple-instrument datasets. The users will be able to use a web browser
> to interface with CMDA.
> == Current Status ==
> The current version of ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer was developed by a
> team at The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). The project was initiated as
> a NASA-sponsored project (ROSES-CMAC) in 2011.
> == Meritocracy ==
> The current developers are not familiar with meritocratic open source
> development at Apache, but would like to encourage this style of
> development for the project.
> == Community ==
> While ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer started as a JPL research project, it
> has been used in The 2014 Caltech Summer School sponsored by the JPL
> Center for Climate Sciences. Some 23 students from different institutions
> over the world participated. We deployed the tool to the Amazon Cloud and
> let every student each has his or her own virtual machine. Students gave
> positive feedback mostly on the usability and speed of our web services.
> We also collected a number of enhancement requests. We seek to further
> grow the developer and user communities using the Apache open source
> venue. During incubation we will explicitly seek increased academic
> collaborations (e.g., with The Carnegie Mellon University) as well as
> industrial participation.
> One instance of our web services can be found at:
> http://cmacws4.jpl.nasa.gov:8080/cmac/
> == Core Developers ==
> The core developers of the project are JPL scientists and software
> developers.
> == Alignment ==
> Apache is the most natural home for taking the
> ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer project forward. It is well-aligned with
> some Apache projects such as Apache Open Climate Workbench.
> ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer also seeks to achieve an Apache-style
> development model; it is seeking a broader community of contributors and
> users in order to achieve its full potential and value to the Climate
> Science and Big Data community.
> There are also a number of dependencies that will be mentioned below in
> the Relationships with Other Apache products section.
> == Known Risks ==
> === Orphaned products ===
> Given the current level of intellectual investment in
> ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer, the risk of the project being abandoned is
> very small. The Carnegie Mellon University and JPL are collaborating
> (2014-2015) to build a service for climate analytics workflow
> recommendation using fund from NASA. A two-year NASA AIST project
> (2015-2016) will soon start to add diagnostic analysis methodologies such
> as conditional sampling method, conditional probability density function,
> data co-location, and random forest. We will also infuse the provenance
> technology into CMDA so that the history of the data products and
> workflows will be automatically collected and saved. This information will
> also be indexed so that the products and workflows can be searchable by
> the community of climate scientists and students.
> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> The current developers of ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer are inexperienced
> with Open Source. However, our Champion Chris Mattmann is experienced
> (Champions of ApacheOpenClimateWorkbench and AsterixDB) and will be
> working closely with us, also as the Chief Architect of our JPL section.
> === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> Clearly there is a direct relationship between this project and the Apache
> Open Climate Workbench already a top level Apache project and also brought
> to the ASF by its Champion (and ours) Chris Mattmann. We plan on directly
> collaborating with the Open Climate Workbench community via our Champion
> and we also welcome ASF mentors familiar with the OCW project to help
> mentor our project. In addition our team is extremely welcoming of ASF
> projects and if there are synergies with them we invite participation in
> the proposal and in the discussion.
> === Homogeneous Developers ===
> The current community is within JPL but we would like to increase the
> heterogeneity.
> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> The initial committers are full-time JPL staff from 2013 to 2014. The
> other committers from 2014 to 2015 are a mix of CMU faculty, students and
> JPL staff.
> === An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> We believe in the processes, systems, and framework Apache has put in
> place. Apache is also known to foster a great community around their
> projects and provide exposure. While brand is important, our fascination
> with it is not excessive. We believe that the ASF is the right home for
> ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer and that having
> ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer inside of the ASF will lead to a better
> long-term outcome for the Climate Science and Big Data community.
> === Documentation ===
> The ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer services and documentation can be found
> at: http://cmacws4.jpl.nasa.gov:8080/cmac/.
> === Initial Source ===
> Current source resides in ...
> === External Dependencies ===
> ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer depends on a number of open source projects:
>  * Flask
>  * Gunicorn
>  * Tornado Web Server
>  * GNU octave
>  * epd python
>  * NOAA ferret
>  * GNU plot
> == Required Resources ==
> === Developer and user mailing lists ===
>  * priv...@cmda.incubator.apache.org (with moderated subscriptions)
>  * comm...@cmda.incubator.apache.org
>  * d...@cmda.incubator.apache.org
>  * us...@cmda.incubator.apache.org
> A git repository
> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-cmda.git
> A JIRA issue tracker
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CMDA
> === Initial Committers ===
> The following is a list of the planned initial Apache committers (the
> active subset of the committers for the current repository at Google code).
>  * Seungwon Lee (seungwon....@jpl.nasa.gov)
>  * Lei Pan (lei....@jpl.nasa.gov)
>  * Chengxing Zhai (chengxing.z...@jpl.nasa.gov)
>  * Benyang Tang (benyang.t...@jpl.nasa.gov)
>  * Jia Zhang (jia.zh...@sv.cmu.edu)
>  * Wei Wang (wei.w...@sv.cmu.edu)
>  * Chris Lee (chris....@sv.cmu.edu)
>  * Xing Wei (xing....@sv.cmu.edu)
> === Affiliations ===
>  * Seungwon Lee
>  * Lei Pan
>  * Chengxing Zhai
>  * Benyang Tang
>  * Jia Zhang
>  * Wei Wang
>  * Chris Lee
>  * Xing Wei
> == Sponsors ==
> === Champion ===
> Chris Mattmann (NASA/JPL)
> === Nominated Mentors ===
> Greg Reddin<<BR>>
> Chris Mattmann<<BR>>
> Michael Joyce<<BR>>
> James Carman
> === Sponsoring Entity ===
> The Apache Incubator
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
> Chief Architect
> Instrument Software and Science Data Systems Section (398)
> NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
> Office: 168-519, Mailstop: 168-527
> Email: chris.a.mattm...@nasa.gov
> WWW:  http://sunset.usc.edu/~mattmann/
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Adjunct Associate Professor, Computer Science Department
> University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <Mattmann>, Chris Mattmann <chris.a.mattm...@jpl.nasa.gov>
> Reply-To: "general@incubator.apache.org" <general@incubator.apache.org>
> Date: Monday, March 23, 2015 at 1:55 AM
> To: "general@incubator.apache.org" <general@incubator.apache.org>
> Cc: "Pan, Lei (398K)" <lei....@jpl.nasa.gov>, "Lee, Seungwon (398K)"
> <seungwon....@jpl.nasa.gov>, "Zhai, Chengxing (398K)"
> <chengxing.z...@jpl.nasa.gov>, "Tang, Benyang (398J)"
> <benyang.t...@jpl.nasa.gov>, "jia.zh...@west.cmu.edu"
> <jia.zh...@west.cmu.edu>
> Subject: [PROPOSAL] Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer
> >Hi Everyone,
> >
> >I am pleased to submit for consideration to the Apache Incubator
> >the Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer proposal. We are actively
> >soliciting interested mentors in this project related to climate
> >science and analytics and big data.
> >
> >Please find the wiki text of the proposal below and the link up
> >on the wiki here:
> >
> >https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzerProposal
> >
> >Thank you for your consideration!
> >
> >Cheers,
> >Chris
> >(on behalf of the Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer community)
> >
> >= Apache ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer Proposal =
> >
> >== Abstract ==
> >
> >The Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer (CMDA) provides web services for
> >multi-aspect physics-based and phenomenon-oriented climate model
> >performance evaluation and diagnosis through the comprehensive and
> >synergistic use of multiple observational data, reanalysis data, and model
> >outputs.
> >
> >== Proposal ==
> >
> >The proposed web-based tools let users display, analyze, and download
> >earth science data interactively. These tools help scientists quickly
> >examine data to identify specific features, e.g., trends, geographical
> >distributions, etc., and determine whether a further study is needed. All
> >of the tools are designed and implemented to be general so that data from
> >models, observation, and reanalysis are processed and displayed in a
> >unified way to facilitate fair comparisons. The services prepare and
> >display data as a colored map or an X-Y plot and allow users to download
> >the analyzed data. Basic visual capabilities include 1) displaying
> >two-dimensional variable as a map, zonal mean, and time series 2)
> >displaying three-dimensional variable’s zonal mean, a two-dimensional
> >slice at a specific altitude, and a vertical profile. General analysis can
> >be done using the difference, scatter plot, and conditional sampling
> >services. All the tools support display options for using linear or
> >logarithmic scales and allow users to specify a temporal range and months
> >in a year. The source/input datasets for these tools are CMIP5 model
> >outputs, Obs4MIP observational datasets, and ECMWF reanalysis datasets.
> >They are stored on the server and are selectable by a user through the web
> >services.
> >
> >=== Service descriptions ===
> >
> >1. '''Two dimensional variable services'''
> >
> >* Map of two-dimensional variable:  This services displays a two
> >dimensional variable as a colored longitude and latitude map with values
> >represented by a color scheme. Longitude and latitude ranges can be
> >specified to magnify a specific region.
> >
> >* Two dimensional variable zonal mean:  This service plots the zonal mean
> >value of a two-dimensional variable as a function of the latitude in terms
> >of an X-Y plot.
> >
> >* Two dimensional variable time series:  This service displays the average
> >of a two-dimensional variable over the specific region as function of time
> >as an X-Y plot.
> >
> >2. '''Three dimensional variable services'''
> >
> >* Map of a two dimensional slice of a three-dimensional variable:  This
> >service displays a two-dimensional slice of a three-dimensional variable
> >at a specific altitude as a colored longitude and latitude map with values
> >represented by a color scheme.
> >
> >* Three dimensional zonal mean:  Zonal mean of the specified
> >three-dimensional variable is computed and displayed as a colored
> >altitude-latitude map.
> >
> >* Vertical profile of a three-dimensional variable:  Compute the area
> >weighted average of a three-dimensional variable over the specified region
> >and display the average as function of pressure level (altitude) as an X-Y
> >plot.
> >
> >3. '''General services'''
> >
> >* Difference of two variables:  This service displays the differences
> >between the two variables, which can be either a two dimensional variable
> >or a slice of a three-dimensional variable at a specified altitude as
> >colored longitude and latitude maps
> >
> >* Scatter and histogram plots of two variables:  This service displays the
> >scatter plot (X-Y plot) between two specified variables and the histograms
> >of the two variables. The number of samples can be specified and the
> >correlation is computed. The two variables can be either a two-dimensional
> >variable or a slice of a three-dimensional variable at a specific
> >altitude.
> >
> >* Conditional sampling:  This service lets user to sort a physical
> >quantity of two or dimensions according to the values of another variable
> >(environmental condition, e.g. SST) which may be a two-dimensional
> >variable or a slice of a three-dimensional variable at a specific
> >altitude. For a two dimensional quantity, the plot is displayed an X-Y
> >plot, and for a two-dimensional quantity, plot is displayed as a
> >colored-map.
> >
> >
> >== Background and Rationale ==
> >
> >The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth
> >Assessment Report stressed the need for the comprehensive and innovative
> >evaluation of climate models with newly available global observations. The
> >traditional approach to climate model evaluation, which is the comparison
> >of a single parameter at a time, identifies symptomatic model biases and
> >errors but fails to diagnose the model problems. The model diagnosis
> >process requires physics-based multi-variable comparisons, which typically
> >involve large-volume and heterogeneous datasets, and computationally
> >demanding and data-intensive operations. We propose to develop a
> >computationally efficient information system to enable the physics-based
> >multi-variable model performance evaluations and diagnoses through the
> >comprehensive and synergistic use of multiple observational data,
> >reanalysis data, and model outputs.
> >
> >Satellite observations have been widely used in model-data
> >inter-comparisons and model evaluation studies. These studies normally
> >involve the comparison of a single parameter at a time using a time and
> >space average. For example, modeling cloud-related processes in global
> >climate models requires cloud parameterizations that provide quantitative
> >rules for expressing the location, frequency of occurrence, and intensity
> >of the clouds in terms of multiple large-scale model-resolved parameters
> >such as temperature, pressure, humidity, and wind. One can evaluate the
> >performance of the cloud parameterization by comparing the cloud water
> >content with satellite data and can identify symptomatic model biases or
> >errors. However, in order to understand the cause of the biases and
> >errors, one has to simultaneously investigate several parameters that are
> >integrated in the cloud parameterization.
> >
> >Such studies, aimed at a multi-parameter model diagnosis, require
> >locating, understanding, and manipulating multi-source observation
> >datasets, model outputs, and (re)analysis outputs that are physically
> >distributed, massive in volume, heterogeneous in format, and provide
> >little information on data quality and production legacy. Additionally,
> >these studies involve various data preparation and processing steps that
> >can easily become computationally demanding since many datasets have to be
> >combined and processed simultaneously. It is notorious that scientists
> >spend more than 60% of their research time on just preparing the dataset
> >before it can be analyzed for their research.
> >
> >To address these challenges, we propose to build Climate Model Diagnostic
> >Analyzer (CMDA) that will enable a streamlined and structured preparation
> >of multiple large-volume and heterogeneous datasets, and provide a
> >computationally efficient approach to processing the datasets for model
> >diagnosis. We will leverage the existing information technologies and
> >scientific tools that we developed in our current NASA ROSES COUND, MAP,
> >and AIST projects. We will utilize the open-source Web-service technology.
> >We will make CMDA complementary to other climate model analysis tools
> >currently available to the research community (e.g., PCMDI’s CDAT and
> >NCAR’s CCMVal) by focusing on the missing capabilities such as conditional
> >sampling, and probability distribution function and cluster analysis of
> >multiple-instrument datasets. The users will be able to use a web browser
> >to interface with CMDA.
> >
> >== Current Status ==
> >
> >The current version of ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer was developed by a
> >team at The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). The project was initiated as
> >a NASA-sponsored project (ROSES-CMAC) in 2011.
> >
> >== Meritocracy ==
> >
> >The current developers are not familiar with meritocratic open source
> >development at Apache, but would like to encourage this style of
> >development for the project.
> >
> >== Community ==
> >
> >While ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer started as a JPL research project, it
> >has been used in The 2014 Caltech Summer School sponsored by the JPL
> >Center for Climate Sciences. Some 23 students from different institutions
> >over the world participated. We deployed the tool to the Amazon Cloud and
> >let every student each has his or her own virtual machine. Students gave
> >positive feedback mostly on the usability and speed of our web services.
> >We also collected a number of enhancement requests. We seek to further
> >grow the developer and user communities using the Apache open source
> >venue. During incubation we will explicitly seek increased academic
> >collaborations (e.g., with The Carnegie Mellon University) as well as
> >industrial participation.
> >
> >One instance of our web services can be found at:
> >http://cmacws.jpl.nasa.gov:8080/cmac/
> >
> >== Core Developers ==
> >
> >The core developers of the project are JPL scientists and software
> >developers.
> >
> >== Alignment ==
> >
> >Apache is the most natural home for taking the
> >ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer project forward. It is well-aligned with
> >some Apache projects such as Apache Open Climate Workbench.
> >ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer also seeks to achieve an Apache-style
> >development model; it is seeking a broader community of contributors and
> >users in order to achieve its full potential and value to the Climate
> >Science and Big Data community.
> >
> >There are also a number of dependencies that will be mentioned below in
> >the Relationships with Other Apache products section.
> >
> >
> >== Known Risks ==
> >
> >=== Orphaned products ===
> >
> >Given the current level of intellectual investment in
> >ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer, the risk of the project being abandoned is
> >very small. The Carnegie Mellon University and JPL are collaborating
> >(2014-2015) to build a service for climate analytics workflow
> >recommendation using fund from NASA. A two-year NASA AIST project
> >(2015-2016) will soon start to add diagnostic analysis methodologies such
> >as conditional sampling method, conditional probability density function,
> >data co-location, and random forest. We will also infuse the provenance
> >technology into CMDA so that the history of the data products and
> >workflows will be automatically collected and saved. This information will
> >also be indexed so that the products and workflows can be searchable by
> >the community of climate scientists and students.
> >
> >=== Inexperience with Open Source ===
> >
> >The current developers of ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer are inexperienced
> >with Open Source. However, our Champion Chris Mattmann is experienced
> >(Champions of ApacheOpenClimateWorkbench and AsterixDB) and will be
> >working closely with us, also as the Chief Architect of our JPL section.
> >
> >=== Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> >
> >Clearly there is a direct relationship between this project and the Apache
> >Open Climate Workbench already a top level Apache project and also brought
> >to the ASF by its Champion (and ours) Chris Mattmann. We plan on directly
> >collaborating with the Open Climate Workbench community via our Champion
> >and we also welcome ASF mentors familiar with the OCW project to help
> >mentor our project. In addition our team is extremely welcoming of ASF
> >projects and if there are synergies with them we invite participation in
> >the proposal and in the discussion.
> >
> >=== Homogeneous Developers ===
> >
> >The current community is within JPL but we would like to increase the
> >heterogeneity.
> >
> >=== Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> >
> >The initial committers are full-time JPL staff from 2013 to 2014. The
> >other committers from 2014 to 2015 are a mix of CMU faculty, students and
> >JPL staff.
> >
> >=== An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> >
> >We believe in the processes, systems, and framework Apache has put in
> >place. Apache is also known to foster a great community around their
> >projects and provide exposure. While brand is important, our fascination
> >with it is not excessive. We believe that the ASF is the right home for
> >ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer and that having
> >ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer inside of the ASF will lead to a better
> >long-term outcome for the Climate Science and Big Data community.
> >
> >=== Documentation ===
> >
> >The ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer services and documentation can be found
> >at: http://cmacws.jpl.nasa.gov:8080/cmac/.
> >
> >=== Initial Source ===
> >
> >Current source resides in ...
> >
> >=== External Dependencies ===
> >
> >ClimateModelDiagnosticAnalyzer depends on a number of open source
> >projects:
> >
> > * Flask
> > * Gunicorn
> > * Tornado Web Server
> > * GNU octave
> > * epd python
> > * NOAA ferret
> > * GNU plot
> >
> >== Required Resources ==
> >
> >=== Developer and user mailing lists ===
> >
> > * priv...@cmda.incubator.apache.org (with moderated subscriptions)
> > * comm...@cmda.incubator.apache.org
> > * d...@cmda.incubator.apache.org
> > * us...@cmda.incubator.apache.org
> >
> >A git repository
> >
> >https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-cmda.git
> >
> >A JIRA issue tracker
> >
> >https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CMDA
> >
> >=== Initial Committers ===
> >
> >The following is a list of the planned initial Apache committers (the
> >active subset of the committers for the current repository at Google
> >code).
> >
> > * Seungwon Lee (seungwon....@jpl.nasa.gov)
> > * Lei Pan (lei....@jpl.nasa.gov)
> > * Chengxing Zhai (chengxing.z...@jpl.nasa.gov)
> > * Benyang Tang (benyang.t...@jpl.nasa.gov)
> >
> >
> >=== Affiliations ===
> >
> >JPL
> >
> > * Seungwon Lee
> > * Lei Pan
> > * Chengxing Zhai
> > * Benyang Tang
> >
> >CMU
> >
> > * Jia Zhang
> > * Wei Wang
> > * Chris Lee
> > * Xing Wei
> >
> >== Sponsors ==
> >
> >
> >=== Champion ===
> >
> >Chris Mattmann (NASA/JPL)
> >
> >=== Nominated Mentors ===
> >
> >TBD
> >
> >=== Sponsoring Entity ===
> >
> >The Apache Incubator
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> >Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
> >Chief Architect
> >Instrument Software and Science Data Systems Section (398)
> >NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
> >Office: 168-519, Mailstop: 168-527
> >Email: chris.a.mattm...@nasa.gov
> >WWW:  http://sunset.usc.edu/~mattmann/
> >++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> >Adjunct Associate Professor, Computer Science Department
> >University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA
> >++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >---------------------------------------------------------------------
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