
I did not see any responses in the past week on the general list.  Is there
another place I should ask this question?


*From:* Steve Varnau [mailto:steve.var...@esgyn.com]
*Sent:* Thursday, February 11, 2016 9:15 AM
*To:* 'general@incubator.apache.org' <general@incubator.apache.org>
*Subject:* License statement third party modified code


Instructions on the website regarding source headers:

Gives instructions for “Treatment of third-party works”. Point five says:

                Major modifications/additions to third-party should be
dealt with on a case-by-case basis by the PMC.

So here I am with cases we have in Trafodion. In both cases, I believe we
have handled the third-party copyright/license statements correctly in the
LICENSE file and in the source code.  The question is whether this code has
had so much modification that we need to also put an Apache license header
into these files, or some other sort of statement, or if it fine as is with
only the third-party copyrights?

Case 1:  One file (only couple hundred lines) that was taken from flex for
parsing was modified substantially to create new function in order to
handle parsing of Unicode text. As far as I can tell, all the
Unicode-specific work is specific to Trafodion and was developed by HP,
which was then granted to ASF.

Case 2: Several dozen tests that were written for Phoenix by Salesforce.
Trafodion took a copy of those tests after they were open-sourced, but
before the code was granted to ASF.  Trafodion adapted those tests to run
against Trafodion instead of Phoenix. The tests generally do the same
things as originally intended, but were heavily modified due to what
Phoenix supported versus what Trafodion supported at that time and since.
The forked tests were maintained separately over the last couple years,
they were not merged over after the initial copy.

Any guidance?


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