I’m unable to find the proposal at 

Is it me or is the proposal not included on that page?



> On Nov 23, 2016, at 12:20 PM, Sam Ruby <ru...@intertwingly.net> wrote:
> This vote passes with 10 binding +1's, 3 non-binding +1, and no -1's
> Binding:
>  John D. Ament
>  Bertrand Delacretaz
>  Ted Dunning
>  Niclas Hedhman
>  Sergio Fernández
>  Felix Meschberger
>  Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>  Karl Pauls
>  Edward J. Yoon
>  Reynold Xin
> Non-binding:
>  Liang Chen
>  Debo Dutta
>  Charith Elvitigala
> Note that John Ament indicated his intention to vote -1 on any
> OpenWhisk release until the "GitHub as master" issue is resolved by
> the Apache Infrastructure team.
> - Sam Ruby
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 10:22 AM, Sam Ruby <ru...@intertwingly.net> wrote:
>> Now that the discussion thread on the OpenWhisk Proposal has died
>> down, please take a moment to vote on accepting OpenWhisk into the
>> Apache Incubator.
>> The ASF voting rules are described at:
>>   http://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html
>> A vote for accepting a new Apache Incubator podling is a majority vote
>> for which only Incubator PMC member votes are binding.
>> Votes from other people are also welcome as an indication of peoples
>> enthusiasm (or lack thereof).
>> Please do not use this VOTE thread for discussions.
>> If needed, start a new thread instead.
>> This vote will run for at least 72 hours. Please VOTE as follows
>> [] +1 Accept OpenWhisk into the Apache Incubator
>> [] +0 Abstain.
>> [] -1 Do not accept OpenWhisk into the Apache Incubator because ...
>> The proposal is listed below, but you can also access it on the wiki:
>>   https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/OpenWhiskProposal
>> - Sam Ruby
>> = OpenWhisk Proposal =
>> OpenWhisk is an open source, distributed Serverless computing platform
>> able to execute application logic (Actions) in response to events
>> (Triggers) from external sources (Feeds) or HTTP requests governed by
>> conditional logic (Rules). It provides a programming environment
>> supported by a REST API-based Command Line Interface (CLI) along with
>> tooling to support packaging and catalog services.
>> Champion: Sam Ruby, IBM
>> Mentors:
>> * Felix Meschberger, Adobe
>> * Isabel Drost-Fromm, Elasticsearch GmbH
>> * Sergio Fernández, Redlink GmbH
>> == Background ==
>> Serverless computing is the evolutionary next stage in Cloud computing
>> carrying further the abstraction offered to software developers using
>> Container-based operating system virtualization. The Serverless
>> paradigm enables programmers to just “write” functional code and not
>> worry about having to configure any aspect of a server needed for
>> execution. Such Serverless functions are single purpose and stateless
>> that respond to event-driven data sources and can be scaled on-demand.
>> The OpenWhisk project offers a truly open, highly scalable, performant
>> distributed Serverless platform leveraging other open technologies
>> along with a robust programming model, catalog of service and event
>> provider integrations and developer tooling.
>> Specifically, every architectural component service of the OpenWhisk
>> platform (e.g., Controller, Invokers, Messaging, Router, Catalog, API
>> Gateway, etc.) all is designed to be run and scaled as a Docker
>> container. In addition, OpenWhisk uniquely leverages aspects of Docker
>> engine to manage, load balance and scale supported OpenWhisk runtime
>> environments (e.g., JavaScript, Python, Swift, Java, etc.), that run
>> Serverless functional code within Invoker compute instances, using
>> Docker containers.
>> OpenWhisk's containerized design tenants not only allows it to be
>> hosted in various IaaS, PaaS Clouds platforms that support Docker
>> containers, but also achieves the high expectation of the Serverless
>> computing experience by masking all aspects of traditional resource
>> specification and configuration from the end user simplifying and
>> accelerating Cloud application development.
>> In order to enable HTTP requests as a source of events, and thus the
>> creation of Serverless microservices that expose REST APIs, OpenWhisk
>> includes an API Gateway that performs tasks like security, request
>> routing, throttling, and logging.
>> == Rationale ==
>> Serverless computing is in the very early stages of the technology
>> adoption curve and has great promise in enabling new paradigms in
>> event-driven application development, but current implementation
>> efforts are fractured as most are tied to specific Cloud platforms and
>> services. Having an open implementation of a Serverless platform, such
>> as OpenWhisk, available and governed by an open community like Apache
>> could accelerate growth of this technology, as well as encourage
>> dialog and interoperability.
>> Having the ASF accept and incubate OpenWhisk would provide a clear
>> signal to developers interested in Serverless and its future that they
>> are welcome to participate and contribute in its development, growth
>> and governance.
>> In addition, there are numerous projects already at the ASF that would
>> provide a natural fit to the API-centric, event-driven programming
>> model that OpenWhisk sees as integral to a Serverless future. In fact,
>> any project that includes a service that can produce or consume
>> actionable events could become an integration point with
>> OpenWhisk-enabled functions. Apache projects that manage programming
>> languages and (micro) service runtimes could become part of the
>> OpenWhisk set of supported runtime environments for functions. Device
>> and API gateways would provide natural event sources that could
>> utilize OpenWhisk functions to process, store and analyze vast amounts
>> of information immediately unlocking the potential of fast-growing
>> computing fields offered in spaces as IoT, analytics, cognitive,
>> mobile and more.
>> == Initial Goals ==
>> OpenWhisk is an open source community project which seeks to adopt the
>> Apache way through the course of the incubator process and foster
>> collaborative development in the Serverless space.
>> Currently, the OpenWhisk project's source repository is in GitHub
>> using its associated project tooling, but we believe the open Apache
>> processes, democratic project governance, along with its rich
>> developer community and natural integrations with existing projects
>> provide the ideal fit for the technology to grow.
>> Serverless will only reach its full potential and avoid fragmentation
>> if it is grown in an environment that Apache can offer.
>> == Current Status ==
>> The OpenWhisk project was published as an open source project within
>> GitHub (https://github.com/openwhisk) under the Apache v2.0 license in
>> February 2016. The project consists of the “core” platform repository
>> (https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk) code along with its family of
>> repositories that include a “catalog” of OpenWhisk system and utility
>> packages.
>> The project also includes repositories for:
>> *  JavaScript and Swift SDKs for client integration
>> *  Docker SDK for user-created “blackbox” (Action) runtimes
>> *  Graphical Command Line Tutorial (using NodeJS)
>> *  Packages for popular service integrations (i.e., JIRA, Twilio,
>> Slack, Kafka, RSS, etc.)
>> Issue tracking and project governance (milestones, epics) are also
>> managed through GitHub Issues and visualized through ZenHub. All
>> “pull” requests, once passing automated tests run by TravisCI, are
>> reviewed by “core” contributors with “write” privileges. IBM has also
>> setup private staging servers to “stress” test the platform
>> performance under load and over extended periods of time before being
>> merged into the main code branch. As part of the incubation process we
>> would make these staging tests public and have them be run by Apache.
>> Currently, the project is not officially versioned and is considered
>> an “experimental beta”, but is marching towards milestone 10 that
>> aligns with what is considered to be a “beta” the end of October and
>> another milestone 11 end of November 2016 which is considered “GA”
>> content for the “core” platform. Again, we would very much like to
>> adopt an Apache community system for deciding on milestones,
>> constituent epics (features) along with dates a versioning plan and
>> communicate effectively using email lists, IRC and a project homepage
>> (which is currently lacking).
>> In addition to the OpenWhisk core runtime, IBM and Adobe plan to
>> collaborate and contribute to the API Gateway component under an open
>> framework with the Apache community. The API Gateway Framework
>> component would provide essential support for a Serverless environment
>> including container services, platform services and traditional
>> runtimes and provides functionality for API security, request
>> validation, request routing, rate limiting, logging, caching and load
>> balancing.
>> == Meritocracy ==
>> The OpenWhisk project firmly believes in meritocracy from its
>> inception. Issue, Feature and code submissions, to fix, improve or
>> optimize the platform code, tooling and documentation, as well as
>> contributions of new SDKs, Packages, Tutorials, etc. have all been
>> welcomed after successful community input, consultation and testing.
>> Contributions can be made by anyone as long as integration and staging
>> (including stress and performance) tests pass. We are looking forward
>> to talented individuals to progress the success of OpenWhisk and an
>> open Serverless ecosystem surrounding it. It would be a pleasure to
>> invite strong contributors to become committers in the project areas
>> where they have shown a consistent track record.
>> == Community ==
>> OpenWhisk has made significant effort to build a community using all
>> possible media and social outlets as possible, always asking for
>> interested developers to join and contribute.
>> The following outlets have been created to engage the public in as
>> many ways as we could conceive. Every single of these sources is
>> monitored continually via OpenWhisk code that triggers events and
>> messages to appropriate developer Slack channels where we seek to
>> respond and engage as quickly as we can.
>> *  Twitter: https://twitter.com/openwhisk
>> *  Slack: https://dwopen.slack.com/messages/openwhisk/
>> *  StackOverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/search?q=OpenWhisk
>> *  dwAnswers (developerWorks):
>> https://developer.ibm.com/answers/smartspace/open/
>> *  Blog site: https://developer.ibm.com/openwhisk/blogs/
>> *  Google group: https://groups.google.com/forum/ - !forum/openwhisk
>> IBM has sought to promote OpenWhisk at every logical event worldwide
>> where we are able.
>>    Events and Meetups:
>>        20+ past events, 6 planned through YE 2016 (across 12 countries)
>>        Event calendar: https://developer.ibm.com/openwhisk/events/
>>    Stats (GitHub):
>>        43+ contributors: https://github.com/orgs/openwhisk/people
>>        Contribution Graphs:
>> https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk/graphs/contributors
>>    Stars:
>>        623 (and growing ~10-20 per week on average):
>> https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk/stargazers
>> == Core Developers ==
>> The following core developers, along with their credentials, are
>> proposed; each have been committers within OpenWhisk since its initial
>> development:
>> *  Stephen Fink, sjf...@us.ibm.com, original project architect
>> *  Rodric Rabbah,  rab...@us.ibm.com, project's developer who has
>> deepest knowledge who has been with the project since its inception.
>> *  Markus Thommes, markus.thoem...@de.ibm.com, project build and
>> deployment expert for all roles and environments (Mac, Linux, etc.
>> either local/distributed).
>> *  Jeremias Werner, jerew...@de.ibm.com, tooling and integration
>> expert.  Understands all the build and runtime dependencies / external
>> projects OpenWhisk relies upon.
>> *  Perry Cheng, pe...@us.ibm.com, Performance and stress testing guru.
>> == Alignment ==
>> We have looked, from the earliest days of developing OpenWhisk, at
>> Apache as a model for building a strong developer community and worked
>> to adopt its spirit and its best practices.  From the outset, we have
>> wished to have enough interest and momentum in order to have a robust
>> pool of developers in order to adopt an Apache governance model for
>> meritorious acknowledgement of committer and core contributors who can
>> bring external knowledge to further grow the project.
>> We see immediate chances to leverage Apache projects such as Kafka,
>> Camel, MQTT, ApacheMQ, etc. Wherever there is a collector, funnel or
>> router of message data that can directly or indirectly generate
>> events, we intend to link to OpenWhisk as an even provider. These and
>> other projects are listed below and are just, we hope, “scratching the
>> surface” of integration points for Serverless enabled applications.
>> In addition, we should note that we see immediate interest in
>> leveraging the Apache relationship with the Linux foundation to
>> integrate with the OpenAPI specification (f.k.a., Swagger) and seek to
>> standardize API gateways that follow that spec. to formalize endpoints
>> for services that can produce events.
>> = Known Risks =
>> == Orphaned products ==
>> OpenWhisk and its initial group of committers along with the community
>> currently supporting the project will continue to promote and look for
>> ways to engage new developers and provide linkage to other compatible
>> open source projects. Serverless computing has a significant future in
>> Cloud computing and an open source implementation of a platform, as
>> OpenWhisk embodies, must success to provide competition and
>> interoperability and provide a rich foundation for new Serverless
>> technologies to rely upon.
>> == Inexperience with Open Source ==
>> OpenWhisk, as you can deduce from its name, has been an open source
>> project from its public debut in February 2016.  As soon as a the
>> initial code, developed within IBM research, was viable and provided
>> the functionality expected of a Serverless platform, the project team
>> open sourced it and sought to build an open community to evolve it.
>> Most all current all current project team members have strong
>> experience developing within open source projects with meritorious
>> governance models. In fact, several of the current team members are
>> committers on other Apache projects and are excited to reach out to
>> and align with other project communities within Apache.
>> == Homogenous Developers ==
>> The current list of committers includes developers from two different
>> companies. The current set of committers are geographically
>> distributed across the U.S., Europe and China. All committers are
>> experienced with working in a distributed environment and utilize many
>> messaging and collaboration tools to continually communicate with each
>> effectively to develop and review code regardless of location.
>> Additionally, the current project members are very focused on
>> addressing comments, feedback and issue or feature requests as soon as
>> we are able. In fact, we utilize OpenWhisk itself to intelligently
>> notify project developers with the correct knowledge or expertise of
>> any public posting to any community outlets (listed above).
>> == Reliance on Salaried Developers ==
>> All of the initial developers are currently salaried by either IBM or
>> Adobe. With increasing awareness and interest in Serverless
>> technologies, we expect this to change due to the addition of
>> volunteer contributors.  We intend to promote and encourage
>> participation whenever interest is shown in the project to build a
>> robust community.
>> == Relationships with Other Apache Products ==
>> Some possible project intersections or potential connections are
>> listed below.  We hope to identify many others through the course of
>> incubation.
>>  * Kafka, http://kafka.apache.org/project, OpenWhisk has plans to use
>> Kafka for an intelligent “message hub” service that can channel events
>> to OpenWhisk triggers.
>>  * Camel, http://camel.apache.org/message-bus.html, Any message bus
>> naturally carries message data that may carry events directly or be
>> used indirectly to derive events that developers can link to OpenWhisk
>> actions.
>>  * ActiveMQ, http://activemq.apache.org/, Again, a widely used
>> message server, that supports MQTT and AMQP, which can provide trusted
>> event data to OpenWhisk.
>> Some additional projects we would like to explore any connection with 
>> include:
>>  * CouchDB,  https://projects.apache.org/project.html?couchdb:
>> OpenWhisk already supports use of CouchDB for its own storage needs
>> (Actions, Bindings, etc.); however, there may be more integrations
>> possible  as we develop a package manifest  to describe OpenWhisk
>> entities reposited in document stores as pseudo-catalogs.
>>  * Mesos, https://projects.apache.org/project.html?mesos: in effect,
>> OpenWhisk also manages a “pool of nodes” that can run various Actions
>> (functions). It would be interesting to see if any overlap or sharing
>> of node resources could be achieved.
>>  * Spark, https://projects.apache.org/project.html?spark : As with
>> Mesos, OpenWhisk nodes could be leveraged to perform distributed
>> data-processing with Spark.
>> and many others that we hope the community will help identify and
>> prioritize for development work.
>> == An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ==
>> The developers of OpenWhisk share a high appreciation of the Apache
>> Software Foundation, and many have been active as users, contributors
>> or committers to other Apache projects.
>> The main expectation for the developers is not the Apache brand, but
>> the project governance and best practices established by the ASF,
>> access to the Apache community and support and mentorship through
>> senior Apache members.
>> == Documentation ==
>> OpenWhisk offers a comprehensive set of documentation (primarily in
>> Markdown) for all parts of the project from installation and
>> deployment (locally, remotely, distributed) on various platforms in
>> order to get developers “up and running” as quickly as possible on
>> multiple platforms (Mac, Windows, Ubuntu). In addition, OpenWhisk goes
>> to great links to document its architecture and programming model and
>> provide guided tutorials for the CLI. All SDKs and Packages that can
>> be installed, besides installation and use cases descriptions, often
>> include videos and blogs. OpenWhisk is dedicated to providing the best
>> documentation possible and even has volunteers’ submissions for
>> translations in some areas.
>> == Initial Source ==
>> The project is comprised of multiple repositories all under the
>> primary openwhisk name. All initial source that would be moved under
>> Apache control can be found in GitHub (by repository) here:
>>  * Primary Repositories:
>>        https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk
>>            primary source code repository including run books, tests.
>>        https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk-catalog
>>            Catalog of built-in system, utility, test and sample
>> Actions, Feeds and provider integration services and catalog packaging
>> tooling.
>>  * Client (SDK) repos.:
>>        https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk-client-js
>>            JavaScript (JS) client library for the OpenWhisk platform.
>>        https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk-client-swift
>>            Swift-based client SDK for OpenWhisk compatible with Swift
>> 2.x and runs on iOS 9, WatchOS 2, and Darwin.
>>        https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk-podspecs
>>            CocoaPods Podspecs repo for ‘openwhisk-client-swift’.
>>        https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk-sdk-docker
>>            This is an SDK that shows how to create “Black box” Docker
>> containers that can run Action (code).
>>  * Package repos.:
>>        https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk-package-pushnotifications
>>             In-progress, Push notifications to registered devices.
>>        https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk-package-twilio
>>            In-progress, Integration with Twilio.
>>        https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk-package-jira
>>            In-progress, Integration with JIRA events.
>>        https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk-package-rss
>>            Integration with RSS feeds.
>>        https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk-package-kafka
>>            New, In-progress, Integration with Kafka
>>        https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk-slackbot-poc
>>            In-progress, deploy a Slackbot with the capability to run
>> OpenWhisk actions
>>  * Ecosystem repos.:
>>        https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk-tutorial
>>            Place to submit interactive tutorials for OpenWhisk, its
>> CLI and packages. Currently, contains Javascript-based tutorial for
>> learning the OpenWhisk CLI.
>>        https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk-vscode
>>            This is a prototype extension for Visual Studio Code that
>> enables complete round trip cycles for authoring OpenWhisk actions
>> inside the editor.
>>  * API Gateway Framework repositories:
>>        There are existing discussions between IBM and Adobe about
>> creating a comprehensive API Gateway Framework that can support
>> community contributions. We plan to move these discussions into the
>> Apache community and invite participation in shaping this framework to
>> ensure the best possible solution for Serverless.  At this time, the
>> existing Adobe API Gateway provides a valuable set of modularized
>> components that will be part of this framework and the initial
>> submission:
>>        https://github.com/adobe-apiplatform/apigateway
>>            The main API Gateway repository containing basic
>> configuration files and a Dockerfile to build all modules into a
>> single container.
>>        Under this repository, you will find complete and conformant
>> code modules for the following functions:
>>            * Request Validation (e.g., OAuth, API-KEY) and tracking,
>>            * Configuration syncing with multiple Cloud storage solutions,
>>            * API Request Caching and Mgmt.,
>>            * Asynchronous logging (API traffic),
>>            * ZeroMQ adapter with logger,
>>            * NGINX extensions (i.e., AWS SDK)
>>            * HMAC support for Lua (multiple algorithms, via OpenSSL)
>>        During the incubation, this code will likely be restructured
>> to accommodate additional code from other sources as agreed to by
>> Apache and the PPMC.
>> = Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan =
>> == External Dependencies ==
>> The OpenWhisk project code, documentation, samples (for all
>> repositories) have been fully authored under the Apache 2 license with
>> a comprehensive CLA requirements enforced for all committers from its
>> inception. The code has been fully screened and evaluated to assure
>> its code consists of original contributions not encumbered by any
>> license that would be incompatible with Apache.
>> openwhisk-openwhisk
>> This repository is the primary repository for the OpenWhisk platform;
>> it contains the implementations for all its component services, CLI
>> and tooling.
>> * tooling and runtime dependencies:
>>       Note: all dependencies are to latest version unless noted otherwise.
>> * Build and Deployment Tooling:
>>        ansiblev2.* : GNU GPL
>>            Primary Runbook (playbooks) tooling for deployment with
>> configurations for multiple target environments (ppa:ansible/ansible).
>> Installed by ansible.sh.
>>        git : GPL 2
>>            Command line for automation of “pulling” OpenWhisk
>> repositories’ code from Git repos.  Installed by misc.sh.
>>        zip : Info-ZIP (BSD style)
>>            Tooling for decompressing files packaged in compressed ZIP
>> format. Installed by misc.sh.
>>        python-pip : MIT
>>            Python installer. Installed by pip.sh
>>        jsonschema : MIT
>>            Python Library. JSON schema validation. Installed by pip.sh
>>        argcomplete  : Apache
>>            Python Library. Bash tab completion for ‘argparse’.
>> Installed by pip.sh
>>        oracle-java8-installer : Oracle Binary Code
>>            Oracle Java 8 Installer (Ubuntu PPA archive), Installed by 
>> java8.sh
>>        software-properties-common : GNU GPL v2
>>            Manage your own PPAs for use with Ubuntu APT. Installed by
>> ansible.sh
>>        gradle 3.0: Apache 2
>>            Build tool.
>>        gradle-wrapper.jar : Apache 2
>>            Gradle wrapper tool. Installed by gradle-wrapper.properties
>>        One-JAR : One-JAR license (BSD-style)
>>            package a Java application together with its dependency
>> Jars into a single executable Jar file. Used by
>> core/javaAction/proxy/build.gradle
>>        npm  : Artistic License 2.0
>>            Node Package Manager (NPM), core/nodejs6Action/Dockerfile
>>    Application Services:
>>        docker-engine, v1.9, moving to v1.12 : Apache 2
>>            Runtime for Docker containers. Installed by docker.sh.
>>        docker-py v1.9, Apache 2
>>            Python API client. Installed by ansible.sh.
>>        ntp : NTP (BSD 3-clause)
>>            Network Time Protocol service started to sync.
>> peer-computer times.  Note: UTC is default for all hosts.  Installed
>> by misc.sh.
>>        CouchDB : Apache 2
>>            JSON document database. Vagrant / User installed.
>>        Consul v0.5.2 : Mozilla v2
>>            Consul Key-value data store. Installed by
>> services/consul/Dockerfile.
>>   * Runtime Libraries:
>>        Scala v2.11 : Scala (3-clause BSD)
>>            Primary language for OpenWhisk.  Specifically:
>> org.scala-lang:scala-library, 2.11.6. Installed by scala.sh,
>> (referenced by build.gradle).
>>        Node v0.12.14: MIT
>>            Node JavaScript Runtime. It also includes many NPM
>> libraries. See core/nodejsAction/Dockerfile for a complete/current
>> list.
>>        Node v6.2: MIT
>>            The NodeJS6 Runtime. It also includes many NPM libraries.
>> See core/nodejs6Action/Dockerfile for a complete/current list.
>>        Python Runtime, v2.7 (Python Std. Library) : Python
>>            Python based Docker Images are used in a few places. For
>> example, see core/ActionProxy/Dockerfile.  In addition, it is
>> referenced by the Python CLI which is being deprecated as it is being
>> replaced by a Go language CLI.
>>        Java 8 JRE : Oracle
>>            Java Language Runtime (Oracle Java 8 JDK). Referenced by
>> common/scala/Dockerfile, core/javaAction/Dockerfile,
>> services/consul/.classpath.
>>        Akka 2.47 Libraries for Scala 2.11 : Apache 2
>>            Specifically, the following: “com.typesafe.akka:” modules
>> are used: akka-actor, akka-slf4j, akka-http-core,
>> akka-http-spray-json-experimental. Installed by build.gradle.
>>        argcomplete : Apache
>>            Python library. Bash tab completion for argparse.
>> Installed by tools/ubuntu-setup/pip.sh.
>>        httplib : Python
>>            Python library. HTTP protocol client. Installed by .
>>        jsonschema : MIT
>>            Python library. Installed by tools/ubuntu-setup/pip.sh.
>>        spray (source) : Apache 2
>>            Scala libraries for building/consuming RESTful web
>> services on top of Akka. Installed by build.gradle. Specifically but
>> not limited to: spray-caching, spray-json, spray-can, spray-client,
>> spray-httpx, spray-io, spray-routing.
>>        log4j:log4j:1.2.16
>>            Java logging library. Installed by build.gradle.
>>        org.apache.* Libraries : Apache 2
>>            Including: org.apache.commons.*.
>> org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper, org.apache.kafka:kafka-clients,
>> org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient. See build.gradle for current
>> list and versions.
>>            Including low level HTTP transport component libraries:
>> org.apache.http.*, org.apache.httpcomponents:
>>            httpclient, . See whisk/common for current list and versions.
>>            org.apache.jute.compiler.JString
>>        urlparse : Python
>>            Python library for URL string parsing. Referenced by
>> tools/cli/wskutil.py
>>            tools/build/citool.
>>        swagger-ui 2.1.4 : Apache 2 * atypical license text
>>            Collection of HTML, Javascript, and CSS assets that
>> dynamically generate documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.  See
>> core/controller/Dockerfile.
>>    Optional Services and Tooling:
>>        Cloudant : Apache 2
>>            (Optional) Database service.  User may connect to instance
>> from README.  CouchDB can be used otherwise.
>>        Eclipse IDE : Eclipse Public License (EPL)
>>            Tooling, IDE. (Optional). OpenWhisk supplies a .project
>> and .pydevproject files for the Eclipse IDE.
>>        emacs  : Emacs GPL
>>            Tooling, Editor. (Optional) Installs Emacs editor.
>> Installed by emacs.sh.
>>  * Swift3 Runtime Dependencies:
>>        The following Python libraries are installed in the
>> core/swift3Action/Dockerfile:
>>        Python 2.7 : Python
>>            Python Std. Library.
>>        python-gevent : MIT
>>            Python proxy support.
>>        python-distribute : PSF (or ZPL)
>>             Supports the download, build, install, upgrade, uninstall
>> of Python packages. See: http://pythonhosted.org/distribute. Note:
>> this is a fork of: https://github.com/pypa/setuptools.
>>        python-pip : MIT
>>            PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages.
>>        python-flask : BSD
>>            Python proxy support.
>>        clang  : NCSA Open Source
>>            'C' Library. Apple compiler front-end for ‘C’ (LLVM back-end).
>>        libedit-dev  : BSD (3-clause)
>>            Linux, BSD editline and hostry library.
>>        libxml2-dev : MIT
>>            Linux, Gnome XML library.
>>        libicu52  : Unicode
>>            Linux, Unicode support library.
>>        Kitura : Apache 2
>>            Web framework and web server that is created for web
>> services written in Swift.
>>        Kitura dependencies : BSD (BSD-like)
>>            Linux libraries including: autoconf, libtool,
>> libkqueue-dev, libkqueue0, libdispatch-dev, libdispatch0,
>> libcurl4-openssl-dev, libbsd-dev.
>>        apple/swift-corelibs-libdispatch : Apache 2
>>            Enables Swift code execution on multicore hardware.
>> Adobe-API-Platform
>>        Openresty - Licensed under the 2-clause BSD license -
>> https://github.com/openresty/ngx_openresty#copyright--license
>>        NGINX License - http://nginx.org/LICENSE
>>        Luajit - MIT License - http://luajit.org/luajit.html
>>        PCRE - BSD license - http://www.pcre.org/licence.txt
>>        NAXSI: GPL - is not compiled with the Gateway API code.
>> Instead The API Gateway project contains instructions for developers
>> on where to get NAXSI code (under GPL)
>>        ZeroMQ / ØMQ - Linked Dynamically in separate module
>>        libzmq - LGPL license with SPECIAL EXCEPTION GRANTED BY
>> COPYRIGHT HOLDERS - https://github.com/zeromq/libzmq
>>        czmq - High Level C binding for libzmq - MPL v2 license
>> https://github.com/zeromq/czmq
>> == Trademarks ==
>> IBM is pursuing trademarking of the OpenWhisk name in the following
>> jurisdictions: Canada, France, WIPO (i.e., Australia, China, CTM
>> (EUIPO), India, Mexico, Russian Federation, Switzerland, United States
>> of America). IBM plans to transfer all filings and trademark ownership
>> to ASF.
>> == Cryptography ==
>> Please note that the file
>> https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk/blob/master/common/scala/src/main/scala/whisk/common/Crypt.scala
>> makes use of the Java javax.crypto.* libraries to implement
>> encrypt/decrypt functions. Primarily this is used to encrypt/decrypt
>> user keys or secrets when being passed or stored between or by
>> OpenWhisk components.
>> In addition, the API Gateway modules (api-gateway-hmac) relies on
>> OpenSSL (openssl/evp.h, openssl/hmac.h).
>> == Required Resources ==
>> Resources that infrastructure will be asked to supply for this project.
>> Over the course of the incubator we would like to develop staging and
>> playground server environments for testing and developer experience.
>> The following environment would be desirable for an initial staging
>> (and separate playground):
>> *  CI Test Cluster requirements:
>>        3 VMs, Catalog (CouchDB/Cloudant), Router (Nginx), Registry
>>        2 VMs, Master (Controller + Consul), Message Bus (Kafka)
>>        10 VMs, Invokers
>>        Each VM assumes 4 CPUs, 8GB Memory, 80GB additional storage
>> *  Mechanics:
>>        Scripts that invoke Ansible playbooks for build, deploy (run)
>> and clean are provided.
>>        The various architectural components are started via Docker
>> containers (either natively, within a single Vagrant VM, or across
>> multiple, designated VM roles) using user configured (or defaulted)
>> endpoints and (guest) authorization credentials.
>>        In addition, the user/developer may choose to use the default
>> ephemeral CouchDB (via Docker container) for the OpenWhisk catalog or
>> switch to use a native CouchDB or a remote Cloudant database.
>> In addition, we would like to host a VM with a Node.js server that
>> provides Command Line Tutorials, along with demo samples.
>> == Mailing lists ==
>> Initially, we would start with the following recommended initial
>> podling mailing lists:
>>    priv...@openwhisk.incubator.apache.org,
>>    dev@{podling}.incubator.apache.org
>> We would add more as we transition off exiting mailings lists and
>> through the course of incubation.
>> == Git Repository ==
>> As a community we would like to keep the master repository as well as
>> issue tracking on GitHub. We will be working closely with ASF Infra.
>> team to implement all the required pieces like ensure to send push and
>> issue notifications through ASF controlled mailing lists. During
>> incubation we will work closely with Infra to support GitHub master
>> repositories. We also understand that we have to support a way of
>> providing patches, which does not require a GitHub account for
>> contributors who are not willing or not able abide by GitHub’s terms
>> and conditions. It is our understanding that this approach has been
>> signed off by Greg Stein, ASF’s Infrastructure Administrator.
>>  gstein sez: the podling can only graduate within an approved
>> repository system. The IPMC may have a differing opinion, but from an
>> Infra perspective: the OpenWhisk podling can continue with their usage
>> of a GitHub repository, but faces a clear obstacle: GitHub "as master
>> [as allowed by the Foundation]" must be approved and working before
>> the graduation, or they must migrate their primary to the Foundation's
>> Git repository (at git-wip) before they graduate.
>> If we need to adapt our repo. paths to conform to Apache guidelines
>> (and perhaps necessitated by a move the the Apache named repo.) It is
>> conventional to use all lower case, dash-separated (-) repository
>> names. The repository should be prefixed with incubator and later
>> renamed assuming the project is promoted to a TLP.
>> If we need to move the project codebase from its existing GitHub repo.
>> as part of incubation, we would like to preserve the directory names
>> as they appear today and adopt the “apache” as part of the URI path as
>> we have seen other projects adopt.
>> This would mean all existing repositories which are now of the form:
>> *  https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk
>> *  https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk-catalog
>> *  https://githun.com/openwhisk/openwhisk-package-rss
>> *  etc.
>> would now take the form:
>> *  https://github.com/apache/openwhisk/openwhisk
>> *  https://github.com/apache/openwhisk/openwhisk-catalog
>> *  https://githun.com/apache/openwhisk/openwhisk-package-rss
>> *  and so on ...
>> == Issue Tracking ==
>> We would like to explore the possibility of continuing to use GitHub
>> issue tracking (as project milestones, epics and features are all
>> nicely tracked via ZenHub boards) as we understand that this may now
>> be possible. We will provide any linkage or support for JIRA issue
>> tracking if that is required in order to track any “pull” requests
>> within GitHub.
>> == Other Resources ==
>> We would like to preserve our existing automated TravisCI automated
>> testing from GitHub. The project uses a continuous CD/CI process
>> currently that we would like to continue to support via multiple
>> stages that run progressive stress and performance tests that are also
>> automated.
>> == Initial Committers ==
>> The following is the proposed list of initial committers, email
>> address [, GitHub ID)]:
>> *  Bertrand Delacretaz, bdelacre...@apache.org, bdelacretaz
>> *  Carlos Santana,  csant...@us.ibm.com, csantanapr
>> *  Carsten Ziegeler, cziege...@apache.org, cziegeler
>> *  Chetan Mehrotra, chet...@adobe.com, chetanmeh
>> *  Christian Bickel, cbic...@de.ibm.com, christianbickel
>> *  Daisy Guo, guoyi...@cn.ibm.com, daisy-ycguo
>> *  David Liu, david....@cn.ibm.com, lzbj
>> *  Dragos Dascalita Haut, ddas...@adobe.com, ddragosd
>> *  Jeremias Werner, jerew...@de.ibm.com, jeremiaswerner
>> *  Markus Thommes, markus.thoem...@de.ibm.com, markusthoemmes
>> *  Matt Rutkowski, mrutk...@us.ibm.com, mrutkows
>> *  Nicholas Speeter, nwspe...@us.ibm.com, nwspeete-ibm
>> *  Paul Castro, cast...@us.ibm.com, paulcastro
>> *  Perry Cheng, pe...@us.ibm.com, perryibm
>> *  Philippe Sutor, psu...@us.ibm.com, psutor
>> *  Rodric Rabbah, rab...@us.ibm.com, rabbah
>> * Sergio Fernández, wik...@apache.org, wikier
>> *  Stephen Fink, sjf...@us.ibm.com, sjfink
>> *  Tony Ffrench, tffre...@us.ibm.com, tonyfrench
>> *  Vincent Hou, s...@us.ibm.com, houshengbo
>> * Edward J. Yoon, edward.y...@samsung.com, edwardyoon
>> Although this list of initial committers appears long, OpenWhisk is a
>> complete platform which consists of many services supporting many
>> environments, programming languages and integrations. This diversity
>> in needs is reflected by the size of the initial committers group.
>> OpenWhisk also supports an end user ecosystem including CLI, Tooling,
>> Package Catalog, “curated” Packages, samples, etc. along with the
>> intention of tying in API gateway (e.g., OpenAPI) and other event
>> source integrations.
>> We hope to add many more committers who provide expertise and the
>> various areas OpenWhisk uses to efficiently provide an exceptional
>> Serverless platform with compelling content.
>> == Affiliations ==
>> Additional TBD during the proposal process
>> == Sponsors ==
>> Additional TBD during the proposal process.
>> == Sponsoring Entity ==
>> OpenWhisk would ask that the Apache Incubator be the sponsor.
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Craig L Russell
Secretary, Apache Software Foundation
c...@apache.org http://db.apache.org/jdo

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