On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 11:46 AM, John D. Ament <johndam...@apache.org> wrote:
> Pssst really need you guys looking at the proposed replacement
> documentation.

There's a lot here, and with social obligations of the holiday season,
I'm having trouble finding the time to review it all. If I may suggest
an approach, though:

For guides, how-to's and the like, it is nice if you summarize changes
in advance, but we also shouldn't let anything block your way.  The
Incubator has suffered from a lack of people willing to wade in and
actually work on documentation -- having you show up to do work is a
real boon. So if you tell people "I'm going to work on X, and here's
roughly what I plan", then JFDI so long as you work incrementally and
reversibly.  People have the option to review your commits.

But for *policy*, specifically the Incubation_Policy.html page, please
take a different tack.  Any change to that page should be proposed as
a patch on general@incubator in a thread with a 72 hour minimum review
period.  Furthermore, please try to make good use of our limited
capacity for review: endeavor to make clean and minimal proposals,
avoiding multiple revisions and large, hard-to-digest changesets.

It's important to get the fine details of policy right because even
minor wording inaccuracies can spawn brutal, bitter disputes.
Additionally, a deliberate, inclusive drafting and review process is a
prerequisite for community buy-in, inoculating us against crises of

Does that division make sense?  Careful drafting and RTC for policy,
CTR and a higher tolerance for inaccuracy in guides, FAQs, etc.

One more thing: the Proposal Guide is way more important than all the
others, so please treat it with care if you do any work there. During
the crafting of a proposal for incubation, that page has profound
influence on incoming communities as they think deeply about how their
project might fit into Apache. (In fact, maybe we should make that
page RTC...)

Marvin Humphrey

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