Marvin I would love to accept your help in retiring the podling. I'll close out 
the trademark issue with the community in parallel.

Thank you

-----Original Message-----
From: Marvin Humphrey [] 
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2015 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: Ripple to be retired from the incubator?

On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 3:27 PM, Ross Gardler <>

> Looks like there is consensus here. I'm not sure of the process as 
> I've never been through it before so copying general@incubator for guidance.
> General@ the Ripple Podling has consensus on retiring itself from the 
> Apache Incubator - what needs to be done?

There's a guide:

I've been assisting various podlings with retirement lately (Droids, Kalumet, 
Corinthia), and I'd be happy to help with Ripple as well.  (I plan to rework 
the retirement guide, so have been gathering experience.)

According to the guide, the next step is that the podling "should" run a VOTE 
on the dev list.  Since there has been prominent discussion on Ripple's dev 
list with the word "retire" in the subject, though, arguably the entire 
community has been informed and the podling dev list VOTE can be skipped[1].

After that, the next steps are to run an IPMC VOTE on general@incubator and 
then follow the guide for closing down resources.  I can handle all that if you 
like -- just let me know.

The one thing that isn't covered in the guide is the trademark issue.  I see 
you're on top of that, though.

Marvin Humphrey

[1] The retirement guide drones on endlessly on this topic -- around half
    of it is dedicated to defining the circumstances under which
    the podling dev list VOTE can be skipped.

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