Just to second some of that, both incubator and outside, it would be cool
if the ASF had a 'jobs board' of sorts, where projects could add "adverts"
for people when they are short of specific help. Or conversely if I'm bored
and want to do something a bit different where can I find projects who have
a need for my skill set?

I can search distinct projects, but it would be nice to have a central

On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 11:40 PM, William A Rowe Jr <wr...@rowe-clan.net>

> On Jan 9, 2016 14:58, "Ross Gardler" <ross.gard...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> >
> > Everyone should read the subject and reset.
> +1 - the original subject line corresponds to that projects interested in
> new activity.
> 3-5 times a week a student or IT hobbiest or professional developer or
> website designer pings dev@community.a.o asking 'I would like to
> contribute, where do I start?'  These are of the 30-500 who looked at
> apache.org pages with the same question.  The stock answer is always
> 'choose a project that interests you, and dive right in'.
> Is there a way to reframe this discussion as a collaboration of incubating
> projects to create a landing page, perhaps with a query-by- programming
> languages/skills/components needed that includes the terse project and
> audience summaries for incubating efforts?  Somewhere dev@community can
> direct newcomers to help find their 'fit' or area of interest in the
> foundation?
> TLPs have it sort-of-easy, most are well known names to their audiences.
> Incubation efforts are less so, recently renamed and just assembling all
> the pieces with the expected gaps throughout.
> Who would be interested in such an effort?  Wondering if the Whimsy PMC
> might be the platform to build such an ASF 'projects' search board?

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