28. 9. 2016 v 11:25, Greg Stein <gst...@gmail.com>:

> On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 10:13 PM, Jaroslav Tulach <jaroslav.tul...@gmail.com
>> wrote:
>> ...
>> One idea that keeps puzzling in my mind is to reuse central Maven
>> repository
>> more than we used to. If I understand correctly while the Maven central is
>> operated by Sonatype, it is just "leased" to them and still oversight by
>> Apache.
> Not so much. We license the "Apache Maven" trademark to them, to provide a
> fantastic service to the Maven community. But Maven Central is *all*
> Sonatype, and the ASF generally just provides oversight over trademark use
> (rather than operation).
> To state things another way: the ASF has zero control over what goes onto
> their platform. Shoot, we have a copy of the software which runs Maven
> Central, but it is proprietary and we merely hold a license to run it. This
> isn't pillows and unicorns. You will need to make a business case with
> Sonatype to include stuff beyond artifacts that Apache Maven can consume
> from their repository.
> (that is my reasonably-informed understanding; a discussion with Sonatype
> and the Apache Maven PMC is your best bet)

Thanks Greg for your answer.

On one side of my proposal is cost control for Apache foundation. By reusing 
infrastructure that already exists and is (has to be as the trademark is owned 
by the foundation) friendly, we can eliminate the load for extra services 
(http://plugins.netbeans.org) NetBeans currently has. I don't think the 
increase of the load is going to be any significant - the amounts of downloads 
Apache Maven central has to handle is way bigger than NetBeans needs, I assume.

Simplification of the build infrastructure is the other goal. If we use only 
the bits on the Apache Maven central, then we don't need any special support 
infrastructure (http://hg.netbeans.org/binaries). That requires a bit of work, 
but again it could help Apache control the cost of adopting NetBeans.

The last side is related to legal issues. Any infrastructure that helps to 
distribute 3rd party code is troublesome: viruses, malware, spyware, etc. By 
reusing the same infrastructure as Apache Maven, we align NetBeans with 
existing Apache approved solution. Apache NetBeans would only download what 
Apache Maven can - e.g. The risk of using NetBeans would be the same as using 
Maven. In my view, this should make the foundation OK with distributing such 
software like NetBeans.

I agree with Wade, that all such changes should only happen when NetBeans is 
accepted for the incubation phase. The only reason of my proposal is to show 
that we don't have "insolvable issues". We may have challenging ones, but I am 
sure, we can solve all of them.

Jaroslav Tulach
NetBeans Platform Architect

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