It's a problem when "mentors" tell projects what to do. The role of a mentor is 
to explain the pros and cons of different approaches so that the community can 
make an optimal decision

The Apache Way is indeed about doing what is right for the community. Its not a 
prescriptive model. There are very few things in the Apache Way that are fixed 
(meritocracy, up due diligence etc.) everything else is flexible so it can be 
optimized for specific community profiles.

It's true that this can be confusing, but understanding the options and the 
related pros and cons is what leads to the right decision for that community.


Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Marko Rodriguez<>
Sent: ‎11/‎17/‎2015 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Apache Metrics, Not Apache Humans


I suppose the distilled intention of the proposal is to identify the answer(s) 
to the following question:

        What makes a "good" open source project?

As I read on general@ and from our project's mentors, "good" is grounded in 
personal experience (i.e. anecdotes). Why not use the data you gather to 
quantify "good." This way its not a "well I believe," its more of "in this 
particular situation given these variables, there is a X% success rate." Also, 
it leads to more exploration -- "Huh, I don't think I've ever seen an Apache 
project do it like that -- hell, give it a try and lets glean the stats from 
it. If anything, we learn."

Personally, I'm all about: "Do whatever you want." (try it -- who cares as long 
as its legal). However, if there must be structure, perhaps The Apache Way is a 
local optima? Only a broad statistical landscape will tell. And only in data 
gathering and analysis will that landscape be constructed from the numerous, 
diverse social/technical experiments -- i.e. Apache projects!  Without the 
openness and computational introspection, Apache podlings will simply 
internalize the objective of "just do as expected and graduate." The problem is 
that this only engrains a particular philosophy/approach that may not be fit in 
the long run. It just seems (to me) that this "carrot-on-a-stick model" of 
podling/top-level is outdated much like our modern education system (just take 
the classes, get the grades, give the teacher an apple, and get the hell out of 

Again -- just shootin' ideas. I have no bee-in-the-bonet or axe-to-grind. I've 
just become interested in how your minds tick...

Take care,

On Nov 17, 2015, at 3:12 PM, Pierre Smits <> wrote:

> It is not the metrics that vote. Humans do.
> Best regards,
> Pierre Smits
> *OFBiz Extensions Marketplace*
> On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 10:39 PM, Marvin Humphrey <>
> wrote:
>> On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 10:49 PM, Bertrand Delacretaz
>> <> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 7:20 PM, Marko Rodriguez <>
>> wrote:
>>>> ...The Apache Way should be about metrics..
>>>> ...Get the human out of the loop!
>>> No.
>>> The ASF is built on the collective wisdom of its members and
>>> community. Having metrics-based projects might be an interesting
>>> experiment, but that's not the ASF.
>> My read of the proposal is that reduces uncertainty for a project
>> attempting to achieve "good health" and discredits any critiques which
>> might be raised by individual humans. Gaming the system can be seen as
>> justifiable if you don't consider the critiques valid and chafe under
>> an authority whose legitimacy you question.
>> Marvin Humphrey
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