@Sijie: As I am not an IPMC member, I am not eligible to be a mentor. I am
figuring out if I can still contribute in some way informally. Will keep
you posted. So no, I do not think you should add me to the proposal.

Thanks for your interest though!

On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 12:38 PM, Sijie Guo <si...@apache.org> wrote:

> Thanks Eitan for adding me.
> Sravya, cool! I am glad that you are interested in mentoring this project.
> Shall I add you to the proposal?
> Sijie
> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, Eitan Adler <li...@eitanadler.com> wrote:
>> + some people explicitly
>> On 10 June 2016 at 12:42, Sravya Tirukkovalur <sra...@apache.org> wrote:
>> > Excited to see DistributedLog come to ASF!
>> >
>> > I see that you already have good list of nominated mentors. As a member
>> of
>> > recently graduated project, I can offer mentorship(informal) as well if
>> > needed. I am not an IPMC member, so I guess I cannot be a formal mentor.
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> >
>> > On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 9:34 PM, Sijie Guo <si...@apache.org> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> I would like to propose DistributedLog to be an Apache Incubator
>> project.
>> >>
>> >> DistributedLog is a high performance replicated log service.
>> >> It offers durability, replication and strong consistency, which
>> provides
>> >> a fundamental building block for building reliable distributed systems,
>> >> e.g replicated-state-machines, general pub/sub systems, distributed
>> >> databases, distributed queues and etc.
>> >>
>> >> Here's a link to the proposal in the Incubator wiki
>> >>
>> >> https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/DistributedLogProposal
>> >>
>> >> I've also pasted the initial contents below.
>> >>
>> >> Thanks,
>> >>
>> >> Sijie
>> >>
>> >> = Abstract =
>> >> DistributedLog is a high-performance replicated log service. It offers
>> >> durability, replication and strong consistency, which provides a
>> >> fundamental building block for building reliable distributed systems,
>> >> e.g replicated-state-machines, general pub/sub systems, distributed
>> >> databases, distributed queues and etc.
>> >>
>> >> See “Building Distributedlog - Twitter’s high performance replicated
>> >> log service” for details:
>> >>
>> >>
>> https://blog.twitter.com/2015/building-distributedlog-twitter-s-high-performance-replicated-log-service
>> >>
>> >> = Proposal =
>> >> We propose to contribute DistributedLog codebase and associated
>> >> artifacts (e.g. documentation, web-site content etc.) to the Apache
>> >> Software Foundation with the intent of forming a productive,
>> >> meritocratic and open community around DistributedLog’s continued
>> >> development, according to the ‘Apache Way’.
>> >>
>> >> = Background =
>> >> Engineers at Twitter began developing DistributedLog in early 2013.
>> >> DistributedLog is described in a Twitter engineering blog post and
>> >> presented at the Messaging Meetup in Sep 2015. It has been released as
>> >> an Apache-licensed open-source project on GitHub in May 2016.
>> >>
>> >> DistributedLog is a high-performance replicated log service, which
>> >> provides simple stream-oriented abstractions over log-segments and
>> >> offers durability, replication and strong consistency for building
>> >> reliable distributed systems. The features offered by DistributedLog
>> >> includes:
>> >>  * Simple high-level, stream oriented interface
>> >>  * Naming and metadata scheme for managing streams and other entities
>> >>  * Log data management policies, include data segmentation and data
>> >> retention
>> >>  * Fast write pipeline leveraging batching and compression
>> >>  * Fast read mechanism leveraging long-poll and read-ahead caching
>> >>  * Service tiers supporting writer fan-in and reader fan-out
>> >>  * Geo-replicated logs
>> >>
>> >> DistributedLog’s most important benefit is high-performance with a
>> >> strong durability guarantee, making it extremely appropriate for
>> >> running different workloads from distributed database journaling to
>> >> real-time stream computing. Its modern, layered architecture makes it
>> >> easy to run the service tiers in multi-tenant datacenter environments
>> >> such as Apache Mesos or cloud environments such as EC2.
>> >>
>> >> = Rationale =
>> >> DistributedLog is designed to provide core fundamental features like
>> >> high-performance, durability and strong consistency to anyone who is
>> >> building reliable distributed systems, in a simple and efficient way.
>> >>
>> >> We believe that the ASF is the right venue to foster an open-source
>> >> community around DistributedLog’s development. We expect that
>> >> DistributedLog will benefit from collaboration with related Apache
>> >> projects, and under the auspices of the ASF will attract talented
>> >> contributors who will push DistributedLog’s development forward at a
>> >> faster pace.
>> >>
>> >> We believe that the timing is right for DistributedLog’s development
>> >> to move to the ASF: DistributedLog has already run in production at
>> >> Twitter for 3 years and served various workloads including a
>> >> distributed database journal, reliable cross datacenter replication,
>> >> search ingestion, andgeneral pub/sub messaging. The project is stable.
>> >> We are excited to see where an ASF-based community can take
>> >> DistributedLog.
>> >>
>> >> = Current Status =
>> >> DistributedLog is a stable project that has been used in production at
>> >> Twitter for 3 years. The source code is public at github.com/twitter,
>> >> which will seed the Apache git repository.
>> >>
>> >> = Meritocracy =
>> >> We understand the central importance of meritocracy to the Apache Way.
>> >> We will work to establish a welcoming, fair and meritocratic
>> >> community. Several companies have already expressed interest in this
>> >> project, and we intend to invite additional developers to participate.
>> >> We look forward to growing a rich user and developer community.
>> >>
>> >> = Community =
>> >> There is a large need for a performant replicated log service for
>> >> applications such as distributed databases, distributed transactional
>> >> systems, replicated-state-machines and pub/sub messaging/queuing. We
>> >> want to attract more developers to the project, and we believe that
>> >> the ASF’s open and meritocratic philosophy will help us with this. We
>> >> note the success of other similar projects already part of the ASF,
>> >> like Kafka.
>> >>
>> >> = Core Developers =
>> >> DistributedLog is actively developed within Twitter. Most of the
>> >> developers are from Twitter. Many of them are committers or PMC
>> >> members of Apache BookKeeper. Others aren’t currently affiliated with
>> >> ASF so they will require new ICLAs.
>> >>
>> >> = Alignment =
>> >> DistributedLog is related to several other Apache projects:
>> >>  * DistributedLog stores log segments as Ledgers in Apache BookKeeper.
>> >>  * DistributedLog uses Apache ZooKeeper for naming and metadata
>> >> management and tracking the ownership of logs.
>> >>  * DistributedLog uses Apache Thrift as its RPC and serialization
>> >> framework.
>> >>  * In the long-term, DistributedLog’s data will be stored in Apache
>> >> Hadoop clusters powered by HDFS filesystem for archives and backup.
>> >>
>> >> = Known Risks =
>> >>
>> >> == Orphaned Products ==
>> >> DistributedLog is used as the fundamental messaging infrastructure at
>> >> Twitter. It has been serving production traffic for online database
>> >> systems, search ingestion and a general pub/sub system. Twitter
>> >> remains committed to developing and supporting the project. Twitter
>> >> has a strong track record in standing behind projects that were
>> >> contributed to the ASF by its employees, including Apache Mesos,
>> >> Apache Aurora, Apache BookKeeper, Apache Hadoop. There are many
>> >> companies are interested in using it in production.
>> >>
>> >> == Inexperience with Open Source ==
>> >> The core developers of DistributedLog are committers of Apache
>> >> BookKeeper. Although other committers on the initial list are
>> >> committers or have less experience with the ASF, they already are
>> >> active in Apache BookKeeper community. We are confident that the
>> >> project can be run in accordance with Apache principles on an ongoing
>> >> basis.
>> >>
>> >> == Homogeneous Developers ==
>> >> The initial committers are from Twitter. We hope to encourage
>> >> contributions from other developers and grow them into committers
>> >> after they have had time to continue their contributions.
>> >>
>> >> == Reliance on Salaried Developers ==
>> >> Many of DistributedLog’s initial set of committers work full-time on
>> >> DistributedLog, and are paid to do so. However, as mentioned
>> >> elsewhere, we anticipate growth in the developer community which we
>> >> hope will include people from industry, hobbyists, and academics who
>> >> have an interested in distributed messaging systems.
>> >>
>> >> == Relationships with Other Apache Products ==
>> >> DistributedLog uses Apache BookKeeper to store log segments and Apache
>> >> ZooKeeper to store log metadata and manage log namespaces. It provides
>> >> an end-to-end solution for replicated logs, to make building reliable
>> >> distributed systems much easier. Unlike Kafka or ActiveMQ,
>> >> DistributedLog is not a full-fledged pub/sub, queuing or messaging
>> >> system.  Instead, it is targeting on providing a fundamental building
>> >> block for other distributed systems, offering durability, replication
>> >> and consistency. So it could be used by other distributed systems,
>> >> such as transaction log for replicated state machines (e.g., HDFS
>> >> NameNode), WAL for distributed databases (e.g. HBase), Journal for
>> >> in-memory services (e.g., Kestrel) and even storage backend for a
>> >> full-fledged messaging system.
>> >>
>> >> == An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ==
>> >> DistributedLog builds on two existing top-level projects, Apache
>> >> BookKeeper and Apache ZooKeeper. Some of the core developers actively
>> >> participate in both projects and understand well the implications of
>> >> being hosted by Apache. We would like this project to build on the
>> >> same core values of ASF and to grow a community based on meritocracy.
>> >> Also, there are several other projects already hosted by ASF in this
>> >> space of reliable messaging and that overlap with DistributedLog in
>> >> interests and scope. Consequently, the combination of all these
>> >> observations makes us believe that DistributedLog should be hosted by
>> >> the ASF.
>> >>
>> >> = Documentation =
>> >> Building DistributedLog: Twitter’s high performance replicated log
>> >> service (
>> >>
>> https://blog.twitter.com/2015/building-distributedlog-twitter-s-high-performance-replicated-log-service
>> >> )
>> >>
>> >> Documentation located in http://distributedlog.io.
>> >>
>> >> = Initial Source =
>> >> DistributedLog’s initial source contribution will come from
>> >> http://github.com/twitter/distributedlog/.
>> >>
>> >> = External Dependencies =
>> >> DistributedLog depends upon a number of third-party libraries, which
>> >> we list below.
>> >>  * Apache BookKeeper (Apache Software License v2.0)
>> >>  * Apache Commons (Apache Software License v2.0)
>> >>  * Apache Maven (Apache Software License v2.0)
>> >>  * Apache Thrift (Apache Software License v2.0)
>> >>  * Apache ZooKeeper (Apache Software License v2.0)
>> >>  * Google Guava (Apache Software License v2.0)
>> >>  * Mockito (MIT License)
>> >>  * Junit (Eclipse Public License 1.0)
>> >>  * LZ4-java (Apache Software License v2.0)
>> >>  * SLF4J (MIT License)
>> >>  * Twitter Finagle (Apache Software License v2.0)
>> >>  * Twitter Scrooge (Apache Software License v2.0)
>> >>  * Twitter Util (Apache Software License v2.0)
>> >>
>> >> = Required Resources =
>> >> We request that following resources be created for the project to use:
>> >>
>> >> == Mailing lists ==
>> >>  * priv...@distributedlog.incubator.apache.org (moderated
>> subscriptions)
>> >>  * comm...@distributedlog.incubator.apache.org
>> >>  * d...@distributedlog.incubator.apache.org
>> >>  * u...@distributedlog.incubator.apache.org
>> >>
>> >> == Git repository ==
>> >> https://git.apache.org/distributedlog.git
>> >>
>> >> == JIRA instance ==
>> >> JIRA project DLOG (DLOG or DL)
>> >>
>> >> = Initial Committers =
>> >>  * Sijie Guo (Apache BookKeeper Committer, Twitter)
>> >>  * Robin Dhamankar (Apache BookKeeper Committer)
>> >>  * Leigh Stewart (Twitter)
>> >>  * Dave Rusek (Twitter)
>> >>  * Honggang Zhang (Twitter)
>> >>  * Jordan Bull (Twitter)
>> >>  * Satish Kotha (Twitter)
>> >>  * Aniruddha Laud
>> >>  * Franck Cuny (Twitter)
>> >>  * Eitan Adler (Twitter)
>> >>
>> >> == Affiliations ==
>> >>
>> >> Most of the initial committers are employees of Twitter, except Robin
>> >> Dhamankar and Aniruddha Laud.
>> >>
>> >> = Sponsors =
>> >>
>> >> == Champion ==
>> >>
>> >> Flavio Junqueira
>> >>
>> >> == Nominated Mentors ==
>> >>
>> >>  * Flavio Junqueira
>> >>  * Chris Nauroth
>> >>  * Henry Saputra
>> >>
>> >> = Sponsoring Entity =
>> >>
>> >> We ask that the Apache Incubator PMC to sponsor this proposal.
>> >>
>> --
>> Eitan Adler

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