Thought I'd share a report I generated from some code of mine on the
gearpump GitHub org (attached - though mail server may block).

The highlights are:

* 9 repos.
* High number of pull requests resolved (1026/1030).
* Fairly high number of issues resolved (853/951).
* Pull requests are resolved very quickly, over half in an hour.
* Issues a more classic 'nessie' curve. This is what I usually see for
issue/pull-request response time.
* Good balance of community and project for opening of
issues/pull-requests, but my report is limited here as I go by the public
members of the organization and I'm not analyzing where the reporters are
coming from.

Anyway - thought I'd share as I was impressed by the pull request activity.


On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 3:59 PM, Andrew Purtell <> wrote:

> Greetings,
> It is my pleasure to present the proposal to incubate the Gearpump project
> at the Apache Software Foundation. Gearpump is a flexible, efficient, and
> scalable micro-service based real-time big data streaming engine developed
> up to this point by Intel Corporation as a GitHub project licensed under
> the Apache License 2.0.
> The text of the proposal is included below and is also available at
> Best regards,
>    - Andy​​
> -----
> = Gearpump Proposal =
> === Abstract ===
> Gearpump is a flexible, efficient and scalable micro-service based
> real-time big data streaming engine developed by Intel Corporation which
> has been licensed by Intel under the Apache License 2.0.
> === Proposal ===
> Gearpump is a reactive real-time streaming engine; completely based on the
> micro-service Actor model. Gearpump provides extremely high performance
> stream processing while maintaining millisecond latency message delivery.
> It enables reusable, composable flows or partial graphs that can be
> remotely deployed and executed in a diverse set of environments, including
> IoT edge devices. These flows may be deployed and modified at runtime -- a
> capability few real time streaming frameworks provide today.
> The goal of this proposal is to incubate Gearpump as an Apache project in
> order to build a diverse, healthy, and self-governed open source community
> around this project.
> === Background ===
> In past decade, there have been many advances within real-time streaming
> frameworks. Despite many advances, users of streaming frameworks often
> complain about flexibility, efficiency, and scalability. Gearpump endeavors
> to solve these challenges by adopting the micro-service Actor model. The
> Actor model was proposed by Carl Hewitt in 1973. In the Actor model, each
> actor is a message driven micro-service; actors are the basic building
> blocks of concurrent computation. By leveraging Actor Model’s location
> transparency feature, Gearpump allows a graph to be composed of several
> partial graphs, where, for example, some parts may be deployed to remote
> IoT edge devices, and other parts to a data center. This division and
> deployment model can be changed at runtime to adapt to a changing physical
> environment, providing extreme flexibility and elasticity in solving
> various ingestion and analytics problems. We’ve found Actors to be a much
> smaller computation unit compared with threads, where smaller usually means
> better concurrency, and potentially better CPU utilization.
> === Rationale ===
> Gearpump tightly integrates and enhances the big data community of Apache
> projects. Intel believes Gearpump can bring benefits to the Apache
> community in a number of ways:
> 1. Gearpump complements many existing Apache projects, in particular, those
> commonly found within the big data space. Users of this project are also
> users of other Apache projects, such as Hadoop ecosystem projects. It is
> beneficial to align these projects under the ASF umbrella. In real-time
> streaming, Gearpump offers some special features that are useful for Apache
> users, such as exactly-once processing with millisecond message level
> latency and dynamic DAGs that allow online topology modifications.
> 2. Gearpump tightly integrates with Apache big data projects. It supports
> for Apache HDFS, YARN, Kafka, and HBase. It uses Apache YARN for resource
> scheduling and Apache HDFS as the essential distributed storage system.
> 3. The micro-service model of reusable flows that Gearpump has adopted is
> very unique, and it may become common in the future. Gearpump sets a good
> example about how distributed software can be implemented within a
> micro-service model.  An open project is of best interest to our users. By
> joining Apache, it will be a neutral infrastructure platform that will
> benefit everyone.
> 4. The process and development philosophy of Apache will help Gearpump
> grow, and build a diverse, healthy, and self-governed open source
> community.
> === Initial Goals ===
> 1. Migrate the existing codebase to Apache.
> 2. Setup Jira, website and other development tools by following Apache best
> practices.
> 3. Start the first release per Apache guidelines as soon as possible.
> === Current Status ===
> Gearpump is hosted on Github. It has 1922 commits, 38284 line of code, and
> 31 major or minor releases, with release notes highlighting the changes for
> every release. It is licensed under Apache License Version 2. There is a
> documentation site at including a user guide, internal
> details, use cases and a roadmap. There is also an issue tracker where
> every code commit is tracked by a bug Id. Every pull request is reviewed by
> several reviewers and will only be merged based on consensus rule. These
> match Apache’s development ideals.
> ==== Meritocracy ====
> We think an open, fair, and renewing community culture is what we need and
> what our users require, that will protect everyone in the community. We
> would like the project to be free from potential undue influence from any
> single organization. We will invest in supporting a meritocratic model.
> ==== Community ====
> Gearpump has a growing community with hundreds of stars on Github and an
> active WeChat group with hundreds of subscriptions. We organize regular
> offline meetup events. These efforts should help us to grow the community
> at Apache.
> ==== Core Developers ====
> Most of the initial committers are Intel employees from China, the US, and
> Poland. We are committed to build a diverse community which involves more
> companies and individuals.
> === Alignment ===
> Gearpump has good alignment with other Apache projects. Gearpump is tightly
> integrated with Apache Hadoop ecosystem. It uses Apache YARN for resource
> scheduling and Apache HDFS for storage. The unique streaming processing
> abilities Gearpump complements other Apache big data projects today. We
> believe there will be a synergistic effect by aligning Gearpump under the
> Apache umbrella.
> === Known Risks ===
> ==== Orphaned products ====
> Intel has a long-term interest in big data and open source and a proven
> record of contributing to Apache projects. The risk of the Gearpump project
> being abandoned is very small. Besides, Intel is seeing an increasing
> interest in Gearpump from different organizations. We are committed to get
> more support, adoption, and code contribution from different companies.
> ==== Inexperience with Open Source ====
> Gearpump is an existing project under the Apache License, Version 2.0 with
> a long history record of open development. Initial committers of this
> project have years of open sourcing contribution experiences, including
> code contribution to HDFS, HBase, Storm, YARN, Sqoop, and etc. Some of the
> initial committers are also committers to other Apache projects.
> ==== Homogeneous Developers ====
> The current list of committers includes developers from different
> geographies and time zones; they are able to collaborate effectively in a
> geographically dispersed environment. We are committed to recruit more
> committers from different companies to get a more diverse mixture.
> ==== Reliance on Salaried Developers ====
> Most of our current Gearpump developers are Intel employees who are
> contributing to this project. Our developers are passionate about this
> project and spend a lot of their own personal time on the project. We are
> confident that their interests will remain strong. We are committed to
> recruiting additional committers from the community as well.
> ==== Relationships with Other Apache Product ====
> Gearpump codebase is closely integrated with Apache Hadoop, Apache HBase,
> and Apache Kafka. Gearpump also has some similarities with Apache Storm.
> Although Gearpump and Storm are both systems for real-time stream
> processing, they have fundamentally different architectures. In particular,
> Gearpump adopts the micro-service model, building on the Akka framework,
> for concurrency, isolation and error handling, which we believe is a future
> trend for building distributed software. We look forward to collaboration
> with other Apache communities.
> ==== An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ====
> The ASF has a strong brand; we appreciate that fact and will protect the
> brand. Gearpump is an existing open source project with many committers and
> years of effort.  The reasons to join Apache are outlined in the Rationale
> section above.
> === Documentation ===
> Information on Gearpump can be found at:
> Gearpump website:
> Codebase:
> === Initial Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ===
> The Gearpump codebase is currently hosted on Github:
> We will use this codebase to migrate
> to the Apache foundation. The Gearpump source code is licensed under Apache
> License Version 2.0 and will be kept that way. All contributions on the
> project will be licensed directly to the Apache foundation through signed
> Individual Contributor License Agreements or Corporate Contributor License
> Agreements.
> === External Dependencies ===
> All of Gearpump dependencies are distributed under Apache compatible
> licenses.
> Gearpump leverages Akka which has Apache 2.0 licensing for current and
> planned versions
> === Cryptography ===
> Gearpump does not include or utilize cryptographic code.
> === Required Resources ===
> We request that following resources be created for the project to use
> ==== Mailing lists ====
> (with moderated subscriptions)
> gearpump-dev
> gearpump-user
> gearpump-commits
> ==== Git repository ====
> Git is the preferred source control system: git://
> ==== Documentation ====
> ==== JIRA instance ====
> JIRA Gearpump (GEARPUMP)
> === Initial Committers ===
> * Xiang Zhong <xiang dot zhong at intel dot com>
> * Tianlun Zhang <tianlun dot zhang at intel dot com>
> * Qian Xu <qian dot a dot xu at intel dot com>
> * Huafeng Wang <huafeng dot wang at intel dot com>
> * Kam Kasravi <kam dot d dot kasravi at intel dot com>
> * Weihua Jiang <weihua dot jiang at intel dot com>
> * Tomasz Targonski <tomasz dot targonski at intel dot com>
> * Karol Brejna <karol dot brejna at intel dot com>
> * Gang Wang <gang1 dot wang at intel dot com>
> * Mark Chmarny <mark dot chmarny at intel dot com>
> * Xinglang Wang <xingwang at ebay dot com >
> * Lan Wang <lan dot wanglan at huawei dot com>
> * Jianzhong Chen <jianzhong dot chen at cloudera dot com>
> * Xuefu Zhang <xuefu at apache dot org>
> * Rui Li <rui dot li at intel dot com>
> === Affiliations ===
> * Xiang Zhong –  Intel
> * Tianlun Zhang –  Intel
> * Qian Xu –  Intel
> * Huafeng Wang –  Intel
> * Kam Kasravi –  Intel
> * Weihua Jiang –  Intel
> * Tomasz Targonski – Intel
> * Karol Brejna – Intel
> * Mark Chmarny – Intel
> * Gang Wang – Intel
> * Mark Chmarny  – Intel
> * Xinglang Wang  – Ebay
> * Lan Wang – Huawei
> * Jianzhong Chen – Cloudera
> * Xuefu Zhang – Cloudera
> * Rui Li  – Intel
> === Sponsors ===
> ==== Champion ====
> Andrew Purtell <apurtell at apache dot org>
> ==== Nominated Mentors ====
> * Andrew Purtell <apurtell at apache dot org>
> * Jarek Jarcec Cecho <Jarcec at cloudera dot com>
> * Todd Lipcon <todd at cloudera dot com>
> * Xuefu Zhang <xuefu at apache dot org>
> * Reynold Xin <rxin at databricks dot com>
> ==== Sponsoring Entity ====
> Apache Incubator PMC
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