Hello Incubator PMC,

Thank you in advance for reviewing MADlib v1.9-rc1.

This is the 2nd ASF release for Apache MADlib (incubating).  The goal of
this 2nd release is:  general availability of MADlib v1.9 for community use.

The software in this release is very similar to the 1st ASF release MADlib
v1.9alpha on 3/11/16.  The main differences are bug fixes, license and
notice clarifications, and minor updates.  Feature set is the same.

Reminder of thread for IPMC vote passing of 1st ASF release:
which was intended in part to clear all potential IP issues in the code
base and make it legally ready to be adopted by the community.

Reminder of the Apache MADlib (incubating) community vote:

The specific license and notice recommendations raised by the IPMC during
the positive vote for MADlib v1.9alpha have been addressed:

For more information including release notes, please see:

This is a source code tarball only release.

To run check RAT, please do:

$mvn verify

first to get the correct RAT output.  Look inside of pom.xml to see the
classes of exceptions we're managing there for RAT.

We're voting on the source (tag): rc/v1.9-rc1

Source Files:

Commit to be voted on:

KEYS file containing PGP Keys we use to sign the release:

Please vote:

[ ] +1  approve
[ ] +0  no opinion
[ ] -1  disapprove (and reason why)

*** The vote will be open until Wed April 6 at 6 pm Pacific time. ***

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