On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 1:39 PM, Benjamin Young <byo...@bigbluehat.com>

> Hi all!
> I'd very much like to un-log-jam the Annotator Proposal which I submitted
> back in late May-hence the new thread. ;)
> AFAIK, we only need one more Mentor to get things rolling. Two of our
> committers are from the Apache CouchDB community and have been doing The
> Apache Way for > 5+ years each, so it should be a fairly easy mentoring
> time as you'll have help. ;)
> Please give our proposal a read through and sign-up as our last Mentor:
> https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/AnnotatorProposal

I've not mentored in quite a few years, so am kind of rusty, but this is a
project I wish I knew existed prior to seeing this email, and now will use
the bejoobers out of, so... I'll volunteer if you need me :-)


/me wanders off to read the current expectations of mentors :-)

> The future of commentary on all the things needs you!
> Benjamin
> P.S.: The original thread starts here (for the curious):
> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/92ecfbc40a1feb4db345e4210b0f68afd31a31ff96dfb618c214ee84@1464702385@%3Cgeneral.incubator.apache.org%3E
> --
> http://bigbluehat.com/
> http://linkedin.com/in/benjaminyoung

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