+1 (binding)


On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 9:01 AM, Katherine Marsden <kmars...@apache.org>

> The Quarks proposal has been discussed on the incubator list.  The
> discussion thread is at:
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-general/201602.mbox/%3c56c27489.7090...@apache.org%3E
> Feedback from the discussion including addition of mentor Justin Mclean
> has been incorporated into the proposal below and available on the wiki at:
> https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/QuarksProposal
> Please cast your vote to:
> [] +1 - accept Quarks as a new incubating project
> []  0 - not sure
> [] -1 - do not accept the Quarks project (because: ...)
> Thanks,
> Kathey Marsden
> = Quarks Proposal =
> === Abstract ===
> Quarks is a stream processing programming model and lightweight runtime to
> execute analytics at devices on the edge or at the gateway.
> === Proposal ===
>  . Quarks  is a programming model and runtime for streaming analytics at
> the edge.   Applications are developed using a functional flow api to
> define operations on data streams that is executed as a graph of "oplets"
> in a lightweight embeddable runtime.   The SDK provides capabilities like
> windowing, aggregation  and connectors with an extensible model for the
> community to expand its  capabilities.
> === Background ===
>  . Stream processing systems are commonly used to process  data from edge
> devices and there is a need to push some of the  streaming analytics to the
> edge to reduce communication costs, react  locally and offload processing
> from the central systems.  Quarks was developed by IBM as an entirely new
> project to provide an SDK  and lightweight embeddable runtime for streaming
> analytics at the edge.   Quarks was created to be an open source project
> that could provide edge  analytics to a broad community and foster
> collaboration on common  analytics and connectors across a broad ecosystem
> of devices.
> === Rationale ===
>  . With the growth in number of connected devices (Internet of Things)
> there is a need to execute analytics at the edge in order to take local
> actions based upon sensor information and/or reduce the volume of data
> sent to back-end analytic systems to reduce communication cost.
>  Quarks rationale is to provide  consistent and easy to use programming
> models to allow application developers to focus on their  application
> rather than issues like device connectivity, threading etc.   Quarks'
> functional data flow programming model is similar to systems  like Apache
> Flink, Beam (An incubating Apache project), Java 8 Streams & Apache Spark.
>  The API currently has language bindings for Java8, Java7 and Android.
> Quarks was developed to address requirements for analytics at the  edge for
> IoT use cases that were not addressed by central analytic  solutions.  We
> believe that these capabilities will be useful to many  organizations and
> that the diverse nature of edge devices and use cases  is best addressed by
> an open community. Therefore, we would like to contribute Quarks to the ASF
> as an open source project and begin developing a community of developers
> and users within Apache.
> === Initial Goals ===
>  . Quarks initial code contribution provides:
>  * APIs for developing applications that execute  analytics using a
> per-event (data item) streaming paradigm including  support for windows
> against a stream for aggregation
>  * A micro-kernel style runtime for execution.
>  * Connectors for MQTT, HTTP, JDBC, File, Apache Kafka &  IBM Watson IoT
> Platform
>  * Simple analytics aimed at device sensors (using Apache Common Math)
>  * Development mode including a web-console to view the graph of running
> applications
>  * Testing mechanism for Quarks applications that integrates with
> assertion based testing systems like JUnit
>  * Android specific functionality such as producing a stream that contains
> a phone's sensor events (e.g. ambient temperature, pressure)
>  * JUnit tests
>  .
>  . All of the initial code is implemented using Java 8 and when built
> produces jars that can execute on Java 8, Java 7 and Android. The goal is
> to encourage community contributions in any area of Quarks, to  expand the
> community (including new committers) and use of Quarks. We  expect
> contributions will be driven by real-world use of Quarks by  anyone active
> in the IoT space such as auto manufactures, insurance  companies, etc. as
> well as individuals experimenting with devices such  as Raspberry Pis,
> Arduinos and/or smart phone apps etc. Contributions would be welcomed in
> any aspect of Quarks including:
>  .
>  * Support for additional programming languages used in devices such as C,
> OpenSwift, Python etc.
>  * Specific device feature (e.g. Raspberry Pi, Android) or protocol (e.g.
> OBD-2) support
>  * Connectors for device to device (e.g. AllJoyn), device local data
> sources,  or to back-end systems (e.g. a IoT cloud service)
>  * Additional analytics, either exposing more functionality from Apache
> Common Math, other libraries or hand-coded analytics.
>  * Improvements to the development console, e.g. additional visualizations
> of running applications
>  * Documentation, improving existing documentation or adding new guides
> etc.
>  * Sample applications
>  * Testing
>   .
>  The  code base has been designed to be modular so that additional
> functionality can be added without having to learn it completely, thus  new
> contributors can get involved quickly by initially working on a  focused
> item such as an additional analytic or connector. The  only constraints on
> contributions will be to keep Quarks on its focus  of IoT and edge
> computing, with attributes such as small footprint and  modularity to allow
> deployments to only include what is needed for that  specific device and/or
> application.
> === Current Status ===
>  . Quarks is a recently released project on Github
> http://quarks-edge.github.io.    The current code is alpha level code but
> is functional and has some  basic tests.  The team is looking forward to
> working in the Apache  community to enhance the functionality to allow
> robust streaming of  devices on the edge.
> ==== Meritocracy ====
>  . Quarks was originally created by Dan Debrunner, William Marshall,
> Victor Dogaru, Dale LaBossiere and Susan Cline. We plan to embrace
> meritocracy and encourage developers to participate and reach committer
> status.  Dan Debrunner was the initial creator of the Apache Derby code
> and a committer when Derby was accepted into incubation.  He is an  Apache
> member and has experience with the Apache Way.  Derby is a   successful
> project that embraces the Apache meritocracy and graduated  from
> incubation  with a diverse group of committers.
>  .
>  . With an abundance of devices that potentially can take advantage of
> Quarks, there is a large pool of potential contributors and committers.
>  The initial  team is enthusiastic about assisting and encouraging
> involvement.
> ==== Community ====
>  . Quarks currently has a very small community as it is new, but our  goal
> is to build a diverse community at Apache.  The team strongly  believes
> that a diverse and vibrant community is critical as devices on  the edge
> vary quite a bit.  The community will benefit from developers  who have
> expertise in various devices.   We will seek to build a strong  developer
> and user community around Quarks.
> ==== Core Developers ====
>  . The initial developers have many years of development experience in
> stream processing.  The initial development  team includes developers who
> have experience with Apache, including one  Apache member, and with other
> open source projects on Github.
> === Alignment ===
>  . Quarks interacts with other Apache solutions such as Apache Kafka and
> Apache Spark.  Quarks is API driven, modular and written in 100% java,
> making it easy for developers to pick up and get involved.
> === Known Risks ===
> ==== Orphaned products ====
>  . The contributors are from a leading vendor in this space, who has
> shown a commitment to Apache projects in the past.  They are committed  to
> working on the project at least for the next several years, as the
> community grows and becomes more diverse.
> ==== Inexperience with Open Source ====
>  . Several of the core developers have experience with Apache, including
> a developer who is a committer on Derby and an Apache member.  All of  the
> core developers have some level of experience with the use of open  source
> packages and with contributions on projects on sites such as  GitHub.
> ==== Homogenous Developers ====
>  . The initial set of developers come from one company, but we are
> committed to finding a diverse set of committers and contributors. The
> current developers are already very familiar with working with many
> geographies, including developers in most geographies around the world.
>  They  are also very comfortable working in a distributed environment.
> ==== Reliance on Salaried Developers ====
>  . Quarks currently relies on salaried developers at this time, but we
> expect that Quarks will attract a diverse mix of contributors going
> forward.   For Quarks to fully transition to an "Apache Way" governance
> model, we will embrace the meritocracy-centric way of growing the community
> of contributors.
> ==== Relationships with Other Apache Products ====
>  . These Apache projects are used by the current codebase:
>  .
>  * Apache Ant - Build
>  * Apache Common Math - Initial analytics
>  * Apache HTTP Components HttpClient - HTTP connectivity
>  * Apache Kafka - Kafka is supported as a message hub between edge Quarks
> applications and back-end analytics systems Events from Quarks applications
> sent through message hubs (such as  Apache Kafka) may be consumed by
> back-end systems such as Apache Flink, Apache Spark, Apache Samza, Apache
> Storm, Beam (in  incubation) or others.
> ==== A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ====
>  . Quarks will benefit greatly from wide collaboration with developers
> working in the device space.  We feel the Apache brand will help attract
> those developers who really want to contribute to this space.  Several
> developers involved with this project have a very positive history with
> Derby and feel that Apache is the right place to grow the Quarks
> community.  We will respect Apache brand policies and follow the Apache
> way.
> === Documentation ===
>  . http://quarks-edge.github.io/quarks.documentation
> === Initial Source ===
>  . Quarks code has been recently released on Github under the Apache 2.0
> license at https://github.com/quarks-edge/quarks . It was created by a
> small team of developers, and is written in Java.
> === Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ===
>  . After acceptance into the incubator, IBM will execute a Software Grant
> Agreement and the source code will be transitioned to the Apache
> infrastructure. The code is already licensed under the Apache Software
> License, version 2.0. We do not know of any legal issues that would
> inhibit the transfer to the ASF.
> === External Dependencies ===
>  . The dependencies all have Apache compatible license. These include
> Apache, MIT and EPL. The current dependencies are:
>  * D3
>  * Jetty
>  * Apache Kafka
>  * Metrics
>  * MQTTV3
>  * SLF4J
>  * GSON
>  * Apache commons Math3
>  .
>  . Development tools are
>  .
>  * Java SDK 8
>  * Eclipse 4.5
>  * Ant 1.9
>  * Junit 4.10
> === Cryptography ===
>  . No cryptographic code is involved with Quarks.
> === Required Resources ===
> ==== Mailing lists ====
>  . priv...@quarks.incubator.apache.org (with moderated subscriptions)
>  . d...@quarks.incubator.apache.org
>  . comm...@quarks.incubator.apache.org
> ==== Git Repository ====
>  . https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-quarks.git
> ==== Issue Tracking ====
>  . Jira Project Quarks (QUARKS)
> ==== Other Resources ====
>  . Means of setting up regular builds and test cycle.
> === Initial Committers ===
>  .
>  * Daniel Debrunner:  djd at apache dot org -  CLA on file
>  * Susan Cline:  home4slc at pacbell dot net  - CLA on file
>  * William Marshall:  wcmarsha at gmail dot com  - CLA on file
>  * Victor Dogaru:  vdogaru at gmail dot com - CLA on file
>  * Dale LaBossiere:  dml.apache at gmail dot com  - CLA on file
> === Affiliations ===
>  * Daniel Debrunner IBM
>  * Susan Cline IBM
>  * William Marshall IBM
>  * Victor Dogaru  IBM
>  * Dale Labossiere IBM
> === Additional Interested Contributors ===
>  * May Wone: mnwone at gmail dot com
>  * Sandeep Deshmukh: sandeep at datatorrent dot com
>  * Bhupesh Chawda: bhupeshchawda at gmail dot com
> === Sponsors ===
> ==== Champion ====
>  . Katherine Marsden (kmarsden at apache dot org)
> ==== Nominated Mentors ====
>  * Katherine Marsden (kmarsden at apache dot org)
>  * Daniel Debrunner (djd at apache dot org)
>  * Luciano Resende (lresende at apache dot org)
>  * Justin Mclean (justin at classsoftware dot com)
> ==== Sponsoring Entity ====
>  . The Incubator
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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