+1 (binding)


> On May 1, 2015, at 3:26 AM, Seetharam Venkatesh <venkat...@innerzeal.com> 
> wrote:
> Hello folks,
> Following the discussion earlier in the thread: http://s.apache.org/r2
> I would like to call a VOTE for accepting Apache Atlas as a new incubator
> project.
> The proposal is available at:
> https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/AtlasProposal
> Also, the text of the latest wiki proposal is included at the bottom of
> this email.
> The VOTE is open for at least the next 72 hours:
> [ ] +1 accept Apache Atlas into the Apache Incubator
> [ ] ±0 Abstain
> [ ] -1 because...
> Of course I am +1! (non-binding)
> Thanks!
> = Apache Atlas Proposal =
> == Abstract ==
> Apache Atlas is a scalable and extensible set of core foundational
> governance services that enables enterprises to effectively and efficiently
> meet their compliance requirements within Hadoop and allows integration
> with the complete enterprise data ecosystem.
> == Proposal ==
> Apache Atlas allows agnostic governance visibility into Hadoop, these
> abilities are enabled through a set of core foundational services powered
> by a flexible metadata repository.
> These services include:
> * Search and Lineage for datasets
> * Metadata driven data access control
> * Indexed and Searchable Centralized Auditing operational Events
> * Data lifecycle management – ingestion to disposition
> * Metadata interchange with other metadata tools
> == Background ==
> Hadoop is one of many platforms in the modern enterprise data ecosystem and
> requires governance controls commensurate with this reality.
> Currently, there is no easy or complete way to provide comprehensive
> visibility and control into Hadoop audit, lineage, and security for
> workflows that require Hadoop and non-Hadoop processing.
> Many solutions are usually point based, and require a monolithic
> application workflow.  Multi-tenancy and concurrency are problematic as
> these offerings are not aware of activity outside of their narrow focus.
> As Hadoop gains greater popularity, governance concerns will become
> increasingly vital to increasing maturity and furthering adoption. It is a
> particular barrier to expanding enterprise data under management.
> == Rationale ==
> Atlas will address issues previously discussed by providing governance
> capabilities in Hadoop -- using both a prescriptive and forensic model
> enriched by business taxonomical metadata.    Atlas, at its core, is
> designed to exchange metadata with other tools and processes within and
> outside of the Hadoop stack -- enable governance controls that are truly
> platform agnostic and effectively (and defensibly) address compliance
> concerns.
> Initially working with a group of leading partners in several industries,
> Atlas is built to solve specific real world governance problems that
> accelerate product maturity and time to value.
> Atlas aims to grow a community to help build a widely adopted pattern for
> governance, metadata modeling and exchange in Hadoop – which will advance
> the interests for the whole community.
> == Current Status ==
> An initial version with a valuable set of features is developed by the list
> of initial committers and is hosted on github.
> === Meritocracy ===
> Our intent with this proposal is to start building a diverse  developer
> community around Atlas following the Apache meritocracy model. We have
> wanted to make the project open source and encourage contributors from
> multiple organizations from the start.
> We plan to provide plenty of support to new developers and to quickly
> recruit those who make solid contributions to committer status.
> === Community ===
> We are happy to report that the initial team already represents multiple
> organizations. We hope to extend the user and developer base further in the
> future and build a solid open source community around Atlas.
> === Core Developers ===
> Atlas development is currently being led by engineers from Hortonworks –
> Harish Butani, Venkatesh Seetharam, Shwetha G S, and Jon Maron. All the
> engineers have deep expertise in Hadoop and are quite familiar with the
> Hadoop Ecosystem.
> === Alignment ===
> The ASF is a natural host for Atlas given that it is already the home of
> Hadoop, Falcon, Hive,  Pig, Oozie, Knox, Ranger, and other emerging “big
> data” software projects.
> Atlas has been designed to solve the data governance challenges and
> opportunities of the Hadoop ecosystem family of products as well as
> integration to the tradition Enterprise Data ecosystem.
> Atlas fills the gap that the Hadoop Ecosystem has been lacking in the areas
> of data governance and compliance management.
> == Known Risks ==
> === Orphaned products & Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> The core developers plan to work full time on the project. There is very
> little risk of Atlas getting orphaned.  A prototype of Atlas is in use and
> being actively developed by several companies and have vested interest in
> its continued vitality and adoption.
> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> Many of the core developers are PMC and committers of Apache. Harish Butani
> is PMC Apache Hive, Venkatesh Seetharam is PMC on Apache Falcon and Apache
> Knox, Shwetha GS is PMC on Apache Falcon and Apache Oozie committer.
> === Homogeneous Developers ===
> The current core developers are from diverse set of organizations such as
> Hortonworks, Aetna, JPMC, Merck, SAS, Schlumberger and Target. We expect to
> quickly establish a
> developer  community that includes contributors from additional
> organizations post incubation.
> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> Currently, most developers are paid to do work on Atlas but few are
> contributing  in their spare time. However, once the project has a
> community built around it post incubation, we expect to get  additional
> committers and developers from outside the current core developers.
> === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> Atlas is going to be used by the users of Apache Hadoop and the Hadoop
> ecosystem in general – particularly with Apache Falcon and Apache Ranger
> for rationalizing data lifecycle and security policies respectively.
> === A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> While we respect the reputation of the Apache brand and have no doubts that
> it  will attract contributors and users, our interest is primarily to give
> Atlas a solid home as an open source project following an established
> development model.  We have also given reasons in the Rationale and
> Alignment sections.
> == Documentation ==
> http://people.apache.org/~venkatesh/atlas/
> == Initial Source ==
> The source is currently hosted at:
> http://people.apache.org/~venkatesh/atlas/
> == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
> The complete Atlas code is under Apache Software License 2.
> == External Dependencies ==
> The dependencies all have Apache compatible licenses. These include BSD,
> MIT licensed dependencies.
> == Cryptography ==
> None
> == Required Resources ==
> === Mailing lists ===
> * atlas-dev AT incubator DOT apache DOT org
> * atlas-commits AT incubator DOT apache DOT org
> * atlas-private AT incubator DOT apache DOT org
> === Subversion Directory ===
> Git is the preferred source control system: git://git.apache.org/atlas
> === Issue Tracking ===
> JIRA Atlas
> == Initial Committers ==
> * Venkatesh Seetharam (venkatesh AT apache DOT org)
> * Harish Butani (rhbutani AT apache DOT org)
> * Shwetha Shivalingamurthy (shwethags AT apache DOT org)
> * Jon Maron (jmaron AT hortonworks DOT com)
> * Andrew Ahn  (aahn AT hortonworks DOT com)
> * David Kaspar (david DOT kaspar AT merck DOT com)
> * Ivo Lasek (ivo DOT lasek AT merck DOT com)
> * Dennis Fusaro (fusarod AT aetna DOT com)
> * Chris Hyzer (hyzerc AT aetna DOT com)
> * Daniel Markwat (markwatd  AT aetna DOT com)
> * Greg Senia (seniag AT aetna DOT com)
> * James Vollmer (james DOT vollmer AT target DOT com)
> * Aaron Dossett (aaron DOT dossett AT target DOT com)
> * Mitch Schussler(Mitch DOT Schussler AT jpmorgan DOT com)
> * Viswanath Avasarala  (VAvasarala AT SLB dot com)
> * Anil Varma (AVarma AT SLB dot com)
> * Barbara Stortz (Barbara DOT stortz AT sap DOT com)
> * Srikanth Sundarrajan (sriksun AT apache DOT org)
> * Suresh Srinivas (suresh AT hortonworks DOT org)
> * Venkat Ranganathan (vranganathan AT hortonworks DOT com)
> == Affiliations ==
> * Venkatesh Seetharam (Hortonworks)
> * Harish Butani (Hortonworks)
> * Swetha Shivalingamurthy (Hortonworks)
> * Jon Maron (Hortonworks)
> * Andrew Ahn (Hortonworks)
> * David Kasper (Merck)
> * Ivo Lasek (Merck)
> * Dennis Fusaro (Aetna)
> * Chris Hyzer (Aetna)
> * Daniel Markwat (Aetna)
> * Greg Senia (Aetna)
> * James Vollmer (Target)
> * Aaron Dossett  (Target)
> * Schussler, Mitch  (JPMC)
> * Viswanath Avasarala  (Schlumberger)
> * Anil Varma (Schlumberger)
> * Barbara Stortz (SAP)
> * Srikanth Sundarrajan (InMobi)
> * Suresh Srinivas (Hortonworks)
> * Venkat Ranganathan (Hortonworks)
> == Sponsors ==
> === Champion ===
> * Jitendra Nath Pandey (jitendra AT apache DOT org)
> === Nominated Mentors ===
> * Arun Murthy  (acmurthy AT apache DOT org)
> * Chris Douglas (cdouglas AT apache DOT org)
> * Jakob Homan (jghoman AT apache DOT org)
> * Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli (vinodkv AT apache DOT org)
> === Sponsoring Entity ===
> Incubator PMC
> -- 
> Regards,
> Venkatesh
> “Perfection (in design) is achieved not when there is nothing more to add,
> but rather when there is nothing more to take away.”
> - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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