
On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 5:47 PM Edward J. Yoon <edward.y...@samsung.com>

> Greetings!
> I would like to call a vote for accepting "Weex" for incubation in the
> Apache Incubator. The full proposal is available below.  We ask the
> Incubator PMC to sponsor it, with myself (Edward J. Yoon) as Champion, and
> Luke Han, Willem Jiang, Stephan Ewen, and Niclas Hedhman volunteering to be
> Mentors.
> Please cast your vote:
> [ ] +1, bring Weex into Incubator
> [ ] +0, I don't care either way,
> [ ] -1, do not bring Weex into Incubator, because...
> This vote will be open at least for 72 hours and only votes from the
> Incubator PMC are binding.
> --
> https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/WeexProposal
> = Weex Proposal =
> == Abstract ==
> Weex is a framework for building Mobile cross-platform high performance UI.
> Weex enables developers to use Web-like syntax to build iOS, Android and
> Web
> UI with a single codebase.
> == Proposal ==
> Weex provide an uniform Web-like syntax for develop native Mobile App UI.
> By
> leverage the Javascript engine that enable dynamic update, the process of
> App interfce and content update can be simple and controllable just like
> Web.Compared with WebView based UI framework which performance are limited,
> Weex use build-in native components instead.
> Because of tag based syntax that maintain a consistent style with Web
> standards Weex using. Developers write in this language just like writting
> in HTML. After transforming to JSBundle by Weex tools, these tags will be
> rendered by build-in platform-specific components. The logic part of Weex
> syntax write in Javascript which don't need be compiled control these
> components.
> The vision of Weex is to complement gap between platform-specific Native UI
> and Web technical based UI in Mobile age. The team behind Weex believe that
> dynamicly interface update and high performance should be achieved at the
> same time when people develop a Mobile App. Meanwhile duplicate work
> between
> the different platforms should be avoided.
> == Background ==
> Prior to Weex, in order to develop high performance mobile application we
> need write at least three different codebase(iOS, Android, Mobile Web) or
> adopt WebView based UI technique(Apache Cordova for example) which can't
> satisfy the demand for performance.
> A special task force at Alibaba Inc try to provide a solution for this
> problem has been setup since 2013.  At first the team release a
> cross-platform rendering engine which render a special format JSON to
> native
> components on different platform. To output this JSON file the team had
> build a website which other developer can use to simply design final
> interface.
> Although This solution had worked for a while, we found it not able to meet
> our UI developer's habits. Most of our UI developer have Web background
> which make them used to use tag based language to design App interface.
> Meanwhile we found the JSON file lacks of enough flexibility. The following
> discussion inspire we start to develop Weex.
> Nowaday, Mobile Taobao App which developed by Alibaba Inc, the largest user
> volume eCommerce App in China has adapted Weex in a lot of UI. In the
> latest
> November 11th promotions(Alibaba's annual Singles' Day online shopping
> event), UI developers from Alibaba Inc have build more then 1,500 pages
> using Weex, 99.6% of all the promotional pages. The ratio of less than one
> second page open time is more than 90%, the frame rate is 53.0~58.5(depend
> on device) due to the high performance of Weex. In addition to user
> experience improvement, the productivity of page development and the
> efficiency of content delivery both have been improved.
> After open-source and have got a lot of followers in chinese mobile App
> development community, several of popular Apps listed on chinese top charts
> have adopted or planning for adopt Weex.(UCWeb, Tmall, YouKu, Suning
> etc...)
> == Current Status ==
> Weex has become an open source project since June 2016.  It has been used
> at
> a lot of Alibaba producted mobile softwares which running on the mobile
> phone of millions of users.
> Weex code repository located at GitHub. All development activities have
> already happened on GitHub as open source manner.
> == Community ==
> The community surrounding Weex is a variety of developer which have
> different technique background.iOS, Android, Web developer must collaborate
> closely to implement most Weex feature.
> Currently total 61 contributors involved in the GitHub development process.
> Weex repository has received 791 pull requests until Nov 2016.
> Beyond committer from Alibaba Inc, Weex community welcome anybody join us.
> Nowaday Evan You from Vue Technology LLC, Wang Run Xiang from Aipai Inc and
> lots of GitHub users have contributed source code or document to Weex.
> Weex syntax is inspired a lot from Web framework Vue.js. For better future
> of both Weex&Vue.js, we have cooperated with Vue.js community from begin of
> Weex. The main author of Vue.js Evan You have became committer & mentor of
> Weex in the first half of 2016.
> At the time of this writing (Nov 2016) Weex GitHub star number is 8249,
> watch number is 1841, fork number is 1090.
> Weex use GitHub issue for problem tracking and technical discussion.
> Currently 813 issues have been submited, 756 of them have been solved.
> == Initial Developer ==
>  * BryantWu      huaz...@gmail.com (Alibaba Inc)
>  * LuicsXu       luics...@gmail.com   (iOS/Android, Alibaba Inc)
>  * Jin-JiangZhao  zhaojinji...@me.com  (Web/Node , Alibaba Inc)
>  * Tai-ChengHuang iskenhu...@gmail.com (Web/Node, Alibaba Inc)
>  * FengYin       cxfe...@gmail.com    (iOS, Alibaba Inc)
>  * YuanYin       zsh...@sina.com      (Android, Alibaba Inc)
>  * BobNing       ningli928@1 6 3.com    (iOS, Alibaba Inc)
>  * WeiZheng      sospar...@gmail.com  (Android, Alibaba Inc)
>  * YorkShen      shenyua...@gmail.com (Android, Alibaba Inc)
>  * SaiHe         tekk...@gmail.com    (Web, Alibaba Inc)
>  * BonoLv        lvs...@gmail.com     (Web/Node, Alibaba Inc)
>  * GurisXie      279483...@qq.com     (Testing, Alibaba Inc)
>  * AtomTong      tong_huab...@qq.com  (Testing, Alibaba Inc)
> == Meritocracy ==
> The intent of this proposal is to start building a diverse developer and
> user community around Weex following the ASF meritocracy model. After Weex
> becoming an OpenSource project, we have been working to make an open
> governance structure for project leadership to encourage individual and
> company involvement and contributions.
> == Alignment ==
> The Weex community believes that the Apache Software Foundation promotes
> and
> enforces the sort of community that will best serve the future of the
> project. It is also believed that Weex can enhance the ASF by expand the
> technical scope of ASF in Mobile age.
> == Relationships with Other Apache Products ==
> We think Weex is an effective supplement to Apache Cordova. Both Apache
> Cordova and Weex help developer for leveraging Web development technique in
> Mobile age. Boot developer the ability of delivering consistent content to
> different platform. With our sincere heart and determination to open
> source,
> we will always keep an open mind for Apache community.
> == Known Risks ==
> === Difficult to refuse platform-specific features ===
> "Write Once Run Everywhere" is one of original goal of Weex. But as Weex
> provides more feature, we have received more suggestions for implement
> single platform exclusive feature.
> === Inexperience with build international community ===
> Although we are full of passion about build a successful Opensource project
> and a community, Weex initial team lack of experience about participate in
> international community. After consulting with our mentors, we know modesty
> will be our code of conduct in Apache community.
> === Homogeneous and Reliance on salaried developers ===
> Since the Weex Project has been mainly developed to date by Alibaba Inc,
> the
> vast majority of initial committers to the project are from Alibaba Mobile
> engineering team. As an Opensource project, Weex project has received lots
> bug fixes and enhancements from other developers(not Alibaba Employee). We
> will continue to encourage more independent developers to participate in
> Weex.
> We know Apache Way is about people, not corporations. After Weex developer
> community grows, we hope the contribution ratio from Alibaba salaried
> developer will decrease.
> == Source Code ==
>  * Main repository:  https://github.com/alibaba/weex
>  * Weex transformer: https://github.com/weexteam/weex-transformer
>  * Weex toolkit: https://github.com/weexteam/weex-toolkit
>  * Weex loader: https://github.com/weexteam/weex-loader
>  * Gulp Weex:   https://github.com/weexteam/gulp-weex
> == Documentation ==
>  * English Document: http://alibaba.github.io/weex/doc/
>  * Chinese Document(English first, currently only partially docs have been
> translate to Chinese): https://github.com/weexteam/article/wiki/Weex中文文档
> == External Dependencies ==
>  * semver(http://semver.org/) developed by Tom Preston-Werner, licensed
> under the Creative Commons - CC BY 3.0 License.
>  * core-js(https://github.com/zloirock/core-js) developed by Denis
> Pushkarev, licensed under the MIT License.
>  * vuejs(https://github.com/vuejs/vue) developed by Yuxi Evan You ,
> licensed
> under the MIT License.
>  * scroll-to (https://github.com/component/scroll-to) developed by
> TooTallNate, licensed under the MIT License.
>  * Chrome V8(https://developers.google.com/v8/) developed by Google Inc &
> V8
> project authors, licensed under BSD License.
>  * css-layout(https://github.com/facebook/css-layout) developed by
> Facebook
> Inc., licensed under the BSD License.
> == Required Resources ==
>  * Mailing Lists
>    * priv...@weex.incubator.apache.org
>    * d...@weex.incubator.apache.org
>    * comm...@weex.incubator.apache.org
>  * Git Repos
>    * https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/weex.git
>  * Issue Tracking
>    * JIRA Weex (WEEX)
>  * Continuous Integration
>    * Jenkins builds on https://builds.apache.org/
>  * Web
>    * http://weex.incubator.apache.org/
>    * wiki at http://cwiki.apache.org
> == Sponsors ==
> === Champion ===
>  * Edward J. Yoon (edwardyoon at apache dot org)
> === Nominated Mentors ===
>  * Luke Han ( luke.hq at gmail dot com )
>  * Willem Jiang (willem.jiang at gmail dot com)
>  * Stephan Ewen (sewen at apache dot org)
>  * Niclas Hedhman (niclas at hedhman dot org)
> ==== Unofficial Mentors ====
>  * Longda Feng (hustjackie at gmail dot com)
> == Sponsoring Entity ==
>  * The Apache Incubator
> == Next Goals ==
>  * License all Weex source code and documentation to the Apache Software
> Foundation. (We already using Apache license for our main code repository)
>  * Setup and standardize the open governance of the Weex Project.
>  * Move Weex development activity to Apache infrastructure ( Git
> repository,
> Mail list )
> --
> Best Regards, Edward J. Yoon
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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