So, with this release, the carbondata-format module is pre-built and pushed
to maven repo so when someone run carbondata mvn install it should pull it
from central?

- Henry

On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 8:39 PM, ravipesala <> wrote:

> Hi
> Using the command "mvn clean install" does not build the carbondata-format
> jar but it will try to get it from repository. Since release is not yet
> happen it could not get dependency from repository. This problem will be
> solved automatically once the release is done. There would not be any
> impact
> on user.
> Why  carbondata-format jar is not built with command "mvn clean install" ?
> It is because carbondata-format is less likely to change and moreover it
> depends upon the Apache Thrift, so user needs to install Apache Thrift
> first
> before building this jar. For user convenience we have removed the building
> of this jar from maven default command  "mvn clean install".
> If any developer wants to change carbondata-format he can build it using
> maven command "mvn clean -Pbuild-with-format install", but he needs to
> install Apache Thrift in his machine before.And the modified jar will be
> uploaded to snapshot repository by committer.
> So for your case you should use command "mvn clean -Pbuild-with-format
> install" but Apache Thrift 0.9.3 needs to be installed in your machine
> before. Anyway this is temporary problem until release happen.
> Regards,
> Ravindra
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