IIRC, the problem with Gerrit workflow is that actually
pushes into the repo are actually done by the bot. This
runs against ASF's desire to keep push logs that actually
make sense.

The setup that you're describing (although ASCII art
came broken via Gmail) seems to be addressing that
very problem: having a Gerrit-specific repo that a human
being then synchronizes with the ASF canonical Git
repo. This seems like a pretty reasonable way to
accomodate both constraints.


On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 4:24 PM, Jochen Wiedmann
<jochen.wiedm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am writing as one of the Mentors of the AsterixDB podling.
> It recently came to my attention, that there are, in fact, multiple
> Git repositories, which are used by the project, one of them being
> located externally of the ASF. I understand the structure to be like
> this:
>   +--------------+  Commits   +------------------+  Mirrrors
> +----------------+
>    |  Gerrit      | --------------> | Git (External) | ------------->
> | Git (ASF)    |
>    +-------------+                    +------------------+
>      +----------------+
> The structure is made like this, because the project members desire
> that no commits can enter without a review, which is done in Gerrit. [2]
> (In the past, this was ensured by a commit hook in the external
> repository. That commit hook possibly still exists, but it doesn't
> prevent
> code to enter the ASF repository directly without a review. This lack
> of security is currently discussed by the podlings project members.)
> I understand the desire, and, to me, it makes sense. OTOH,  I suspect
> that this issue might affect a successful incubation. Hence this mail.
> As Git is slowly gaining ground within the ASF, I'd suggest that a
> possible resolution might be to have a Gerrit instance within the ASF.
> Given how Github pull requests are already discussed by many projects,
> I can imagine that many projects would like to adopt a similar policy.
> How about that?
> Thanks,
> Jochen
> [1] 
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-asterixdb-dev/201507.mbox/%3CCAN_YF5zRWZijKOQyYx59%2B7wUyXkPg0P2d-c2hBrx64mNFd4hBg%40mail.gmail.com%3E
> [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerrit_(software)
> --
> Any world that can produce the Taj Mahal, William Shakespeare,
> and Stripe toothpaste can't be all bad. (C.R. MacNamara, One Two Three)
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