+1 (binding)

> On Jan 28, 2016, at 10:42 AM, Mayank Bansal <maban...@gmail.com> wrote:
> +1 (non-binding)
> Thanks,
> Mayank
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 10:23 AM, Seetharam Venkatesh <
> venkat...@innerzeal.com> wrote:
>> +1 (binding).
>> Thanks!
>> On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 10:19 AM Ted Dunning <ted.dunn...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> +1
>>> On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 10:02 AM, John D. Ament <johndam...@apache.org>
>>> wrote:
>>>> +1
>>>> On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 9:28 AM Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> the Beam proposal (initially Dataflow) was proposed last week.
>>>>> The complete discussion thread is available here:
>> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-general/201601.mbox/%3CCA%2B%3DKJmvj4wyosNTXVpnsH8PhS7jEyzkZngc682rGgZ3p28L42Q%40mail.gmail.com%3E
>>>>> As reminder the BeamProposal is here:
>>>>> https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/BeamProposal
>>>>> Regarding all the great feedbacks we received on the mailing list, we
>>>>> think it's time to call a vote to accept Beam into the Incubator.
>>>>> Please cast your vote to:
>>>>> [] +1 - accept Apache Beam as a new incubating project
>>>>> []  0 - not sure
>>>>> [] -1 - do not accept the Apache Beam project (because: ...)
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> JB
>>>>> ----
>>>>> ## page was renamed from DataflowProposal
>>>>> = Apache Beam =
>>>>> == Abstract ==
>>>>> Apache Beam is an open source, unified model and set of
>>>>> language-specific SDKs for defining and executing data processing
>>>>> workflows, and also data ingestion and integration flows, supporting
>>>>> Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIPs) and Domain Specific Languages
>>>>> (DSLs). Dataflow pipelines simplify the mechanics of large-scale
>> batch
>>>>> and streaming data processing and can run on a number of runtimes
>> like
>>>>> Apache Flink, Apache Spark, and Google Cloud Dataflow (a cloud
>>> service).
>>>>> Beam also brings DSL in different languages, allowing users to easily
>>>>> implement their data integration processes.
>>>>> == Proposal ==
>>>>> Beam is a simple, flexible, and powerful system for distributed data
>>>>> processing at any scale. Beam provides a unified programming model, a
>>>>> software development kit to define and construct data processing
>>>>> pipelines, and runners to execute Beam pipelines in several runtime
>>>>> engines, like Apache Spark, Apache Flink, or Google Cloud Dataflow.
>>> Beam
>>>>> can be used for a variety of streaming or batch data processing goals
>>>>> including ETL, stream analysis, and aggregate computation. The
>>>>> underlying programming model for Beam provides MapReduce-like
>>>>> parallelism, combined with support for powerful data windowing, and
>>>>> fine-grained correctness control.
>>>>> == Background ==
>>>>> Beam started as a set of Google projects (Google Cloud Dataflow)
>>> focused
>>>>> on making data processing easier, faster, and less costly. The Beam
>>>>> model is a successor to MapReduce, FlumeJava, and Millwheel inside
>>>>> Google and is focused on providing a unified solution for batch and
>>>>> stream processing. These projects on which Beam is based have been
>>>>> published in several papers made available to the public:
>>>>>  * MapReduce - http://research.google.com/archive/mapreduce.html
>>>>>  * Dataflow model  -
>> http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol8/p1792-Akidau.pdf
>>>>>  * FlumeJava - http://research.google.com/pubs/pub35650.html
>>>>>  * MillWheel - http://research.google.com/pubs/pub41378.html
>>>>> Beam was designed from the start to provide a portable programming
>>>>> layer. When you define a data processing pipeline with the Beam
>> model,
>>>>> you are creating a job which is capable of being processed by any
>>> number
>>>>> of Beam processing engines. Several engines have been developed to
>> run
>>>>> Beam pipelines in other open source runtimes, including a Beam runner
>>>>> for Apache Flink and Apache Spark. There is also a “direct runner”,
>> for
>>>>> execution on the developer machine (mainly for dev/debug purposes).
>>>>> Another runner allows a Beam program to run on a managed service,
>>> Google
>>>>> Cloud Dataflow, in Google Cloud Platform. The Dataflow Java SDK is
>>>>> already available on GitHub, and independent from the Google Cloud
>>>>> Dataflow service. Another Python SDK is currently in active
>>> development.
>>>>> In this proposal, the Beam SDKs, model, and a set of runners will be
>>>>> submitted as an OSS project under the ASF. The runners which are a
>> part
>>>>> of this proposal include those for Spark (from Cloudera), Flink (from
>>>>> data Artisans), and local development (from Google); the Google Cloud
>>>>> Dataflow service runner is not included in this proposal. Further
>>>>> references to Beam will refer to the Dataflow model, SDKs, and
>> runners
>>>>> which are a part of this proposal (Apache Beam) only. The initial
>>>>> submission will contain the already-released Java SDK; Google intends
>>> to
>>>>> submit the Python SDK later in the incubation process. The Google
>> Cloud
>>>>> Dataflow service will continue to be one of many runners for Beam,
>>> built
>>>>> on Google Cloud Platform, to run Beam pipelines. Necessarily, Cloud
>>>>> Dataflow will develop against the Apache project additions, updates,
>>> and
>>>>> changes. Google Cloud Dataflow will become one user of Apache Beam
>> and
>>>>> will participate in the project openly and publicly.
>>>>> The Beam programming model has been designed with simplicity,
>>>>> scalability, and speed as key tenants. In the Beam model, you only
>> need
>>>>> to think about four top-level concepts when constructing your data
>>>>> processing job:
>>>>>  * Pipelines - The data processing job made of a series of
>>> computations
>>>>> including input, processing, and output
>>>>>  * PCollections - Bounded (or unbounded) datasets which represent
>> the
>>>>> input, intermediate and output data in pipelines
>>>>>  * PTransforms - A data processing step in a pipeline in which one
>> or
>>>>> more PCollections are an input and output
>>>>>  * I/O Sources and Sinks - APIs for reading and writing data which
>> are
>>>>> the roots and endpoints of the pipeline
>>>>> == Rationale ==
>>>>> With Google Dataflow, Google intended to develop a framework which
>>>>> allowed developers to be maximally productive in defining the
>>>>> processing, and then be able to execute the program at various levels
>>> of
>>>>> latency/cost/completeness without re-architecting or re-writing it.
>>> This
>>>>> goal was informed by Google’s past experience  developing several
>>>>> models, frameworks, and tools useful for large-scale and distributed
>>>>> data processing. While Google has previously published papers
>>> describing
>>>>> some of its technologies, Google decided to take a different approach
>>>>> with Dataflow. Google open-sourced the SDK and model alongside
>>>>> commercialization of the idea and ahead of publishing papers on the
>>>>> topic. As a result, a number of open source runtimes exist for
>>> Dataflow,
>>>>> such as the Apache Flink and Apache Spark runners.
>>>>> We believe that submitting Beam as an Apache project will provide an
>>>>> immediate, worthwhile, and substantial contribution to the open
>> source
>>>>> community. As an incubating project, we believe Dataflow will have a
>>>>> better opportunity to provide a meaningful contribution to OSS and
>> also
>>>>> integrate with other Apache projects.
>>>>> In the long term, we believe Beam can be a powerful abstraction layer
>>>>> for data processing. By providing an abstraction layer for data
>>>>> pipelines and processing, data workflows can be increasingly
>> portable,
>>>>> resilient to breaking changes in tooling, and compatible across many
>>>>> execution engines, runtimes, and open source projects.
>>>>> == Initial Goals ==
>>>>> We are breaking our initial goals into immediate (< 2 months),
>>>>> short-term (2-4 months), and intermediate-term (> 4 months).
>>>>> Our immediate goals include the following:
>>>>>  * Plan for reconciling the Dataflow Java SDK and various runners
>> into
>>>>> one project
>>>>>  * Plan for refactoring the existing Java SDK for better
>> extensibility
>>>>> by SDK and runner writers
>>>>>  * Validating all dependencies are ASL 2.0 or compatible
>>>>>  * Understanding and adapting to the Apache development process
>>>>> Our short-term goals include:
>>>>>  * Moving the newly-merged lists, and build utilities to Apache
>>>>>  * Start refactoring codebase and move code to Apache Git repo
>>>>>  * Continue development of new features, functions, and fixes in the
>>>>> Dataflow Java SDK, and Dataflow runners
>>>>>  * Cleaning up the Dataflow SDK sources and crafting a roadmap and
>>> plan
>>>>> for how to include new major ideas, modules, and runtimes
>>>>>  * Establishment of easy and clear build/test framework for Dataflow
>>>>> and associated runtimes; creation of testing, rollback, and
>> validation
>>>>> policy
>>>>>  * Analysis and design for work needed to make Beam a better data
>>>>> processing abstraction layer for multiple open source frameworks and
>>>>> environments
>>>>> Finally, we have a number of intermediate-term goals:
>>>>>  * Roadmapping, planning, and execution of integrations with other
>> OSS
>>>>> and non-OSS projects/products
>>>>>  * Inclusion of additional SDK for Python, which is under active
>>>>> development
>>>>> == Current Status ==
>>>>> === Meritocracy ===
>>>>> Dataflow was initially developed based on ideas from many employees
>>>>> within Google. As an ASL OSS project on GitHub, the Dataflow SDK has
>>>>> received contributions from data Artisans, Cloudera Labs, and other
>>>>> individual developers. As a project under incubation, we are
>> committed
>>>>> to expanding our effort to build an environment which supports a
>>>>> meritocracy. We are focused on engaging the community and other
>> related
>>>>> projects for support and contributions. Moreover, we are committed to
>>>>> ensure contributors and committers to Dataflow come from a broad mix
>> of
>>>>> organizations through a merit-based decision process during
>> incubation.
>>>>> We believe strongly in the Beam model and are committed to growing an
>>>>> inclusive community of Beam contributors.
>>>>> === Community ===
>>>>> The core of the Dataflow Java SDK has been developed by Google for
>> use
>>>>> with Google Cloud Dataflow. Google has active community engagement in
>>>>> the SDK GitHub repository
>>>>> (https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/DataflowJavaSDK), on Stack
>>>>> Overflow
>>>>> (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/google-cloud-dataflow)
>> and
>>>>> has had contributions from a number of organizations and indivuduals.
>>>>> Everyday, Cloud Dataflow is actively used by a number of
>> organizations
>>>>> and institutions for batch and stream processing of data. We believe
>>>>> acceptance will allow us to consolidate existing Dataflow-related
>> work,
>>>>> grow the Dataflow community, and deepen connections between Dataflow
>>> and
>>>>> other open source projects.
>>>>> === Core Developers ===
>>>>> The core developers for Dataflow and the Dataflow runners are:
>>>>>  * Frances Perry
>>>>>  * Tyler Akidau
>>>>>  * Davor Bonaci
>>>>>  * Luke Cwik
>>>>>  * Ben Chambers
>>>>>  * Kenn Knowles
>>>>>  * Dan Halperin
>>>>>  * Daniel Mills
>>>>>  * Mark Shields
>>>>>  * Craig Chambers
>>>>>  * Maximilian Michels
>>>>>  * Tom White
>>>>>  * Josh Wills
>>>>>  * Robert Bradshaw
>>>>> === Alignment ===
>>>>> The Beam SDK can be used to create Beam pipelines which can be
>> executed
>>>>> on Apache Spark or Apache Flink. Beam is also related to other Apache
>>>>> projects, such as Apache Crunch. We plan on expanding functionality
>> for
>>>>> Beam runners, support for additional domain specific languages, and
>>>>> increased portability so Beam is a powerful abstraction layer for
>> data
>>>>> processing.
>>>>> == Known Risks ==
>>>>> === Orphaned Products ===
>>>>> The Dataflow SDK is presently used by several organizations, from
>> small
>>>>> startups to Fortune 100 companies, to construct production pipelines
>>>>> which are executed in Google Cloud Dataflow. Google has a long-term
>>>>> commitment to advance the Dataflow SDK; moreover, Dataflow is seeing
>>>>> increasing interest, development, and adoption from organizations
>>>>> outside of Google.
>>>>> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
>>>>> Google believes strongly in open source and the exchange of
>> information
>>>>> to advance new ideas and work. Examples of this commitment are active
>>>>> OSS projects such as Chromium (https://www.chromium.org) and
>>> Kubernetes
>>>>> (http://kubernetes.io/). With Dataflow, we have tried to be
>>> increasingly
>>>>> open and forward-looking; we have published a paper in the VLDB
>>>>> conference describing the Dataflow model
>>>>> (http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol8/p1792-Akidau.pdf) and were quick to
>>>>> release the Dataflow SDK as open source software with the launch of
>>>>> Cloud Dataflow. Our submission to the Apache Software Foundation is a
>>>>> logical extension of our commitment to open source software.
>>>>> === Homogeneous Developers ===
>>>>> The majority of committers in this proposal belong to Google due to
>> the
>>>>> fact that Dataflow has emerged from several internal Google projects.
>>>>> This proposal also includes committers outside of Google who are
>>>>> actively involved with other Apache projects, such as Hadoop, Flink,
>>> and
>>>>> Spark.  We expect our entry into incubation will allow us to expand
>> the
>>>>> number of individuals and organizations participating in Dataflow
>>>>> development. Additionally, separation of the Dataflow SDK from Google
>>>>> Cloud Dataflow allows us to focus on the open source SDK and model
>> and
>>>>> do what is best for this project.
>>>>> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
>>>>> The Dataflow SDK and Dataflow runners have been developed primarily
>> by
>>>>> salaried developers supporting the Google Cloud Dataflow project.
>> While
>>>>> the Dataflow SDK and Cloud Dataflow have been developed by different
>>>>> teams (and this proposal would reinforce that separation) we expect
>> our
>>>>> initial set of developers will still primarily be salaried.
>>> Contribution
>>>>> has not been exclusively from salaried developers, however. For
>>> example,
>>>>> the contrib directory of the Dataflow SDK
>>>>> (
>> https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/DataflowJavaSDK/tree/master/contrib
>>>>> )
>>>>> contains items from free-time contributors. Moreover, seperate
>>> projects,
>>>>> such as ScalaFlow (https://github.com/darkjh/scalaflow) have been
>>>>> created around the Dataflow model and SDK. We expect our reliance on
>>>>> salaried developers will decrease over time during incubation.
>>>>> === Relationship with other Apache products ===
>>>>> Dataflow directly interoperates with or utilizes several existing
>>> Apache
>>>>> projects.
>>>>>  * Build
>>>>>   * Apache Maven
>>>>>  * Data I/O, Libraries
>>>>>   * Apache Avro
>>>>>   * Apache Commons
>>>>>  * Dataflow runners
>>>>>   * Apache Flink
>>>>>   * Apache Spark
>>>>> Beam when used in batch mode shares similarities with Apache Crunch;
>>>>> however, Beam is focused on a model, SDK, and abstraction layer
>> beyond
>>>>> Spark and Hadoop (MapReduce.) One key goal of Beam is to provide an
>>>>> intermediate abstraction layer which can easily be implemented and
>>>>> utilized across several different processing frameworks.
>>>>> === An excessive fascination with the Apache brand ===
>>>>> With this proposal we are not seeking attention or publicity. Rather,
>>> we
>>>>> firmly believe in the Beam model, SDK, and the ability to make Beam a
>>>>> powerful yet simple framework for data processing. While the Dataflow
>>>>> SDK and model have been open source, we believe putting code on
>> GitHub
>>>>> can only go so far. We see the Apache community, processes, and
>> mission
>>>>> as critical for ensuring the Beam SDK and model are truly
>>>>> community-driven, positively impactful, and innovative open source
>>>>> software. While Google has taken a number of steps to advance its
>>>>> various open source projects, we believe Beam is a great fit for the
>>>>> Apache Software Foundation due to its focus on data processing and
>> its
>>>>> relationships to existing ASF projects.
>>>>> == Documentation ==
>>>>> The following documentation is relevant to this proposal. Relevant
>>>>> portion of the documentation will be contributed to the Apache Beam
>>>>> project.
>>>>>  * Dataflow website: https://cloud.google.com/dataflow
>>>>>  * Dataflow programming model:
>>>>> https://cloud.google.com/dataflow/model/programming-model
>>>>>  * Codebases
>>>>>   * Dataflow Java SDK:
>>>>> https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/DataflowJavaSDK
>>>>>   * Flink Dataflow runner:
>>>> https://github.com/dataArtisans/flink-dataflow
>>>>>   * Spark Dataflow runner:
>> https://github.com/cloudera/spark-dataflow
>>>>>  * Dataflow Java SDK issue tracker:
>>>>> https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/DataflowJavaSDK/issues
>>>>>  * google-cloud-dataflow tag on Stack Overflow:
>>>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/google-cloud-dataflow
>>>>> == Initial Source ==
>>>>> The initial source for Beam which we will submit to the Apache
>>>>> Foundation will include several related projects which are currently
>>>>> hosted on the GitHub repositories:
>>>>>  * Dataflow Java SDK
>>>>> (https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/DataflowJavaSDK)
>>>>>  * Flink Dataflow runner (
>>>> https://github.com/dataArtisans/flink-dataflow)
>>>>>  * Spark Dataflow runner (
>> https://github.com/cloudera/spark-dataflow)
>>>>> These projects have always been Apache 2.0 licensed. We intend to
>>> bundle
>>>>> all of these repositories since they are all complimentary and should
>>> be
>>>>> maintained in one project. Prior to our submission, we will combine
>> all
>>>>> of these projects into a new git repository.
>>>>> == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
>>>>> The source for the Dataflow SDK and the three runners (Spark, Flink,
>>>>> Google Cloud Dataflow) are already licensed under an Apache 2
>> license.
>>>>>  * Dataflow SDK -
>> https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/DataflowJavaSDK/blob/master/LICENSE
>>>>>  * Flink runner -
>>>>> https://github.com/dataArtisans/flink-dataflow/blob/master/LICENSE
>>>>>  * Spark runner -
>>>>> https://github.com/cloudera/spark-dataflow/blob/master/LICENSE
>>>>> Contributors to the Dataflow SDK have also signed the Google
>> Individual
>>>>> Contributor License Agreement
>>>>> (https://cla.developers.google.com/about/google-individual) in order
>>> to
>>>>> contribute to the project.
>>>>> With respect to trademark rights, Google does not hold a trademark on
>>>>> the phrase “Dataflow.” Based on feedback and guidance we receive
>> during
>>>>> the incubation process, we are open to renaming the project if
>>> necessary
>>>>> for trademark or other concerns.
>>>>> == External Dependencies ==
>>>>> All external dependencies are licensed under an Apache 2.0 or
>>>>> Apache-compatible license. As we grow the Beam community we will
>>>>> configure our build process to require and validate all contributions
>>>>> and dependencies are licensed under the Apache 2.0 license or are
>> under
>>>>> an Apache-compatible license.
>>>>> == Required Resources ==
>>>>> === Mailing Lists ===
>>>>> We currently use a mix of mailing lists. We will migrate our existing
>>>>> mailing lists to the following:
>>>>>  * d...@beam.incubator.apache.org
>>>>>  * u...@beam.incubator.apache.org
>>>>>  * priv...@beam.incubator.apache.org
>>>>>  * comm...@beam.incubator.apache.org
>>>>> === Source Control ===
>>>>> The Dataflow team currently uses Git and would like to continue to do
>>>>> so. We request a Git repository for Beam with mirroring to GitHub
>>>> enabled.
>>>>>  * https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-beam.git
>>>>> === Issue Tracking ===
>>>>> We request the creation of an Apache-hosted JIRA. The Dataflow
>> project
>>>>> is currently using both a public GitHub issue tracker and internal
>>>>> Google issue tracking. We will migrate and combine from these two
>>>>> sources to the Apache JIRA.
>>>>>  * Jira ID: BEAM
>>>>> == Initial Committers ==
>>>>>  * Aljoscha Krettek        [aljos...@apache.org]
>>>>>  * Amit Sela               [amitsel...@gmail.com]
>>>>>  * Ben Chambers            [bchamb...@google.com]
>>>>>  * Craig Chambers          [chamb...@google.com]
>>>>>  * Dan Halperin            [dhalp...@google.com]
>>>>>  * Davor Bonaci            [da...@google.com]
>>>>>  * Frances Perry           [f...@google.com]
>>>>>  * James Malone            [jamesmal...@google.com]
>>>>>  * Jean-Baptiste Onofré    [jbono...@apache.org]
>>>>>  * Josh Wills              [jwi...@apache.org]
>>>>>  * Kostas Tzoumas          [kos...@data-artisans.com]
>>>>>  * Kenneth Knowles         [k...@google.com]
>>>>>  * Luke Cwik               [lc...@google.com]
>>>>>  * Maximilian Michels      [m...@apache.org]
>>>>>  * Stephan Ewen            [step...@data-artisans.com]
>>>>>  * Tom White               [t...@cloudera.com]
>>>>>  * Tyler Akidau            [taki...@google.com]
>>>>>  * Robert Bradshaw         [rober...@google.com]
>>>>> == Additional Interested Contributors ==
>>>>>  * Debo Dutta              [dedu...@cisco.com]
>>>>>  * Henry Saputra           [hsapu...@apache.org]
>>>>>  * Taylor Goetz            [ptgo...@gmail.com]
>>>>>  * James Carman            [ja...@carmanconsulting.com]
>>>>>  * Joe Witt                [joew...@apache.org]
>>>>>  * Vaibhav Gumashta        [vgumas...@hortonworks.com]
>>>>>  * Prasanth Jayachandran   [pjayachand...@hortonworks.com]
>>>>>  * Johan Edstrom           [seij...@gmail.com]
>>>>>  * Hugo Louro              [hmclo...@gmail.com]
>>>>>  * Krzysztof Sobkowiak     [krzys.sobkow...@gmail.com]
>>>>>  * Jeff Genender           [jgenen...@apache.org]
>>>>>  * Edward J. Yoon          [edward.y...@samsung.com]
>>>>>  * Hao Chen                [h...@apache.org]
>>>>>  * Byung-Gon Chun          [bgc...@gmail.com]
>>>>>  * Charitha Elvitigala     [charit...@apache.org]
>>>>>  * Alexander Bezzubov      [b...@apache.org]
>>>>>  * Tsuyoshi Ozawa          [oz...@apache.org]
>>>>>  * Mayank Bansal           [maban...@gmail.com]
>>>>>  * Supun Kamburugamuve     [su...@apache.org]
>>>>>  * Matthias Wessendorf     [mat...@apache.org]
>>>>>  * Felix Cheung            [felixche...@apache.org]
>>>>>  * Ajay Yadava             [ajay.ya...@inmobi.com]
>>>>>  * Liang Chen              [chenliang...@huawei.com]
>>>>>  * Renaud Richardet        [renaud (at) apache (dot) org]
>>>>>  * Bakey Pan               [bakey1...@gmail.com]
>>>>>  * Andreas Neumann         [a...@apache.org]
>>>>>  * Suresh Marru            [sma...@apache.org]
>>>>>  * Hadrian Zbarcea         [hzbar...@gmail.com]
>>>>> == Affiliations ==
>>>>> The initial committers are from six organizations. Google developed
>>>>> Dataflow and the Dataflow SDK, data Artisans developed the Flink
>>> runner,
>>>>> and Cloudera (Labs) developed the Spark runner.
>>>>>  * Cloudera
>>>>>   * Tom White
>>>>>  * Data Artisans
>>>>>   * Aljoscha Krettek
>>>>>   * Kostas Tzoumas
>>>>>   * Maximilian Michels
>>>>>   * Stephan Ewen
>>>>>  * Google
>>>>>   * Ben Chambers
>>>>>   * Dan Halperin
>>>>>   * Davor Bonaci
>>>>>   * Frances Perry
>>>>>   * James Malone
>>>>>   * Kenneth Knowles
>>>>>   * Luke Cwik
>>>>>   * Tyler Akidau
>>>>>   * Robert Bradshaw
>>>>>  * PayPal
>>>>>   * Amit Sela
>>>>>  * Slack
>>>>>   * Josh Wills
>>>>>  * Talend
>>>>>   * Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>>>>> == Sponsors ==
>>>>> === Champion ===
>>>>>  * Jean-Baptiste Onofre         [jbono...@apache.org]
>>>>> === Nominated Mentors ===
>>>>>  * Jean-Baptiste Onofre       [jbono...@apache.org]
>>>>>  * Jim Jagielski              [j...@apache.org]
>>>>>  * Venkatesh Seetharam        [venkat...@apache.org]
>>>>>  * Bertrand Delacretaz        [bdelacre...@apache.org]
>>>>>  * Ted Dunning                [tdunn...@apache.org]
>>>>> === Sponsoring Entity ===
>>>>> The Apache Incubator
>>>>> ----
>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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>>>>> For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
> -- 
> Thanks and Regards,
> Mayank
> Cell: 408-718-9370

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