
I was wondering if someone could help me clarify this block of text.  This
is the section I believe is at an issue:

*It is common for additional Mentors to volunteer their services during the
development of the proposal. The number of Mentors for a Podling is limited
only by the energy and interest of those eligible to Mentor. Three Mentors
gives a quorum and allows a Podling more autonomy. The current consensus is
that three or more Mentors makes the incubation process run more smoothly.*

*Note that since Mentors are appointed by the Incubator PMC at the end of
the acceptance process, they have no formal role until the proposal is
accepted. But informal enthusiasm from nominee Mentors is taken as a good

In the first paragraph, we're saying that Mentors volunteer.  But the
second paragraph states that they are appointed by the IPMC.  I'm inclined
to just remove that first sentence from the proposal guide.  Anyone else's


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