On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 12:43 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz
<bdelacre...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 12:24 AM, Dennis E. Hamilton
> <dennis.hamil...@acm.org> wrote:
>> ...I understand the maturity model to be something to aspire to and that 
>> Apache Projects
>> will always be working toward it.  I mean TLPs, not podlings, although 
>> podlings should be
>> aware of it and also aspire to it...
> I don't see why podlings should be different here, once they are about
> to graduate.
> Why can't we define our incubation process as a way for podlings to
> learn to operate according to that maturity model [1]?
> This would allow us to use the maturity model [1] as a checklist for
> graduating podlings - do you see anything in there that shouldn't be
> required from a podling that's about to graduate?

I see it as a useful checklist that may uncover interesting issues within
the graduating podling. I don't see anything in there that would qualify
as an unambiguous gating criteria.


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