
> 1. HP donated the Trafodion code to Apache several months ago.  We have gone
> through all the legal steps to get the code donated.  As part of this
> process we removed all the HP copyrights except for our test files and
> documentation.  Do we have to remove all the Copyrights in order to release
> in Apache?

My understanding If the code was donated to the ASF it’s now copyright the ASF 
not HP.

>  Is including HP in the NOTICE/LICENSE file adequate?

Yes that's needed as well. [1]

> 2. A conscious decision was made to add the latest Apache license to files
> that have existing licenses. So now multiple licenses are showing up.

Each file should have a single license header showing who owns the copyright. 
BTW rat doesn’t pick up on this.

>  The original license came when the code was first used by the product.

If the code come from another project then HP probably didn't own the 
copyright. If the original code is Apache licensed then you usually don’t need 
to add anything to LICENSE [2], but if the software where it come from has a 
NOTICE file you may need to add something to your NOTICE files [2]. all other 
permissive licenses need to be added to LICENSE [3].

> 3.   We have followed the instructions detailed in [8] but it looks like we
> are missing a mention of this in our README file.

I’m not familiar with the process but you might want to look at what the HTTP 
project does in their README [2].

> 4.  We do have permission to use the photos in [13] [14].  Is there
> something we need to do to indicate this somewhere?

From the original people who took the photos? (Just because they were in the 
donation from HP doesn’t mean you have permission to use and distribute them.) 
Both of the photos look professional to me. How are they licensed? Does the 
photos metadata include license or copyright information? Usually that info 
would go in LICENSE. 

> 5. You mentioned that we may be too generous in excluding files for our RAT
> test. 

Just because of the number of issues it may be that you’re not checking all the 
files you shod be. I didn’t look in detail.

> 6. Justin, can we get accessibility to some of the scripts you ran to check
> for these incompatibilities? 

Noting fancy script wise just rat and this:

find . -type f -exec grep “XXX" {} \; -print

Where XXX is “Copyright”, “ MIT “, “BSD”, “GPL” etc. Sometimes I pipe to a 
couple of grep -v ’s to reduce the noise.


1. http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#mod-notice
2. http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#alv2-dep
3. http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#permissive-deps
3. https://github.com/apache/httpd/blob/trunk/README

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