
Are there any further comments/questions on the proposal? Or should we proceed 
with a VOTE?


> On Apr 13, 2016, at 6:58 PM, Edward Capriolo <edlinuxg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I would like to open up a discussion on the following proposal:
> https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/GossipProposal
> Besides those  mentioned in the proposal, thank you to Jake Ferrel, Lewis
> McGibbne, and Nate McCall who were a tremendous help!
> A copy of the proposal is below:
> = Abstract =
> Apache Gossip will be an implementation of the Gossip Protocol based
> on code available here: https://github.com/edwardcapriolo/gossip/
> which is already licenced using the glorious Apache V2 License.
> = Proposal =
> Apache Gossip aims to provide a gossip based consensus protocol
> written in Java for peer-to-peer communication to the Apache Incubator
> (http://incubator.apache.org/). This implementation will effectively
> scale from one to one-thousand node clusters. In addition to the code
> implementation, the project should produce specifications of the wire
> protocol, features, and expected behavior of the system such that
> compatible implementations can communicate.
> = Background =
> The gossip protocol has been implemented to varying levels of rigor by
> a number of entities. In particular, Apache Cassandra uses an
> implementation of gossip to locate peers and transmit up/down state.
> Apache Spark leverages tooling in Akka which provides peer-to-peer
> node discovery capabilities.
> * 
> http://highscalability.com/blog/2011/11/14/using-gossip-protocols-for-failure-detection-monitoring-mess.html
> * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gossip_protocol
> = Rationale =
> With distributed computing becoming extremely widespread, and the
> growth of the buzz-factor of ‘the-internet-of-things’ it is
> increasingly important that networks of IP addressable devices can
> form a peer-to-peer network. Applications of peer-to-peer networks
> include generating crypto currency, managing hardware such as solar
> power micro-grids, and more traditional roles like grid/High
> Performance Computing and distributed storage systems. Different
> implements of gossip based consensus protocols have been implemented
> in numerous languages or as part of more complex software stacks. The
> Apache foundation should lead the effort of producing a purpose built
> tool that can be used by downstream projects to form peer-to-peer
> networks.
> = Initial Goals =
> * Migration of current code https://github.com/edwardcapriolo/gossip
> to the Apache Software Foundation
> * Secure communications
>  * Transport security using a pre-shared key
>  * Public Key Infrastructure
> * Introduce a cluster name to wire protocol to avoid misconfigurations
> * Effectively operate when systems have multiple network interfaces
> by controlling IP binding settings
> * Effectively operate when systems have Network Address Translations
> devices between them using a broadcast IP settings
> * Develop advanced integration testing from cluster sizes of 1-1000 nodes
>  * Test convergence times
>  * Demonstrate the tradeoffs of different settings in regard to
> bandwidth/cpu/convergence time/accuracy
> * Gossip data other than cluster state such as application/user data
> * Provide detailed specifications such that others can implement the
> protocol in other programming languages
> * Explore HTTP transport as an alternative to UDP
> = Current Status =
> The current code has been around for some time. Previously it was a
> google code project. Since the fork in January 2015 there have been 55
> commits and 4 releases.
> == Meritocracy ==
> We believe in meritocracy. All suggestions are taken seriously. We
> enjoy helping new people become part of process. For other projects
> available on our github, once a user shows enough activity we grant
> them collaborator status.
> == Community ==
> In a relatively short amount of time, with a small amount of promotion
> on twitter and through blogging, we have 50+ followers on github and
> several forks of the project.. With the Apache brand we should be able
> to attract more. Once we have entered the incubator we believe it will
> be easier to attempt to unify with other similar implementations.
> == Core Developers ==
> The code was forked on Jan 9th 2015, since then there have been 4
> releases and 55 commits. The majority of th work is by Edward
> Capriolo. Several people are interested in the features of this
> proposal and have indicated they will volunteer their time.
> == Alignment ==
> Apache is the perfect organization to take on this Gossip project.
> Besides benefiting a number of projects directly, the active
> development and reach will help Gossip be adopted and a leader in the
> space.
> = Known Risks =
> Several existing implementations of similar cluster membership systems
> (gossip based and otherwise) exist. A key challenge is moving from a
> relatively niche technical audience to a more general tool for solving
> a common problem. Differentiating when Apache Gossip may be the
> optimal solution versus a clouded landscape of coordination services
> such as etcd or zookeeper, and distributed data stores via feature set
> will also be key. We believe that users be attracted to the
> peer-to-peer distributed service toolkit that gossip will provide.
> == Orphaned products ==
> We plan on building on the current code by developing discrete
> features with a focus on testing. Up until this point the project has
> been maintained be a single person. However the project currently
> releases artifacts to maven central, is tested using travis CI, and
> follows controlled development practice. This level of dedication will
> see the process through the initial stages.
> == Inexperience with Open Source ==
> We are very familiar with Open Source development and the Apache
> Foundation. The current code base already carries an Apache V2
> Licence.
> == Homogenous Developers ==
> Multiple people have made contributions to the current code base. This
> proposal has generated more interest and several more are offering to
> volunteer time. These volunteers are from diverse corporate entities.
> == Reliance on Salaried Developers ==
> We wish to create Apache Gossip for the challenge of producing great
> software. Initially all members of the project will volunteer their
> time and no one will be expressly salaried to work only on this
> project.
> == Relationships with Other Apache Products ==
> If the Apache Gossip project is successful, other products in Apache
> such as Storm or Cassandra could adopt it. However, adoption by those
> specific projects is not our criteria for success. There are a large
> number of applications for this system. One example is Apache JMeter
> could be built with Apache Gossip as a backend for distributed
> testing. Another example is a polyglot registry of thrift services
> with gossip based discovery.
> == A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ==
> We care about the Apache foundation. Having the recognition of the
> Apache incubator will undoubtedly help the project. We do not seek the
> Apache brand to be used as legal shield or personal glory. We believe
> in the Apache foundation and will manage the project with espirit de
> corps, welcoming all through meritocracy while using bylaws as guiding
> values.
> = Initial Source =
> The initial source for https://github.com/edwardcapriolo/gossip was
> forked from https://code.google.com/p/java-gossip/. The code base
> always Apache V2 licensed.
> = Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan =
> 1. Make final commit on teknek-gossip explaining the move to ASF.
> 1. Move code into ASF repo.
> 1. Rename references to old name.
> 1. Apply Apache V2 licence to all source files.
> = External Dependencies =
> Currently the project encodes messages into JSON for network
> transmission. This is done using JSONorg, but will switch to jackson
> (potentially before the move to the ASF).
> = Cryptography =
> The current code is not using cryptography. It is on the road map to
> add security through transport encryption (SSL) and transport
> encryption.
> = Required Resources =
> == Mailing lists ==
> * d...@gossip.incubator.apache.org
> * comm...@gossip.incubator.apache.org
> * priv...@gossip.incubator.apache.org
> The user list will be added when we have broader adoption.
> == Git Repository 
> ==https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-gossip.git
> == Issue Tracking ==
> JIRA tracker: GOSSIP
> = Initial Committers =
> * Edward Capriolo (Hive Committer, PMC)
> * P. Taylor Goetz (Storm PMC)
> * Gary Dusbabek (Cassandra Committer, PMC)
> * Dorian Ellerbe (requires CLA)
> * Sathish Dhinakaran (requires CLA)
> = Affiliations =
> With diverse contributors the project will be able to make balanced
> decisions best for the future of the project.
> = Additional Interested Contributors =
> Those interested in getting involved with the project as it starts are
> encourage to list themselves here.
> * (next entry here)
> = Sponsors =
> == Champion ==
> P. Taylor Goetz has offered to champion.
> == Mentors ==
> * Sean Busbey (ASF Member, IPMC, various Apache PMCs, YCSB maintainer)
> * Josh Elser (ASF Member, IPMC, Apache Accumulo PMC, Apache Calcite PMC)
> = Sponsoring Entity =
> The Incubator

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