+1 (binding)


> On Apr 20, 2015, at 1:46 AM, Roman Shaposhnik <r...@apache.org> wrote:
> Following the discussion earlier in the thread:
>   http://s.apache.org/Oxt
> I would like to call a VOTE for accepting Geode
> as a new incubator project.
> The proposal is available at:
>    https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/GeodeProposal
> and is also included at the bottom of this email.
> Vote is open until at least Sunday, 26 April 2015, 23:59:00 PST
> [ ] +1 accept Geode in the Incubator
> [ ] ±0
> [ ] -1 because...
> Thanks,
> Roman.
> == Abstract ==
> Geode is a data management platform that provides real-time,
> consistent access to data-intensive applications throughout widely
> distributed cloud architectures.
> Geode pools memory (along with CPU, network and optionally local disk)
> across multiple processes to manage application objects and behavior.
> It uses dynamic replication and data partitioning techniques for high
> availability, improved performance, scalability, and fault tolerance.
> Geode is both a distributed data container and an in-memory data
> management system providing reliable asynchronous event notifications
> and guaranteed message delivery.
> == Proposal ==
> The goal of this proposal is to bring the core of Pivotal Software,
> Inc.’s (Pivotal) Pivotal GemFireⓇ codebase into the Apache Software
> Foundation (ASF) in order to build a vibrant, diverse and
> self-governed open source community around the technology. Pivotal
> will continue to market and sell Pivotal GemFire based on Geode. Geode
> and Pivotal GemFire will be managed separately. This proposal covers
> the Geode source code (mainly written in Java), Geode documentation
> and other materials currently available on GitHub.
> While Geode is our primary choice for a name of the project, in order
> to facilitate PODLINGNAMESEARCH we have come up with two alternatives:
>  * Haptic
>  * FIG
> == Background ==
> GemFire is an extremely mature and robust product that can trace its
> legacy all the way back to one of the first Object Databases for
> Smalltalk: GemStone. The GemFire code base has been maintained by the
> same group of engineers as a closed source project. Because of that,
> even though the engineers behind GemFire are the de-facto knowledge
> leaders for distributed in-memory management, they have had little
> exposure to the open source governance process.    The original
> company developing GemStone and GemFire was acquired by VMWare in 2010
> and later spun off as part of Pivotal Software in 2013. Today GemFire
> is used by over 600 enterprise customers. An example deployment
> includes China National Railways that uses Pivotal GemFire to run
> railway ticketing for the entire country of China with a 10 node
> cluster that manages 2 gigabytes "hot data" in memory, and 10 backup
> nodes for high availability and elastic scale.
> == Rationale ==
> Modern-day data management architectures require a robust in-memory
> data grid solution to handle a variety of use cases, ranging from
> enterprise-wide caching to real-time transactional applications at
> scale. In addition, as memory size and network bandwidth growth
> continues to outpace those of disk, the importance of managing large
> pools of RAM at scale increases. It is essential to innovate at the
> same pace and Pivotal strongly believes that in the Big Data space,
> this can be optimally achieved through a vibrant, diverse,
> self-governed community collectively innovating around a single
> codebase while at the same time cross-pollinating with various other
> data management communities. ASF is the ideal place to meet these
> ambitious goals.
> == Initial Goals ==
> Our initial goals are to bring Geode into the ASF, transition internal
> engineering processes into the open, and foster a collaborative
> development model according to the "Apache Way." Pivotal plans to
> develop new functionality in an open, community-driven way. To get
> there, the existing internal build, test and release processes will be
> refactored to support open development.
> == Current Status ==
> Currently, the project code base is licensed for evaluation purposes
> and is available for download from Pivotal.io
> (https://network.pivotal.io/products/project-geode). The documentation
> and wiki pages are available as public GitHub repositories under
> Project Geode organization on GitHub
> (https://github.com/project-geode). Although Pivotal GemFire was
> developed as a proprietary, closed-source product, the internal
> engineering practices adopted by the development team lend themselves
> well to an open, collaborative and meritocratic environment.
> The Pivotal GemFire team has always focused on building a robust end
> user community of paying and non-paying customers. The existing
> documentation along with StackOverflow and other similar forums are
> expected to facilitate conversions between our existing users so as to
> transform them into an active community of Geode members, stakeholders
> and developers.
> === Meritocracy ===
> Our proposed list of initial committers include the current GemFire
> R&D team, Pivotal Field Engineers, and several existing customers and
> partners. This group will form a base for the broader community we
> will invite to collaborate on the codebase. We intend to radically
> expand the initial developer and user community by running the project
> in accordance with the "Apache Way". Users and new contributors will
> be treated with respect and welcomed. By participating in the
> community and providing quality patches/support that move the project
> forward, they will earn merit. They also will be encouraged to provide
> non-code contributions (documentation, events, community management,
> etc.) and will gain merit for doing so. Those with a proven support
> and quality track record will be encouraged to become committers.
> === Community ===
> If Geode is accepted for incubation, the primary initial goal will be
> transitioning the core community towards embracing the Apache Way of
> project governance. We would solicit major existing contributors to
> become committers on the project from the start.
> === Core Developers ===
> While a few core developers are skilled in working in openly governed
> Apache communities. Most of the core developers are currently NOT
> affiliated with the ASF and would require new ICLAs before committing
> to the project.
> === Alignment ===
> The following existing ASF projects can be considered when reviewing
> Geode proposal:
> Apache HadoopⓇ is a distributed storage and processing framework for
> very large datasets focusing primarily on batch processing for
> analytic purposes. Geode is a data management platform that provides
> real-time, consistent, and transactional access to data-intensive
> applications. Our roadmap includes plans to provide close integration
> with HDFS.
> Apache HBase offers tabular data stored in Hadoop based on the Google
> Bigtable model.  HBase uses a key-based partitioning scheme and column
> family data model that can work well for scan intensive workloads but
> is not as broadly applicable as the rich object model, OQL querying,
> and hash partitioning provided by Geode.  Geode will use the HFile
> format for storing data in HDFS.
> Apache Spark is a fast engine for processing large datasets, typically
> from a Hadoop cluster, and performing batch, streaming, interactive,
> or machine learning workloads.  Geode supports high throughput
> streaming ingest application patterns and data parallel algorithms.
> Geode also ensures that data is highly available through redundancy
> while Spark recovers from faults using RDD lineage recomputation.  Our
> roadmap includes plans for providing integration with the Spark
> platform.
> Apache Ignite (incubating) offers distributed in-memory processing
> capabilities which in some ways overlap with Geode.  However, Geode
> has been in this field for more than 10 years and the product API's,
> design, and implementation details are quite different.  In addition,
> Geode offers highly optimized shared-nothing disk persistence for
> in-memory data which does not appear to be available with Ignite.
> Apache Cassandra is a highly scalable, distributed key-value store
> that focuses on eventual consistency.  It uses log-structured merge
> trees to handle write-heavy workloads.  The Geode distributed
> in-memory cluster provides highly performant and advanced capabilities
> including network partition detection and recovery, version-based
> state synchronization and conflict resolution, and single IO disk
> operations.
> Apache ActiveMQ and its sub project Apache Apollo offers a powerful
> message queue framework that is being considered for an open source
> implementation of Geode's WAN replication capabilities.
> Apache Storm is a streaming engine that processes events through a
> directed graph of computation. It requires Apache Zookeeper for
> coordination and Apache Kafka to reliably store the streaming data
> source. Geode provides builtin capabilities for these functions. In
> addition, Geode offers data locality for related entities and
> in-process access to reference data typically used during processing.
> Apache Kafka offers distributed and durable publish-subscribe
> messaging. Geode expands beyond publish-subscribe messaging to support
> data oriented notifications delivered from highly available, fault
> tolerant event queues that can be easily correlated to related data
> for further processing. Apache Samza is a distributed processing
> framework heavily dependent on Apache Kafka and Apache Hadoop YARN for
> messaging and distributed fault-tolerant processing.  Geode is data
> source agnostic and leverages its own technology and implementation
> for such use cases.
> == Known Risks ==
> Development has been sponsored mostly by a single company (or its
> predecessors) thus far and coordinated mainly by the core Pivotal
> GemFire team.
> For the project to fully transition to the Apache Way governance
> model, development must shift towards the meritocracy-centric model of
> growing a community of contributors balanced with the needs for
> extreme stability and core implementation coherency.
> The tools and development practices in place for the Pivotal GemFire
> product are compatible with the ASF infrastructure and thus we do not
> anticipate any on-boarding pains. Migration from the current GitHub
> repository is also expected to be straightforward.
> The project currently includes a modified version of the JGroups
> software toolkit. JGroups was initially released under the LGPL
> license. Although we have complied with the terms of the LGPL by
> making the modified source available, LGPL is classified as an
> incompatible license by the ASF.  The JGroups project has since been
> re-licenced under ALv2 (see http://www.jgroups.org/license.html) and
> we plan to engage with the licensor to overcome this license
> incompatibility. If the license incompatibility cannot be overcome
> through our discussions with the licensor, we will need to rework this
> portion of the project based upon a newer version of the JGroups
> toolkit or via other alternative development efforts.
> === Orphaned products ===
> Pivotal is fully committed to Pivotal GemFire and the product will
> continue to be based on the Geode project. Moreover, Pivotal has a
> vested interest in making Geode succeed by driving its close
> integration with sister ASF projects. We expect this to further
> reduces the risk of orphaning the product.
> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> Pivotal has embraced open source software since its formation by
> employing contributors/committers and by shepherding open source
> projects like Cloud Foundry, Spring, RabbitMQ and MADlib. Pivotal also
> supports other open source projects such as Redis, Chorus, Groovy and
> Grails. We have experience with the formation of vibrant communities
> around open technologies with the Cloud Foundry Foundation.  Although
> some of the initial committers have not been developers on an entirely
> open source, community-driven project, we expect to bring to bear the
> open development practices that have proven successful on longstanding
> Pivotal open source projects to the Geode project.  Additionally,
> several ASF veterans agreed to mentor the project and are listed in
> this proposal. The project will rely on their guidance and collective
> wisdom to quickly transition the entire team of initial committers
> towards practicing the Apache Way.
> === Homogeneous Developers ===
> While most of the initial committers are employed by Pivotal, we have
> already seen a healthy level of interest from our existing customers
> and partners. We intend to convert that interest directly into
> participation and will be investing in activities to recruit
> additional committers from other companies.
> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> Most of the contributors are paid to work in the Big Data space. While
> they might wander from their current employers, they are unlikely to
> venture far from their core expertises and thus will continue to be
> engaged with the project regardless of their current employers.
> === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> As mentioned in the Alignment section, Geode may consider various
> degrees of integration and code exchange with Apache Ignite
> (incubating), Apache Hadoop, Apache Storm, Apache Spark and Apache
> Kafka/Samza. Given the success that the Pivotal GemFire product
> enjoyed as an embedded service, we expect integration points to be
> inside and outside the project. We look forward to collaborating with
> these communities as well as other communities under the Apache
> umbrella.
> === An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> While we intend to leverage the Apache ‘branding’ when talking to
> other projects as testament of our project’s ‘neutrality’, we have no
> plans for making use of Apache brand in press releases nor posting
> billboards advertising acceptance of Geode into Apache Incubator.
> == Documentation ==
> See documentation for the current state of the project documentation
> available as part of the GitHub repository at
> https://github.com/project-geode/docs and live at http://geode-docs.cfapps.io/
> == Initial Source ==
> Pivotal is releasing the source code for Geode under an Evaluation
> License at https://network.pivotal.io/products/project-geode .  We
> encourage ASF community members interested in  this proposal to
> download the source code, review and try out the software.
> == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
> As soon as Geode is approved to join Apache Incubator, the source code
> will be transitioned via the Software Grant Agreement onto ASF
> infrastructure and in turn made available under the Apache License,
> version 2.0.  We know of no legal encumberments that would inhibit the
> transfer of source code to the ASF.
> == External Dependencies ==
> Embedded dependencies (relocated):
>   * json
>   * jgroups
>   * joptsimple
> Runtime dependencies:
>   * antlr
>   * classmate
>   * commons-fileupload
>   * commons-io
>   * commons-lang
>   * commons-modeler
>   * fastutil
>   * findbugs annotations
>   * guava
>   * jackson
>   * jansi
>   * javax.activation
>   * javax.mail-api
>   * javax.resource-api
>   * javax.servlet-api
>   * javax.transaction-api
>   * jetty
>   * jline
>   * jna
>   * json4s
>   * log4j
>   * mx4j
>   * paranamer
>   * scala
>   * slf4j
>   * snappy-java
>   * spring
>   * swagger
> Module or optional dependencies:
>   * None
> Build only dependencies:
>   * None
> Test only dependencies:
>   * cglib
>   * hamcrest
>   * jmock
>   * junit
>   * multithreadedtc
>   * objenesis
> Cryptography
> N/A
> == Required Resources ==
> === Mailing lists ===
>  * priv...@geode.incubator.apache.org (moderated subscriptions)
>  * comm...@geode.incubator.apache.org
>  * d...@geode.incubator.apache.org
>  * iss...@geode.incubator.apache.org
>  * u...@geode.incubator.apache.org
> === Git Repository ===
> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-geode.git
> === Issue Tracking ===
> JIRA Project Geode (GEODE)
> === Other Resources ===
> Means of setting up regular builds for Geode on builds.apache.org
> == Initial Committers ==
>  * Amey Barve
>  * Adib Saikali
>  * Alan Strait
>  * Amogh Shetkar
>  * Anil Gingade
>  * Anilkumar Gingade
>  * Anthony Baker
>  * Ashvin Agrawal
>  * Asif Shahid
>  * Avinash Dongre
>  * Barry Oglesby
>  * Ben Reser
>  * Bruce Schuchardt
>  * Bruce Szalwinski
>  * Catherine Johnson
>  * Chip Childers
>  * Christian Tzolov
>  * Dan Smith
>  * Darrel Schneider
>  * Dave Muirhead
>  * David Yozie
>  * Dick Cavender
>  * Edin Zulich
>  * Eric Shu
>  * Gideon Low
>  * Greg Chase
>  * Hemant Bhanawat
>  * Henry Saputra
>  * Hitesh Khamesra
>  * Jacob Barrett
>  * Jags Ramnarayan
>  * Jan Iversen
>  * Jason Huynh
>  * Jens Deppe
>  * Jianxia Chen
>  * John Blum
>  * Justin Erenkrantz
>  * Ketan Deshpande
>  * Kirk Lund
>  * Kishor Bachhav
>  * Konstantin Boudnik
>  * Konstantin Ignatyev
>  * Lise Storc
>  * Luke Shannon
>  * Lyndon Adams
>  * Lynn Gallinat
>  * Lynn Hughes-Godfrey
>  * Mark Bretl
>  * Michael Schubert
>  * Namrata Thanvi
>  * Neeraj Kumar
>  * Nilkanth Patel
>  * Qihong Chen
>  * Rahul Diyewar
>  * Randy May
>  * Roman Shaposhnik
>  * Severine Tymon
>  * Shatarupa Nandi
>  * Shirish Deshmukh
>  * Sonal Agarwal
>  * Soubhik Chakraborty
>  * Sourabh Bansod
>  * Stephane Maldini
>  * Stuart Williams
>  * Sudhir Menon
>  * Sunil Jigyasu
>  * Supriya Pillai
>  * Suranjan Kumar
>  * Suyog Bhokare
>  * Swapnil Bawaskar
>  * Swati Sawant
>  * Tushar Khairnar
>  * Udo Kohlmeyer
>  * Vince Ford
>  * Vinesh Prasanna Manoharan
>  * Vivek Bhaskar
>  * Wes Williams
>  * William A. Rowe Jr.
>  * William Markito
>  * Will Schipp
>  * Xiaojian Zhou
>  * Yogesh Mahajan
> == Affiliations ==
>  * WANDisco: Konstantin Boudnik
>  * Bloomberg LP: Justin Erenkrantz
>  * Cloud Foundry Foundation: Chip Childers
>  * NASA JPL: Chris Mattmann
>  * Unaffiliated: Jan Iversen
>  * CDK Global: Ben Reser, Konstantin Ignatyev, Bruce Szalwinski
>  * Pivotal: everyone else on this proposal
> == Sponsors ==
> === Champion ===
> Roman Shaposhnik
> === Nominated Mentors ===
> The initial mentors are listed below:
>  * Chip Childers - Apache Member, Cloud Foundry Foundation
>  * Justin Erenkrantz - Apache Member, Bloomberg LP
>  * Konstantin Boudnik - Apache Member, WANDisco
>  * Jan Iversen - Apache Member, Self employed
>  * William A. Rowe Jr. - Apache Member, Pivotal
>  * Henry Saputra - Apache Member, Pivotal
>  * Roman Shaposhnik - Apache Member, Pivotal
>  * Chris Mattmann - Apache Member, NASA JPL
> === Sponsoring Entity ===
> We would like to propose Apache incubator to sponsor this project.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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